The Huddle - Episode 61 - Commercial Safety
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This week Jose and Daniel dive deep into safety in a commercial setting, from available safety trainings to mandatory PPE and more.
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The HUDDLE is where the flooring industry can get together and talk about everything! Lead by Paul Stuart from Go Carerra who is joined by Daniel and Jose Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring.
hey what's up guys thanks for joining us today Paul is not here for the
introduction so you're stuck with us instead yeah I'm gonna have to deal with us in our uh
I don't want to say half-ass but he's just really good at the introduction it's like he goes home every night in
the mirror and he practices it and then he tells himself in the mirror that you are a winner
we don't even know what you did without him here
would they say that he's out on an island somewhere fishing
a good place to be well go ahead and make the introduction Daniel what's today's episode about
talking about commercial safety and I'm counting on you right now because I'm trying to do
the post stuff oh okay well thanks everyone for joining us
um like Daniel said today we're going to be going over commercial safety uh once again I'm on the road we got
baseball today um a long drive and I got to be there um before the podcast is scheduled to be
over so I gotta do it on the road today it's not for work it's for my son's baseball team
um so I guess uh the topic today is kind of what
what we do we're primarily commercial it's what our focus is and you know if
there's any commercial guys out there that have any input uh during the podcast please 100 in China
um you know we're we're here to learn just as much as we are here to share the information that we have
um now we have is our experience and what we've learned and what what
we've uh had the pleasure of uh of going through
during her commercial uh um careers so
um I guess safety safety handbook because everybody have a safety handbook you guys feel like you don't need a
safety handbook um if you have one you write it yourself or did you hire
um and outside companies do it for you um
and don't have one why why do you think you don't need one
you know those are some some questions that started out the conversations for today
I think what because we just had uh our insurance agent in here the other day
right and that's kind of what we were talking about about the things that they provide
to you at no cost in order for you to set you up for Success right and
utilizing what they what they give you in order to lower
your rates so the the program that they offer you actually can lower your
workers comp rate can lower your your stuff it's just a matter of actually asking them what they offer and then
utilizing them right so our our employee handbook is something that
can be handled through the insurance but our safety handbook is something that we
hired out to someone
yeah you know that's one thing too when he came in this week or last week and
talked to us I didn't I didn't realize that uh just by participating in some of the programs that they have and
utilizing what additional programs on top of just uh the insurance uh utilizing some of
those programs that would actually give us uh better rates on some of what we have
from them and through them so that was a that was really good really good to hear
such that insurance is just gonna go up every year but I guess with the cost of inflation
happening every year it's uh now is a good time as I need to start looking into some of those
programs that participate in to get some of those deductions uh apply to to the
account right and then Rollin asked if we
if people keep their SDS info on PDF or in a folder for each job
and majority of what we do is all PDF so what I'll do is I'll actually send
all the SDS over to the GC the GC keeps it in folder on the
job site yeah I think um you know there's a little bit like
when I was younger and you were on projects I think there were some projects where we were
supposed to have all of that on hand right as the flooring installer just in
case and and I I honestly don't recall the the reasoning uh besides that
people are going to the source that there was a chemical spill or if there was uh allergic reaction to something
that we would have the information but it makes a lot of sense for the GC to
have all of that uh in their their portfolio or their folder um and maybe send out digital copies to
every contractor or on site on a large job so that way people do have access to
that in PDF format um and there's a file you know the electronic world is amazing if you're
willing uh to use it and having all that information at your fingertips it's a lot easier
uh you can reach every employee by just getting in on the file or sharing a file with them and they can open it for every
project cool and then they have everything from flooring to uh
from the floor to the ceiling right and I he said that he keeps everything in
Boulders on his iPad so they always have it and it's readily accessible right and I
think that's kind of so what us we use Microsoft teams and every job is broken
down per project so that's something that when we're bidding we can actually
probably start doing that is throwing all the SDS not only giving them into the GC but just throwing them in that
file that way in case anyone is like where's these SDS at you know and just
say oh right here right on teams it's in everyone's pocket at all times yeah that's a good idea and actually
um the only drawback to that would be is if we're working in a place where uh service is horrible
