The Huddle - Episode 80 - Get Trained, Get Paid
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This week the guys are joined by special guests Sonny Callaham (Divergent Adhesives, NAFCT), Mike Newberry (FloorMax USA), and Mike Kelly (Synergy Flooring) to discuss the importance around getting trained, as well as the opportunities available for those looking to catapult their installation careers.
Congratulations again to the winner of the Forward Progress Scholarship Jess Wilson!!!!
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GET TRAINED! Find a list of training dates here:
The Huddle was created by Paul Stuart of Stuart & Associates and Go Carrera, alongside Jose and Daniel Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring. Aimed at helping you maintain forward progress in your flooring career, they cover topics from personal and business growth, to installation tips & tricks and everything in-between.
Want to be a guest on The Huddle? Email today!
Create your FREE Installer profile at and become part of the future of the industry TODAY!
GET TRAINED! Find a list of training dates here:
what's up floring family welcome to the Huddle we come at you every Tuesday 3 pm
Central to discuss maintaining forward progress in your flooring career with me
today as usual is Mr Daniel and Jose Gonzalez have preferred flooring we also
have a couple special guests in Mike Kelly from Synergy and sunny
Callahan so welcome everybody we are uh happy to have you
aboard we got an exciting episode we got a bunch of stuff going on so I'll get
kind of uh the topic out of the way today's uh episode number 80 get paid
get trained or get trained get paid I guess is the appropriate uh uh uh uh
steps and we got sunny and and Mike with us so Mike uh would you mind giving us a
quick introduction sir sure yeah uh again my name is Mike Kelly with Synergy flooring we're based
out of Atlanta Georgia uh we are a commercial flooring insulation
contractor uh that handles projects all over the country uh we do a lot of national account work so that puts us in
all different types of regions and project types and uh and flooring
conditions and uh we uh you know really appreciate the opportunity to be here
with you guys today and and talk about floring awesome well welcome aboard love
to have you Sunny what's going on today sir give us a little bit of background on yourself H you know first I
appreciate you guys having me it's always good to be on this on this show um you know my background is
installation I started out as an installer in the 80s um now I uh have an
adhesive company diverg in adhesives where we sell adhesive all over the the country but more more importantly I'm
the chairman of the board for nfct and um we're happy to talk to you
about training and the certifications and what you can do to make yourself better and make yourself stand out apart
from the other installers who are out there amen training we talk about that
all the time on this channel I know uh it's it's kind of a staple here we
believe in it uh specifically look you know at the end of the day the
subcontract Community we're trying to entice them to uh attend these trainings
uh attend certifications uh boost your Hammer rating on go career if you're a member there if not it still is uh a
core core value for us here on the Huddle that uh training is important and
uh you know installing by industry standard is a very um important thing
you never want to get a visit from the inspector and just find out that what you thought was right is not right so y
uh on the screen any will pop up several different times throughout the episode
to um you know join the go career Network please feel free to do so uh good afternoon Chad uh welcome to
everybody joining us at the on the different social medias so um in today's episode we are going to
uh be picking the winner of the Sim scholarship so yeah yeah we did this
last year it was U it was really successful this year we had 22 applicants and uh so go career sponsored
a Sim scholarship and of those 22 applicants we searched through for the
best answers and narrowed it down to 15 uh that that completed the application
in its entirety and put some thought and some effort into some of the questions
so Jeremy said just pick me already all right so we'll be doing that here in a
bit and um you know the topic today you know to
get train get paid uh I'd like to get some feedback from you guys on you know
one of the biggest things that or I would say most commonly commented on
items if you go across social media into the different Facebook groups
is install or pay um and you know so
it's all over the board if you spend any time in there uh a lot of us companies
uh many of you know I own a commercial floor covering company out of witto Kansas um the day-to-day operations I
don't do as much as I used to but the the installer pay side of things is
always uh come up for us but we bid work and so there's some constraints and some
some hard things to talk about when you start talking about installer pay but I do think it starts with training and
I'll leave that out there for some comments what do you guys think um you know is imperative for installers to
start you know increasing their pay rates well like you just said is the the
training portion the education portion um you know when when you're adding that kind of to your toolbox it's kind of
hard not to grow with the product it's kind of hard not to grow as a business owner as an installer um you you start
having you start having a little bit more expectations for yourself uh rather