um that would be the only drawback but I think that there's a way to have access to that when you're offline
as long as you download it while you're um
what other what other safety um program well you know what let's talk
about like the the old chapter like we have milosha over here right and they have a different levels of training that
that I think uh apply to a lot of the larger commercial jobs and um because of last week we just found
out why they have uh customized training on some of these projects
um because they are able to lower their costs on their insurance
and that is uh that was kind of an eye-opener I used to get mad why are we
gonna sit through you know one hour of uh of this or why do we have to take this
safety video over and over yeah from 1978
uh on some projects but um no I get it I understand um I and
you're always upset when you have to sit through all those safety courses or whatever they call it uh Daniel they
call it a when you're sitting down in every whatever you're drawing a blank right
now but um until you're on a project where someone actually does get hurt you need to know
where the emergency exit is you need to know what to do if someone has a fog
what to do if someone has a put a report to how to report um those things are um
they all feel like a waste of time until that happens right I mean we that's what we're talking
about because the insurance agent was here and everything is just Insurance in case something happens right
you don't need it until it happens but then if it's not there then you're screwed you think about first aid kids I
buy first aid kits uh regularly to keep in the veins because
I mean technically you're not supposed to refill first aid kits without getting it recertified right so you can't just
throw whatever you want in there because if they get it inspected they're gonna be like well this is not even supposed
to be in here so why is it in here and it's a lot of stuff like this that we didn't know before
that we had to learn and some of it was you know OSHA showing up to job sites and inspecting what we had
uh we've talked about GCS before walking around the job sites cutting extension
cords because they had you know a little Nick in them yeah and you people that might be
listening to their information just to let you know some of these vacuums do come without a ground wire on the
factory cord stop cutting all of them because it doesn't have a third prong on
there come on man you got to see that that's from my factory you know no one's just gonna go and add a two-prong uh
cord to to a vacuum like that um but sorry that's just me arranging it
I just remember that brand new vacuums like we just bought them and they came through and uh we were offering jobs or
site for a weekend and a day I believe and uh came doing all of our cords were were cut all of our brand new vacuums
like it doesn't even make any sense like Rollin says that he carries two first
aid kits one for for use and one to keep sealed just in case
so there you go uh I do not use a first show first show for show uh first aid
kit that's a pretty good idea I think uh we started thinking about making those
uh out of like a Milwaukee Bucks or something like that but well Milwaukee makes their own pack out for City kids
now oh do they sell refillables that are sealed
and certified see probably not so I might as well just keep on buying the ones that we're buying
yeah might as well um what else do we got for for safety
Daniel um it's really broad because we've already touched on a handful of things and we didn't really dive deep into
anything right so you can even go back to the safety handbook and making sure
you have one paying someone to do it like we did or
look at the fcica they if you're a member of the fcica they actually provide you with a safety handbook that
is uh flooring specific right and I I believe that you are able
to edit that and customize it uh to fit the
size of your company um I I know that
and this is all going on from a conversation that was had at one point and one of the the conferences so
um I believe that that is possible and you can deduct or remove some of the uh
the literature that's in there that doesn't apply to you um you know someone with
10 employees versus 100 employees is getting to have a need for
a more extensive safety handbook I guess I would say
um there's a lot more movement Parts you probably have a lot more things to worry about you know uh there's what on site
safety and then if you have a brick and mortar uh you're gonna have a size gun
but obviously if you then you have your Warehouse safety um
I think there's a lot of things that apply to that a lot of that can go back to getting a hold of your insurance and
letting them know hey come do a walk through let me know what I have to change it's better to do that
and be covered than it is to have something happen and then them come walk
through like why didn't you have these systems set in place yeah
yeah and not only that if you if you have if you don't have some place and then you know
say say you are working on a left or you are doing uh uh off of a baker and
you're doing a vertical install you know over the six foot threshold and somebody
does fall right and something does happen you don't have that in place
you could first off that family could be in a very bad position you know if it's a father
of three uh it doesn't matter very bad position and what do you do to
tell the family we didn't feel that we needed to have thinking programs in place uh protect us
to protect your family you can't you can't put yourself
uh two is is that you know people become complacent people get uh
comfortable not practicing safety like it becomes
second nature you're just ah have I done it yeah I probably still do it I'm not gonna lie
um more so more so probably at my house or anything like that than anything else
but or that's when I started or back when I started when you guys used to throw carpet knives at each other
hey you know what it teaches you how to have better hands it makes you watch it right
right um yeah don't don't listen to him guys we never did that we never did that
um those are just some of those things too like uh depending on who you're working
with and how everybody uh likes to play around uh goofing off can really get you
in a really bad situation if uh if you're not using your brain
um and then I did uh I think we did stop grouping off bill after a little while I remember when Daniel did start working
in that I tried to it was kneeling down and trying to throw a carpet blade
on his back just it sounds really bad you guys trying to throw a cover blade on his
back and I had glue on my fingers and then when I wanted to flick it they went flying in a car uh the guy we
work with Ray right across his nose um yeah and uh don't cover blades are still
sharp in the middle just so you know was not a
was not one of my best moments I just put it that way
now every time we had a gentleman unloading his covered blades and not putting them in a same place as used
ones that are really at a
um and I want to say it was like an assisted living place it was something like that for for young
kids and uh it didn't turn out very well next time we walk in and we found out that one of
the kids actually grabbed it like a piece of gum put in his mouth and try to chew on it
luckily nothing happened but those are those are all learning moments very early and and in my career uh and
after that happens I mean that's pretty extreme on some cases but after stuff like that happens you start uh
to realize yeah you gotta start changing you can't
can't pretend that the world around you doesn't exist and uh and just no one's ever going to
get hurt you can't ever pretend that uh hey there's a guy about my house
um then we we also were talking about um like gc's going around cutting cords and
stuff when there's Nick cinnamon it's just something that you have to watch out for because I mean even we deal with
it on uh uh a semi-regular basis when
there's times when I'll go out on a job site and you know check out how things are going and there's chords hanging out
of you know the end of the vacuum you know because it we already replaced
an end but it's not on there right and it's like it's little things like that where it's going to take 10 minutes to
do it but they'd rather not do it and get done what they need to
get done and then it just becomes an afterthought in the back of their mind and then
nothing ever comes of it until the next time they have to use it then they're like oh yeah we need to fix this cord
I'll just do it after this and it just becomes a vicious cycle right yeah take
10 minutes fix the cord like it doesn't take that long
you know and and for for us and in our industry and
how RT that we have to be at some point and the Hand skills that we all have
um maintaining your your job site even in the commercial industry learn a little
bit about the tools you work with learn a little bit about binary repairs so
that way you can avoid a fine um avoiding someone cutting your gloves and a point injury
um exposed while you're on your floors is not not very safe I mean I've never had it
happen like in the cartoons where you drop a cord he's got a bare wire and and someone's standing in a puddle of water
and everybody gets electrocuted I've never ever seen that I think that some of that is just a little bit crazy
but I think a majority of the time what we witness is uh the ends of the cords melting because
things aren't you know the way that they're supposed to be and just the the current from them
melting them and that's where you know gfcs
yeah oh yeah yeah especially on Commercial projects man uh GFCI ground fault
circuit interrupter those things uh those things are pretty much required
for you to be plugged into uh on almost every commercial project that that we're
online um I don't know how enforced it's been
but I do know that it protects it protects your equipment
it protects the uh uh the circuit that protects the building you know and
it's just one of those things I think we can go on and on about electrical all day because that's what we deal with
would be equipment and Commercial projects I think it is a kind of knowing what your equipment is pulling and
knowing you know basically commercially
they're always running what 20 amps 20 amps 20 amps in commercials
I used to be 10 and 15 and I think that now um it's 20 a.m because
diy-ers like myself are running too much load on a circuit on a thing yeah but
that's the things that you have to take into consideration right because our vacuums pull
the entire 20 amps by themselves that means that if basically there's anything else plugged into that circuit when you
start the vacuum It's Gonna Pop right and and it pops and you draw so
much power the line overheats is what what seems to cause it but if you have
something that is uh voltage isn't regulated like it should be and it is it does have a little bit
more uh amperage on that that circuit it will allow you to run a little bit more but
that's also not very safe um read your read your uh your equipment
your devices um know when you have to ask for dedicated
um Power um you're running phase power or just uh uh 110 that know what you what you need
and what you have right because even even our vacuums are drawn I think 12 amp or not our vacuums but our fans are