than um in dollar signs from some of the companies that you work for so it puts
you in a position to see more value in yourself and when you see more value in yourself you project that um and when
you project that then people uh people seek you when especially if you're doing good work and and it's custom work or or
some Niche um you know now now you have uh that Niche and you're pretty good at
it now you have some certification or some training under your belt now your terminology and your your dialogue is is
a little more intellectual there's there's a lot more to it than just going and learning a little bit more about
flooring um that and that's just what that's personal experience too right
like I know that this is going to be kind of uh uh individualized but you know I've if I told you that we didn't
see any growth um after certifications or additional trainings I would be lying
to you yeah and he touched on a little bit to to build on what Jose said one
thing that I like to talk about a lot is terminology there's nothing worse that when you're out there looking at a job
an installer starts talking about things and trying to sound like they know what they're talking about but they use the
wrong terminology you instantly instantly lose credibility when you
can't talk about what you're doing correctly right so there's there's no
one how to do it there's no one how your uncle taught you how to do it and there's no one how to do it right so
there's a lot of steps to it's more than just taking a class is what I keep trying to tell people yeah and Sun
you're you're a uh an inspector as well right uh I do for company right right
yeah so from that perspective terminology comes really important uh
but also it's really hard to learn the things that inspectors are going to be searching for uh even if you put in good
quality looking product uh those uh those challenges can be uh you know
difficult if you don't know what the inspector is going to be looking for you got to dot your eyes and cross your tees a lot of time if you've ever had a
project inspected which I've been right and bookie is actually a local inspector
from where we're at and that's what he says you know a lot of people installers need to learn how to prep and you it's
just one of those things and that's where you know the the NCT is really good on their certification with the
subfloor and substrate it's amazing information and there's a lot of
terminology in there some that you'll probably never use right but it's good to know it's good to know yeah well I
mean sorry me to cut you off there Sun I was gonna say terminology is universal right
if if if you as an installer you're going and you're and you're quoting what you've learned in class and some of the
ASM standards you if you're going in there and you're going verbatim then then that is that is across the board
this you can communicate with someone in California and have the the correct uh terminology but right um you know like
some of the local places they aren't going to be so Technical and they might have nicknames for certain things and I
guess you I guess it put you in a position to learn both uh to understand your local terminology with some of the
stores that you work with and some of the other installers but the national terminology is is is what you get
educated on in in the classes in the training in the certifications and that's where it comes in handy
especially if you have to talk to an inspector or you have to uh take notes and put that information down that now
you have the the right terminology it's it's Universal that's right and and to build on what Paul was saying when you
talk about if you have to have an inspector come out to your job God forbid something happens they got to go
out there well how do you know you did it right you know how do you win the game you know the rules to the game
that's how you win well the rules to our game are ASM standards and it just blows
me away when people don't know those ASM standards f710 f2170 F-1
1869 when you have an inspector come out they're going to judge you by one or all three of those standards and if you
don't know what they are how do you know if you complied to them so there's a lot more to training it's not just hey I
took this class and a guy told me how to hold the trimmer a little bit better I learned something it's not that at all it's learning what you need to know
behind the scenes what can you what can you skip and what you can't skip more importantly yeah I I want to bring up
another thing you know often on this channel we we talk about the Sim program as
a um a really good thing for installers to go through as well uh that we believe
that it UPS your professionalism it will help you understand the companies you work for some of the decisions they make
how they operate uh but it'll make you a better installer in my opinion and Mike
is uh are you still chairman of sim program there Mike Kelly uh yes I am
still the uh the chairman of the Sim steering committee for FCA could you tell us uh from your
perspective and and we have companies that join us on this program as well as installers and manufacturers how does
the Sim program uh help with you know in general whether it's a company uh
sending project managers to it or um you know where do you see the benefit there
and with you know installers I really believe it helps them sure absolutely well the the kind
of begin first uh for those who aren't familiar with FCC it is a commercial
flooring contractors associ iation uh so this is your actual contractors installation teams all over the country
who join to uh to get this training to learn uh more about the industry and
their best practices and to network with other Professional installation uh
contractors so FCC is is a great resource for uh our our industry and
Commercial Flooring of that the Sim program which is the certified
installation Management program is basically a project management program
uh whereas there are a lot of other uh uh faculties out there that provide
installation instructions how to actually install flooring how to do proper floor prep and the like the Sim
program is a little bit more regarding the project management where you see the big picture how do I fit in as a
flooring installation contractor in the the the big the big project and how do I
work with General Contractors uh how do I understand contracts how do I read
specifications uh again talks about a lot about best practices uh so the Sim program is is
additional training that we really recommend for all installation contractors as well to better improve
how you perform in in your flooring project um again it is a online uh
program that you can take either again online or in a limited person capacity
which we offer those as well so that's where the the fcca really wants to
educate installation contractors is from the project management side how does the
floring industry fit in with the overall project yeah the the two days to Simone
was actually really nice Mike was actually heading that one up so appreciate you Mike Mike Newberry over
here uh lots of great information and uh I I think it's it's a great program and
I'm really glad to see that you know go carrera's you know putting that out there so that way people can I think a
lot of people don't realize that you know as an installer that those resources that you have aren't always
there right so money could be a little tight sometimes and it's nice for for go career to to put their their money out
there where their mouth is and say here you go here's a scholarship go go learn something yeah greatly
appreciated yeah so uh I like to say that you know the Hands-On
certifications and Technical Training is how to do the product or how the product works and you know the Sim trainings how
the project works and so when you know how a project Works uh you learn a lot
through that um and so it can't do anything but benefit you as an
installation contractor m Newberry joined us a little bit uh ago Mike you
want to introduce yourself real quick and uh maybe your your uh you know two
words on the or two cents on the Sim program sure yeah I apologize for a
little bit of the technical difficulties here getting on board but my name is Mike Newberry I've been involved in the
flooring business I just they asked me for our website the other day 37 years
started in a warehouse and went through estimating became a salesperson project
manager and have been primarily working on the operation side of the business for the most of my career I had the
privilege of being involved with the SIM program early on while we were developing the program itself and the
distinct privilege of being able to present a couple of the the modules within that and I got to say the Sim
program it's the only project management program certification program dedicated
specifically to the commercial flooring industry so this is not generalized project management nothing wrong with
that but we're in the flooring business so this is tailored to flooring professionals the materials delivered by
flooring professionals guys who have been in the same position the rest of us have been in they've kind of fought the
battles and we even sent one of our estimators through and found that the biggest benefit was from that was an
estimator looks at all sorts of you know I need to prep here I need to do this there and I need get all this in my
pricing but sometimes I don't understand how that impacts everything Downstream so we found it beneficial to educate
everybody in our operations site and we are we have scheduled this year to send the rest of our folks through the Sim
program just for that reason because it gives a well-rounded education to everybody from your your estimators
through your project managers and so obviously I'm going to put a plugin for it but it is something that you should
consider as a Commercial contractor yeah so all those uh uh contestants or
applicants out there that have um you know applied for the scholarship you
know if you uh if you win congratulations if not uh consider one
of the Sim uh in person you know two days to S is it two there's a two days
to sim I believe now it used to be three days to sim yeah and then um you know
the online uh version is is awesome as well the um I want to bring sunny in and
have Sunny kind of tell us about what you're doing with the summit so we're we're in this training talk uh as often
we we fall on here on the Huddle the uh new deal that you got going on it's
going to be in Atlanta correct could you tell us a little bit D okay yes Dalton
just outside of Atlanta how how 100 miles or well with traffic it can be two hours or
eight days just depending on so Sunny's going to be doing um The
Summit and I'll let you take it from there and kind of tell us uh how the idea came about and a little bit more
about that and why people should attend yeah sure appreciate it um well what we
wanted to do uh let me back up a little bit tell you how we got to where we are is um unite is is a new group that's out
there creating by Robert Bon he asked me to be on their board of directors and we got to talk and and their group and NCT