drawn 12 amps so if you plug two fans and turn them both on high it's the same thing that's why uh I went
and found some that you can run in the daisy chain that only draw I think 2.4 amps each so you're you're able to plug
four of them in at a right up together
but I need to know that about those about those yeah did you realize that okay that that's what the GFCI is is key
for especially on Commercial projects you're probably not going to run into a commercial project where it's not in the
documents that you're gonna have to run these things so it's better just to have them on your
on your vehicle that way when you when you're ready to work
it's ready to go um what about uh
personal protection equipment PPE so commercially commercially you got to
look at what OSHA requires right and then go from there but
um pretty much every construction company that we deal with
is all 100 PPE so we're work boots steel toes
pants shirts that are high Vis with at least four inch sleeve
uh Hard Hats Safety glasses and ear protection hearing protection
yeah and I think um Airy protection is
something that is overlooked all the time that's very important because I
am hard of hearing now a little bit and it's uh it probably could have been prevented
doing all that grinding and stuff back in the day without any hearing protection and the thing is is it it doesn't cost a
lot you can get an entire box for 20 bucks that'll last you a long time
and I'm mute yourself now I started getting
involved um
the the hearing protection is overlooked and so is uh so is uh the safety glasses
you get a bottle Slumber in your eye and they can put you in a bad spot in a rust in there uh and then you everybody has a
tendency to rub their eyes you can make it worse but I'm gonna go back to the hearing protection part too and
and the the decibels that you push out and like
the in the the high-pitched frequencies from grinding uh the concrete and maybe
some steel reinforcement that that's in there that really doesn't number two yet
um the vibration that you're getting along with the sound that when you're grinding you don't realize it until you
turn it off and then you have that humming yeah that's uh that's not a good sign you guys
um I do know that uh the noise canceling headphones or earbuds now are
uh a no-go at our job so if we're on a commercial project now we're not even
supposed to be wearing headphones this must be strictly ear protection
and that's another safety thing too is if someone says move or get out of the
way or watch out and
there's there's been a few injuries in the state over the past few years that have led to that uh so I mean
one of those things you don't have to like it one thing I'm happy about now is that uh we don't have to wear the masks
anymore right because when that was happening like wearing a mask and the safety
glasses at the same time they would just fog up right away and I had uh plenty of back and forth
with some of the the companies we do work for because it's like you can have one or the other but you're not getting both
yeah oh I would say this spend spend a couple
extra dollars on a good hard hat you guys um I know everybody you know those are
things that you like the safety if something Falls uh and lands on your head first you want to be safe see who
has revenge over all day installing uh well when I say yeah I don't mean myself
anymore my bad but when you're bent over all day installing that thing is super
annoying uh you know commercial projects sometimes don't have
uh the temperature regulated so you sweat a little bit much and it wants to fall off so safety good good safety
glasses uh fog resistant a good hard hat and maybe uh something to absorb the
sweat um we're helping keep it on all day right uh we just upgraded to the
Milwaukee hard hats right and they have uh the system on there to where you can
actually have a light or they actually have like ear protection that you could just flip right up
that way everything is on there when you need it
I think people must really want to talk to me I'm just gonna that's uh that's a call for from the
business line right now oh is it okay
about to block them um but that's a little bit of pp uh e
um oh and you said safety or you said work boots with steel till so you guys it doesn't have to be still throw a
safety tell right they have different versions of it they have composite they do yeah um so and I believe that it's
just got to be um I don't know if the rating is offhand it's just it just has to be able to withstand uh x amount of
pounds per square inch pressure resistant uh to uh there's a minimum amount that is a
requirement that that should be worn right and if you are wearing the safety
toes steel toes uh invest in something that's going to protect the leather like tough toe or
gorilla toe because all it takes is like a couple days and
then you're wearing through there we've all been there yeah um
what else uh I would like to hear somebody's thoughts on Cut resistant gloves
so when I went through the Nora certification they make you if you if
you're over the line and this is like right by you know the modules you step
over that line you're required to have cut resistant gloves on you don't even have to have a knife in your hand
I don't know about you guys but doing resilient and trying to you know
cut in some to say you're you're hand cutting some
patterns and scribing and all that and you need you rely on your fingertips right like
it's very hard with those gloves I told you that I kept in mind when I was doing that kind of work I would 100 be like
um I would keep them by my person and that's it