has a lot of similarities a lot of synergies same goals in the industry trying to make it better for the
installer and uh so we decided to get together put to put together an event
that not only has educational sessions has a little trade show uh we're gonna
have a panel discussion a well-rounded um event that has a lot of
different things for different people so it's not just sitting in a classroom for two days it's not just walking a trade
show there's a lot of different things involved um you know one of the things we that that Mike touched on a minute
ago was you know gearing it towards the project manager so um so they know
what's going on the problem is is a lot of times the installer doesn't understand what the project manager
responsibilities are sometimes vice versa versus the dealers the manufacturers on down the road so what
we're going to try to do is take a Grassroots Roots approach to this on the afternoon of the second day we're going
to have a panel discussion and talk about what is that disconnect between installers dealers contractors
manufacturers and inspectors to let each group know what the other group is
responsible for and if you can understand what the other group is responsible before you know how to get
your part ready right so this is really a followup to what we had at the FC
convention with CFI back in what was that October um October September somewhere
around there where we had this great great discussion and then we ran out of time and I can't tell you how many
people came up to me afterwards was like this is great we need to do more so I hope FCI doesn't mind but we took the
ball and ran with it because we're getting these requests where people want to learn more about how to certification
help me and whose responsibility is it to get that certification right so that's kind
of how we came to F how this thing came to fruition uh we've got a lot of big manufacturers involved um not only to be
in the trade show but to be speakers there um we have Dean Craft talking about concrete we have Seth bavari
talking about underlayments uh lee Phillips from PTL um some of you guys
may know him he's he's the he is the guy who the lab guy who tests everything for
all the mills in Dalton he knows all the test standards so he's going to come in and talk about that and I'm going to
talk about ASM standards and how it relates to that uh I know I'm rambling here a little bit but it's there's so
much involved there's no way I can give you an elevator speech on how it is on what it's going to be because it is
going to be so Dynamic and I hope everyone can make it uh give us the dates and the location
you said Dalton uh just where where what facility and uh
what are the dates yeah so it's going to be February 22nd and 23rd which is a
Thursday and Friday and it's going to be held at the Dalton Convention Center so if you ever been a Dalton that sits
right up on the side of the mountain looks over the whole town there so it's really easy to find um pretty easy to
get to if you're flying in through Chattanooga or even Atlanta you know it's realistically it's about an hour
and a half Drive uh up to Dalton and uh we really hope you guys can make
it awesome well thanks for that uh outline of what's going to be going on I
mean the the the whole episode's based around training um and then install our
pay and all these things matter guys what's what's really important is that you understand that there there are
resources out in the industry from the Sim program to help you uh not only only
like I like I said earlier kind of understand how a project is done uh but
also Hands-On you guys should have Sunny a glue competition like
speed that gets some guys excited we we do one with Divergence
sometimes what we'll do is We'll pour out a bucket of multi-purpose adhesive on the floor see who can pick it up the
fastest see who can put it up back in the bucket and then you win prizes so that's pretty fun because the helpers usually end up with half the bucket them
the experienced guys don't want any glue on their fingers at all so yeah do it with cutback and see what happens
right if you've ever messed with it in your life well awesome so guys uh you know
take note uh it's in February again the dates are the 22nd and 23rd yes 22nd
23rd which is the Thursday and Friday and on the website I didn't see any information about um what hotels is it
just any hotels in the area then yeah just any hotel I mean you know most of
the people who are going to attend are be pretty local um but uh you know there's a court yard there's a Fairfield
in there's Hilton a couple of Hilton properties a holiday in um so basically
wherever you have your rewards points there's a spot for you to stay that's right
right some people have their like me I'm a Marriot baby so I only stay at Mar
because I get those points well thank uh thank you you for
uh giving giving us the outline there I want to encourage everybody that's uh watching if you uh are catching this on
one of the social channels or uh you see this on YouTube consider giving us a like a subscribe thumbs up thumbs down
either way just uh engage yeah let us know what you think also as you see we run this deal where
we want to hear from you about topics that are important to you so if you have topics you want us to bring some experts
on four uh or just have the three of us ramble on about uh feel free to send us
an email at support go Carrera email uh Daniel or Jose at preferred
flooring uh we're getting ready to do the the drawing here SOC um that that's
coming up next what we'll do here uh for the drawing is each name of the 15 names
I'll have uh Ashlin pop it up on the screen hopefully this works we're using
some new technology here and if you see your name uh you will see a number next to it
at that point I'll do the little deal we'll pull a number and we'll announce the winner right there so Ashlin if you
can she's she's working on it in the meantime when that pops up I'm
going to uh I might just go ahead and do pull the
number and then when she has it up I'll announce the [Music]
name and we're doing good old fashion Bingo style
so I I really hope that the winner understands the value of of what they
they're getting I got you ashin um I I don't think I truly understood it until I I I sat through the three days of
sment and realized that it bridged the Gap um and it it might have went over a few things that that I might have
learned the hard way but holy smokes did that thing did that class really educate
me and helped me see the light for what color it was instead of just saying I seen the light down the
hall yes very in depth for sure yes as a matter of fact that's
where I met Mr Kelly that's right not not that not too
long ago it was a few years and a lot of fun years
since all right well Ashlin we had it up but but then she she tried to put
herself on camera well she's better looking than any of us so
[Laughter] 100 I don't know we got Santa Claus on today what he say he's the te- Santa all
right Ashlin in in lie of doing that I'm just going to tell you the number and
you can uh even if she pops it in the chat yeah uh you tell who the winner
is number 29 share screen look at that
29 Ashlin I thought that meant that you won
Daniel I was like I don't think
he Jess Wilson Wilson Oh hopefully he's
on you know Jess is on congratulations Jess Ashlin uh do you have can you uh
unmute yourself and tell us a little bit about
Jess maybe I am muted can you unmute her
there Daniel she is unmuted but we can't hear anything that she's saying let me see here we
go we'll see if it'll let her talk curious a little bit does anybody
know Jess Wilson on the call no well congratulations Jess yeah
congratulations Jess you just got a lot of information what locations every
everyone who um who applied I wonder where everyone's from was there any uh number you know they were kind of all
over was it they were kind of all over from a location standpoint
um and I don't have the uh list in front of me to say
anything about Jess so Jess we'll be reaching out to you uh actually um fcic
will be reaching out to you to uh get you the information to um you know claim
the scholarship and then they'll work with you to go through either the online or two days or uh whichever event works
out best for you so congratulations
and depending on where Jess is it may be a good opportunity to host a two days
Sim there you already got one to start with so depending where he is get both
of these get both of the mics out there at the same time that'd be a
win-win I do want to take the the opportunity here to just thank go Carrera for all your support of the Sim
program and and for sponsoring this scholarship uh really means a lot to to us and and really shows y'all's
commitment to training and uh and and improving our industry so thank you so
much you're you're very much welcome we we uh really love the FC and everything
that goes around we had at my flooring company several Sims I myself am not yet
and I can't enter the scholarship so I just need to go to one of them myself and and uh but I've read through the
books and uh been able to uh you know ingest some of that stuff so it's a
great program um many of the guys at our company that have been through
it you could see the res the the difference in the approach as soon as they got back uh a lot of times as
business owners and I'll talk to you guys out there that are flooring companies that have project managers on
your staff a lot of times we can talk till we're blue in the face about a certain way to do things there's
something about having a third a a third-party Vindication of those
processes and procedures you may have um a lot of the stuff that we teach at our
company at the flooring company uh you know got reinforced at Sim and some new
stuff and the cool thing about that was the guys your employees when they they
see a a actual program tell them this is the best approach this is the best
process and it's been developed by multiple flooring contractors guys like
Mike Newberry I know Sunny you said you uh worked in that uh on the Sim program
as well the these guys have been in flooring for a long time and so the best practices that come out of the Sim uh
program is is kind of a cons consolidation of knowledge so uh if you
have uh project managers I would encourage you uh if you don't go yourself like me at least get your
people people to it uh which is uh you'll see a difference so uh thanks
again for everybody who uh you know applied it's really awesome again Jess
congratulations and we're gonna go to closing statements uh on overall and
we'll just we're just going to go around the board here I'd like to hear like what do what do you tell your people if
you're at a you know a lot of us are either flooring company uh owners or
have been or were a manufacturer at this point with sunny what is your best um
you know elevator pitch to a new guy that's coming into the industry about
continuing their training I'll let Mr Newberry start he's
got the most I tell him first off that welcome
to the PO industry you're never going to get out