that's where that's where I would be at Rollin says how can you tell when OSHA shows up to a job site
everybody goes on break he's at the building empties out in less than two minutes
everybody goes on break break time and that's it too we've been there
yeah um been on break matter of fact uh one of my last
experience with them uh that's what we did it we we had a pretty laid-back GC
um as long as we kept our herd hitting our glasses uh on our person at on when we
were walking around being pretty chill but uh didn't really reinforce uh
shoes or boots or safety toe or safety shoes or whatever you want to call them but that one's also showed up he's like
oh and they just showed up because they saw something outside a sky track there or scissor lift that
was extended all the way up um I don't think anybody was on it but he seen that and said you know what this
is a site I want to check out and he just popped in and I didn't know what to do so I just
looked around and I seen uh nobody has their work boots on um
hopefully our equipment was good and that was it break time guys go get
your boots on go get your safety glasses um but we passed so we were good
and I was actually honest with them about it I told him what we did and he just started laughing he was like
well thank you for being honest he was like everybody does it we we know we know what people are doing we're not
we're not idiots right and just like uh as far as the equipment the cords making
sure everything is going to stay safe it's uh actually checking these things when
you're using them and like I said you get
on the job site it's different because you're in a rush I need to get this done I need to do this just keep on going and
then it it becomes an afterthought so we've actually uh every so often will
bring equipment in here in the shop and just check everything over this is broke
this is broke this is bro this isn't going back on the van
but it's it's something that you have to
keep up with in order to make sure that things are going to stay safe and you
can't always rely on it happening on the job site so
I mean we've done it for years take everything off the veins check over everything put it back together
yep it is normal maintenance and you know and
when you work for yourself and as you're in and you're buying the tools and you're using them every day it's a lot easier
to keep an eye on them but everyone out there who is an employee or works for someone who provides tools
um please man just treat them like your tools right and be aware that
if there is a potential safety hazard or something is breaking out a tool say something right uh they bring it to
someone's attention so that way it can either get fixed or replaced uh
I just hate for someone to get hurt or even more occur to get in trouble on a project when it could have been
prevented um to treat everything as if it was your own and then that's really all you need
to to do in order to prevent uh injury um right you're not going to want to
make something that's breaking um here's a graduate that's not going
that's not balanced anymore and you're using a cutting wheel in the shatters and it catches you in the face and
you're not wearing safety glasses like we don't want that to happen to you so prevent it from happening to someone you
work with and uh as far as the cut resistant gloves that you were talking about I did
buy a bunch of them and any new people that we have coming to work here I have been making them
take cut resistant gloves with them because a majority of the time what are
what are they doing scraping you know doing demo
stuff like that cleaning up especially if it's like um if we're you know ripping out some some
ceramic or something yet porcelain you got the sharp edges so I that that is one of the
requirements that that I have is any new people have to
wear the cut resistant gloves that's a good thought
um there's uh does anybody out there have anything any systems in place for safety as far as uh maybe people who
drive your vehicles like I know some some of you guys are pretty big and you guys have uh
vehicles that go off for deliveries every day for for your drivers do you guys have any safety programs what is
I just wonder what that looks like I've never really put a bunch of thought
into something like that but we do trust uh the cruise went uh very expensive uh
tools and that's exactly what they are right and that's that's why I was talking
about the other day is possibly getting some dash cams to put in there yeah
I didn't say that the insurance guy did mention about the
the module yeah that plugs in so that way you can track how your your guys are
driving or basically so they can check out how the guys are driving
but that's something that uh can also lower your rates he was telling us
but I don't know how much is uh how much is too much is
there a thing as too much when you're talking about it because if you look at some of these big companies
I mean everything is tracked right and that if you're even though we're a small company and other people are small
companies it's uh kind of just mirroring what the big
companies are doing because they're big because they're doing something right
that's a when we were stuttering but how much is too much right like so
if you think about it like this and this is this is me just thinking out loud as I always do
um if you're a company out there and you're carrying the bare minimum so that way you can cover your ass
um I get it I understand right you're worried about you but if you're carrying
the bare minimum to cover your ass what about your employees what about their families what if something happens