true a true statement very true statement what I what I really try to
drive home to anybody who is new to the industry and shows up is this is not a job it's a career and there are so many
opportunities if you really dedicate yourself to it and while you tend to think of it as a simple Place flooring
is very complex and complicated and the people who know it well can be very
successful in it so I encourage them to not just do their job but learn about their job
awesome let's go with the next Mike Sure uh well I'll say what I've
learned over the years when it comes to training in the floring industry is you know learning from some of these
industry experts who have been in the business for 20 30 50 years uh they love
to teach and they love to uh train on the flooring industry
because they want the industry to be better and you can learn from their mistakes really is what it is they will
tell you all the Battle Scars that they've earned all the War Stories they've gone through you can really save
yourself a lot of headache and a lot of money if you learn from others and and
always be asking those questions I also have say that the cost it takes to
invest in training you will earn that back tenfold in either growth
opportunities and sales or in just savings uh you don't want to be uh
losing uh money on your projects because you didn't know exactly what to do on the front end and so the more training
you you do and the more investment you make up front you will earn that back tenfold 100-fold at
times well said both guys hey Daniel preferred tell us your uh your your
pitch there man it's uh like when when I started going I
think sunny and and Paul were in it at the beginning right because I think I
went to their events before I even got certified um by CFI and it's just a
wealth of knowledge there that you don't even know that you didn't know some of this information until you go to one of
these things and it's like man I didn't didn't even know half of the stuff that they were talking about and like it's
some of the stuff it's I'll never use it again but it's also good information to know just in case you ever see anything
that you know that's out of line and it's like oh they talked about this at this one seminar with the nfct and I
remember that so it's a lot of stuff that you get to keep in your in your back pocket um you a lot of knowledge a
lot of great people that you meet I mean sunny and I I mean we we have meetings every few weeks now just talking about
stuff and trying to to see how we can move the industry forward even more
awesome hey uh brother Jose what what's your what's your pitch for
training so I don't know if it's gonna really be a Pitch but I I will say this I will say if you're already good at a
discipline um you will get better you will learn something that you didn't know you will have an aha moment in one
of the trainings or certifications um if you're if you want to learn a niche then then by all means
find some training some certification um what this will help you do and this is good for business is it's
going to help you create separation from yourself and and other installers right so I mean the topic is get trained get
paid and I think that that is what separates you from the others is
what will lead you to success as long as you're willing to put forth the the effort um that's that's really all I
have to say is it it will create separation and that's the only thing you can do and I'm and especially commercial
flooring in the bid market so Cutthroat you're going to have to create some kind of Separation in order to stand out um
you know it's low bid doesn't always get the job right yeah if it's not low bid then it's
the then it's the company that stands out it's the company that that that shows they're putting forth the effort to be better at that discipline and I
would say take a class some training create separation awesome thank you I'm
going to let you close as Sunny I'll give my two cents I always say that there's only two ways you get better at
something that's education and experience you can make one go faster
and you have control of one you can't you can't accelerate 20 years of experience so this one you know the guys
that uh it's often the guys that have been doing it for a long time that are the most resistant to new certifications
or getting certified um but for you new guys I want to tell you you can't
FastTrack 20 years of experience but you can FastTrack your training you can
FastTrack education by getting involved and going to more education finding the
discipline that you love and then doubling down you know I started in carpet installing and being a helper I I
found my love in cheat vinyl and heat welding and Flash coing and that's where I excelled that's where I went and got
certified and uh I enjoyed that process I got really good at it it helped me
grow my company I now employ you know 30 people at 30 plus people at the flooring
company and utilize probably 75 or 80
subcontractors and you only can kind of go through those steps with education so
I always say double down on the thing you have control over you have control over your education you don't have
control over your experience Sun how about you closes
out all right got shade under two hours so I'll go
here but I think the most important thing about training is exactly what I
learned from FC you're GNA go there you're going to learn some things right you're G you're
going to learn something every time you go but the relationships that you develop at these groups especially
FCI um I I have friends through FCI that
that far go far beyond just being businesses acquaint business acquaintances we go on trips together
and we develop those relationships by going to these groups and networking
with all these professionals that are there um but my favorite story I tell people about FCC is I'm allowed to smoke
one cigar a year now one and I hold it for FC and I sit down
with Mike's dad at and I sit with a guy by the name of sim chryler who was probably the smartest flooring guy on
the planet no joke and I just sit there and listen to him you think I talk a lot I just sit there and listen to those two
and they can tell me experiences that like what you said I made have never seen before never heard of and they talk
me through it and work me through it and it's the best education you'll ever get okay the other thing I want to talk
about with training is know what you're trying to learn okay that's the most
important thing I if you if you need a project manager there's nowhere else to go but FC right if you want to learn how
to do wood in WFA that's where you go you know we do subfloor substrate CFI
does carpet they're there specialized groups that you can go to and spend time
with and learn learn your trade learn the people who are the manufacturers or
the products that you're using which doesn't sound like a lot but if you call us and have the direct number to call us
before you do something wrong we'll high-five you and support you all day don't call us after you did it wrong
because you didn't read the bucket right we want to help you I know I'm the only manufacturer on here but we really want
the job to go well we want you to be able to do the job to the best of your ability and understand what's going to
happen and getting involved with any type of trade Association be it nfct FC
W fa CFI I could go down the line with all the acronyms ASM
especially get involved with the group and get a support group around you because that's what we are right Daniel
we bounce things abely all the time what do you think about this what do you think about that and if I wasn't
involved with a trade Association I would never have met anybody on this call right I met every single one of you
through trade associations that I'm happier for amen well thanks every everybody for
joining us today um uh just to kind of close that out all these trainings come
into real um uh life you know uh advantages on our platform called go
Carrera the the fact is is every one of these matter and it increases your
Hammer rating uh matches you for more projects and gives you the ability to uh
do the projects that you enjoy doing and that the company needs you to do so it's a real nice marriage
uh you know we've we've had the the uh pleasure to be able to fill contracts
and work orders all over the nation some even over in Hawaii I think we we filled
one over there and got the work done it's not always perfect be patient when
you're on the uh platform the platform's awesome you'll get your Hammer rating and everything but at the end of the day
uh we don't have uh there's not work all over the nation so so come for the community we'll be announcing some
really cool stuff next week on the podcast here about what we're doing around the community and to build a a
strong Community within the go career Network so I want to thank everybody for joining us thank you Mike thank uh well
I better last name too Mike Newberry thank you Mike Kelly thanks Sunny for joining us gentlemen as always you're
awesome I got one more challenge though for you Paul before we before we sign off you mentioned that you wer you
weren't Sim certified believe it or not I'm not either you find a two-day to sim
to go to I'll pay was just announced with you we'll do it together amen
wasn't there a two days to sim just announced I think we're gonna check into
that we have a few coming up we do have we do have one in April that's up in new J in New Jersey
so as an option maybe some others welle host one I'll go out there and that
I said at your place you can host one I'll come out there you want have to try we actually been working on getting one hosted up in oura at our Kansas City
location trying to get enough of the uh I think we had five or six uh from our
flooring company and then trying to get enough to uh fill a class so I know that's still actively being worked on
from our manager up there so if we can get that one on the books then both of us get to uh Join one another up in Ken
City and get s certified ourselves so yeah and and we got a trade show right around the corner too so we'll we'll
probably see are you guys going to everyone over here gonna be at ties I will not be we'll be there not
this year no well I tell you what if you're
not at Ty uh try to get to one of the conventions this year and uh if you're
going to be a TI come see us we're going to shoot the podcast we're going to do some some uh overtime so we're going to
do podcast on Tuesday we're going to do some overtime podcasts on Wednesday it's
going to be uh two or three days worth of podcasting from the uh Ty Convent the
convention in Las Vegas uh surfaces as it's fondly uh referenced but Ty is the
official name so look that up online and join us reach out to us if you need any information on that and gentlemen I'm
gonna let you all go I really appreciate everybody coming and everyone thanks for
having thanks for the opportunity it guys great
thanks Jose thanks Daniel last but not least congratulations Jess all right
Jess good job all right congratulations see you guys see you guys