um to to them and they can no longer provider they're going to be covered what about
the if you have uh we're talking about drivers what is what if one of your employees are driving and goes out and
gets in an accident and you have the bare minimum coverage and they cause damage your property they cause damage
to someone else and their family has in a bad spot I think but that's uh
and you can afford it and get it right if you can't if you can't afford the best car parts find a way to
find a way to get in a position to where you can so that way you can make sure everybody is is safe if something does
happen um having the right systems in place having an employee handbook uh you know
toolbox talk you know I think we mentioned that in one of the previous podcasts about it
and I said that we've been slacking and we have that's also very important um and I think
in order to get some discounts on something that you can actually have a daily or weekly or monthly toolbox talk
and go over safety and make sure that equipment is
um and good operation
yeah it's something that becomes a little uh seems like it could
become redundant but you have to also realize that you filter
employees in and out right and they they might not have been there for
the last one and even though everyone else has already gone through that toolbox talk this person might not
have and that could potentially teach him something that could prevent him from hurting himself that day
I've had a toolbox charge and then it's nice to get a refresher every now
and then they should they shouldn't be managing especially for us so yeah I guess
um what's another you know what I just thought about is uh laughing um and that's something that
I don't think a lot of people really teach proper lifting right there's that video was pretty a
couple years on this that has always lived with your back always um
and for us as flooring installers it goes beyond just learning how to lift something happening from a large roll of
carpet to uh to even you know just about some BCT
because we tend to forget about the proper technique
until we get hurt um
shouldn't have did that yeah why did that just happen I don't
understand I was looking at right you know but you know I remember having hurting my back and having this back for
a while because when like you're installing BCT and say you put three boxes on a cart right but now you're
loading it up material while you're on your knees and you're
rotating and you're doing things that you're not supposed to be doing with it over reaching overextending
um with x amount of pounds in your hand and and and gets to your body
um over time at 100 Balls um so new hires new people
be conscious of what you're doing understanding that the long terms of how
strong you look to your co-workers how many bags of uh
how many bags of self leveler you can carry on one shoulder on three flights a step so you know I'll including a fair
lab I don't know like if I was young I did it it's always a competition
and then the other thing about um safety that we really haven't touched on
it's fairly new when I say new it's what like since 2016 is the silica standard
when all that rolled out uh to require you know the use of hepas and basically
everything that you use now and it's not just uh
it's not just to protect you it's to protect everyone on that job site
whatever you're Frozen right now you might want
to turn your video off I'll turn video off so that way
can you hear me okay though can you hear me okay though
yeah the video is still frozen on here but I can hear you now okay
oh and he's gone so Elena commented on Facebook
Elena coming around on Facebook says uh part of it is work smarter not harder and back to the safety talks it's
important that the message is taking care of your body or your family and future and not just
not just us telling you what to do right because it's that's what we went over in one of the previous episodes was your
number one tool is your body so what can you do to take care of your body and that's when we got into you know like um
our our ride on machines can only work for so long until you have to turn them
off plug them in and let them recharge it's the same thing you know what your body tells you when it's ready to to get
that recharge and you have to start listening to it yeah that's uh
that's one of the things that uh you definitely don't start listening to that until you get a little bit more
remember being young and thinking about that and these other guys just don't like to
do anything they just try to you know Hey where's
uh right hey cut this real quick cut this real quick I gotta go grab safety
glasses out of the van and it's like man here just give it to me I'll do it real quick and now I'm that old guy I'm that
old guy that's like oh you I need to cut this let me go grab some safety glasses
takes a while to understand anyone who starts who was like that at a
young age and understands the what Satan really means from the long term of your career you guys are
steps ahead for sure steps ahead some of us and dumb people didn't care
or didn't really think about it um being safe is one of those things where
it's found upon and people make fun of you at work and maybe uh maybe you should one just be a leader
and just saying this is why I'm doing it right
and maybe some of the guys that worked there you can use them as an example as
to why I look at Jose is when he's walking and that's
because he did years of this without being saved well yeah it goes back to you know when
I was just brought up the silica standard and how a lot of guys are like I've been doing this for years it's too
late for me and it's like it's never really too late it's just knowing that hey this is not good for
you that means it's not good for anyone else else that's around you it's not just thinking about yourself at that
point it's who else is around you you know who are you employing and going
from there because I mean don't get me wrong it was hard taking
that hit buying all that equipment but at the same time not only we are we
healthier now for it but everything is already there for the employees to use
and and you know what and the silica thing like I'm too old for that now it's too late for me no it's not well and if
you're going home to a family just remember that you're going to carry that home in in your clothing too like it's not just on the job site and
you're free and clear the same thing with asbestos not just at the location you're gonna carry it with me
um a lot smaller in a lot smaller amounts
but it's still exposure nonetheless
well like I always say many small time make big time right it only takes a little bit of you know many many small
exposures in order for you to get sick off of something and I mean you look at
Asbestos and how people react towards that and it's basically it's different but it's the
same you have to treat it just as you would Asbestos and you're you're not going to
go just start tearing up some asbestos so why would you just go you know start grinding and stuff and not caring about
about the dust that you're creating
yes we still create dozens of projects it's
just crazy dominance I think about the way that we used to clean large
rooms compared to how it is now sweet yeah yeah I mean just
was not smart and Cloud out dust out an entire room and then worked in there for the next three days and the room was you
know it's a warehouse it says Warehouse 100 by 100 you just gone before swept it with
brooms nose sweeping compound threw all that dust up in the air and the next uh
next couple days all that dust that you that that you put up in the air is falling down on you sitting there breathing right
and you think about all that um years later I wonder why yeah
it boils down to like Elena just said again you know most of it's not super
expensive you can pay with it pay for it within a job or two and she tells her
students that you know you don't think about just the particles of dust from sweeping but she's wearing a face mask
just for sweeping and it's like you know some of that stuff is and it could be a
matter of buying a twenty dollar bag of sweeping compound making sure that it's not oil based
right because we don't want oil but of course
but just you know the little things that you can do for the safety of everyone around you
but I mean right around we're at around 48 minutes right now I think we're we're
gonna wrap it up pretty quick here so just uh go ahead with your final thoughts and then we'll we'll end this
one for today and see if uh Paul's done fishing for next week
[Music] just be conscious of your decisions
right your decisions at work and your decisions to earn a blind eye to some equipment or
some tooling that could use some repairs or is it working properly um could affect more than just you
um long term um if you're on a large crew or even a small crew
um worry about everyone else the way you would worry about yourself worry about
their family at home the way you worry about your family at home that would definitely bring perspective if you're
an employer and you don't have and you're trying to skate by with a
very minimum of coverages and you're not having your employees um
and you don't have coverage think about that think about things
you can just you keep on cutting out so I'm just gonna go ahead and start talking out uh I agree with you on it's
not all about you it's about everyone that is around you
um we do a lot of Hospital work so a lot of what we do has to comply with
infection control which makes things uh you want I want to say it makes things
harder but really it makes things easier in order to be compliant with everything else
because that's one of the main things with the silica was oh we're in hospitals so
we're gonna like day one is we have to be compliant and when you talk to infection control
there's numbers out there that you know there's so many people per year that died just based on
dust getting in the HVAC system and messing you know with whatever they got
going on and it's if you're not thinking about just things
like that and you can't even say it's a little thing because you're talking about someone else's life it's
if you can't just think about oh let me buy an air scrubber because I'm going
into a school and there's kids in the classroom next door you know many I'm and I say it all the
time many small time make big time it takes little steps on everything to make
something you know big and impactful and you know just
start making those small steps to not only uh prevent things but making sure that
people around you are covered it's it's not just all about you so safety is is
everyone start thinking about huh maybe you don't care about yourself just start thinking about everyone else
that's going to be around you and you'll end up being safer too safety's a team effort everyone
all right well we'll end it there and uh thanks everyone for joining Elena hold ahead
and Rollin for uh joining us and commenting and uh we'll see you next
week make sure uh you guys are are liking the stuff you know subscribe to the YouTube channel go careers YouTube
uh you can find us on the podcast when uh I actually remember to update them
which I have to I think I have two of them to put on there right now
I'll get to it at some point all right we'll see you guys next week
have a good one