The Huddle - Episode 95 - Supporting the Hispanic Community
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In our special episode, we shine a light on the diversity within the flooring industry, celebrating the significant contributions of Hispanic and Latino professionals. We are excited to have special guests Jorge Orta, Jesus Garcia, Eduardo Martinez and Jose Molar! Recognizing the importance of inclusion and visibility, we delve into initiatives aimed at empowering these vital members of our community through specialized training, certifications, and participation in industry events. This bilingual episode, will start in English and transition to Spanish, features special guests who share their insights and experiences. Join us as we explore ways to support and uplift the Hispanic community in the flooring industry, ensuring everyone has the opportunity to grow and succeed.
En nuestro episodio especial, iluminamos la diversidad dentro de la industria de Pisos, celebrando las significativas contribuciones de los profesionales hispanos y latinos.
¡Estamos emocionados de tener como invitados especiales a Jorge Orta, Jesús García, Eduardo Martínez y José Molar! Reconociendo la importancia de la inclusión y visibilidad, nos adentramos en iniciativas dirigidas a empoderar a estos miembros vitales de nuestra comunidad a través de entrenamientos especializados, certificaciones y participación en eventos de la industria. Este episodio bilingüe, comenzará en inglés y transicionará al español, y cuenta con invitados especiales que comparten sus perspectivas y experiencias. Únase a nosotros mientras exploramos maneras de apoyar y elevar a la comunidad hispana en la industria de Pisos, asegurando que todos tengan la oportunidad de crecer y tener éxito.
The Huddle was created by Paul Stuart of Stuart & Associates and Go Carrera, alongside Jose and Daniel Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring. Aimed at helping you maintain forward progress in your flooring career, they cover topics from personal and business growth, to installation tips & tricks and everything in-between.
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GET TRAINED! Find a list of training dates here:
The Huddle fue creado por Paul Stuart de Stuart & Associates y Go Carrera, junto con Jose y Daniel Gonzalez de Preferred Flooring. Está orientado a ayudarte a mantener el progreso en tu carrera en el sector de los suelos, cubriendo temas desde el crecimiento personal y empresarial hasta consejos y trucos de instalación y todo lo demás.
¿Quieres ser un invitado en The Huddle? Envía un correo a hoy mismo!
Crea tu perfil de Instalador GRATIS en y conviértete en parte del futuro de la industria HOY MISMO! ¡RECIBE FORMACIÓN! Encuentra una lista de fechas de formación aquí:
what's up team welcome to the Huddle we your wa we your weekly Playbook where
everything uh you know surrounding this huddle is not only about playing the game but changing it from mastering
fundamentals of the craft to distinguishing ourselves in the marketplace we're here to give the installer a voice and to Ure you're
equipped with everything you need let's band together and Forge a new Legacy in flooring this is where you
belong today's a pretty special podcast welcome gentlemen with me as always Mr Daniel
and Jose Gonzalez we got J and Jose with us Eduardo today's pretty special we're
gonna be doing a um Spanish uh podcast so we're going to be talking to our our
uh members of our Hispanic Community let them kind of run the podcast chitty chat about the things that are um you know
hurdles and pitfalls in in the community and how we can do better uh as a as an
industry to embrace and um bring along the talent that's there there's a talent
pool and uh you know I believe that the guys on the call today can can attest to
getting plugged into the industry getting trained getting certified uh getting good projects and
uh you know working in this industry is is about get you know a lot of it's about getting plugged in you meet great
people that's where I met all you guys so what's up uh what's up Daniel and Jose what are you guys up to same old
man super busy all the time nice nice try trying not to be we
got we got Jose out in the field working and we got jhead taking a little time
off today for us so welcome gent got to show the drink bro cuz you're you're at the bar that's right a
little Jose's like man I'm at I'm at the at the job site working and Jorge is
chilling on a patio somewhere well actually I was working to be honest but right now I have to pull up to a
Starbucks because we're in a new construction and there's no Services over there even the phone signal is very
bad right there so I have to take some time for work but you know gotcha well
we appreciate it bro yeah thanks for being on today man appreciate that Ed's
um camera was strobing a little bit so I don't know if he just turned the camera off or we can still hear him but yeah
I'm not sure you guys I might just back in we can hear you Eduardo I wanted to
go around and just get a quick background on on um you guys horge you
want to start us off tell us a little bit about yourself and and uh give us a little quick background about
Jorge well it all started off when I was a wee little lad no
M no um I'm based out of San Antonio Texas uh I do carpet installations um
CFI and nfic certified um and it's
pretty busy down here I don't know about everywhere else uh we tend to keep busy especially if you have um your trainings
you know you have training you have experience you're definitely going to get some jobs out of here um but yeah
it's it's it's fun times it's it's going to get hot pretty soon so I love the heat makes me it makes me run better
than the cold so that's why I live down here man cuz I like to work year round no snow there you go I'm kind of jealous
I'm down with that yeah me too our boys in Michigan know all about the snow yeah
how about you Jose tell us a little bit about you and and uh what you got going
on in in the flooring World well nice to meet you to everyone who is hearing us
right now I'm Jose M and I'm a Serge from Florence stalard with hardwood and
residential one and I'm always happy to be here to be honest I always will
appreciate all the all all you do for the floring industry especially you're giving us chance to express ourself in
Spanish that is something that never happened but I start um when I was 16
years old I am only I only like four years certifi but I'm completely open to
keep working with CFI and keep learning and I always appreciate B CFI because
that off me a lot of opportunities in the field and something some so uh
something that I would say is if you do make work you will got you will be
always busy so CFI show you how to do a great job and by the end of the day it's
customer satisfaction if you keep them busy you will be busy you know yep
keeping that customer is what it's all about and doing good quality work step one you got to kind of get that down and
uh you know that that seems to me to be one of the most important parts you can be a great salesman but you deliver one
bad project and yeah by a customer right yeah that that that's completely true
that's completely true so uh Eduardo tell us a bit about
you can you guys hear yeah we're good yeah grew up in the trade my my my father was an installer
uh I don't know if he was a passionate installer but he he provided for our family through it uh recently have taken
a step back out of the field for about last year been actually just trying to get educated and I found a lot of
mentorship I've been involved with the local Chambers I guess just finding
opportunities to get more educated meet more people Network and I really understand the the next level of the
business so it's it's not always just I can slap down the ground the floor on the ground it's you know contracts
financing from Banks understanding taxes understanding how to borrow and grow your business so I I've
been just took a step back and I've been getting a lot really educated last year uh but I did install till was 28 and a
half and uh I'm looking forward to maybe installing again in the meantime I'm learning everything else that supports
the role that's awesome and I think that's the the misconception right is that
like being a Craftsman and and doing the installation is the hard part and in some cases that's actually the easy part
it's all the behind the scenes stuff is the hard part yeah it's it's tough to get both
sides uh right um you know typically you got really good Craftsmen
that are not very good businessmen or good businessmen that are not very good Craftsmen when you get both that's where
the magic really happens and you get good high- performing people with with
very happy customers and and they don't end up in you know the irs's uh call
list so you taxes and and handling your business is uh always always a big part
of this industry and because so many of us are subcontractors right we subw work
or we work direct with homeowners or whatever um you know understanding the
business side and what you're actually making on a job if you're working from a shop are your prices in line with what
it takes for you to make a good living this industry should Supply you with a really good living if you do it right
it's a great industry to be a part of um yeah I know that Jose and Daniel have
shared their story on here and I've shared mine and these guys it's their turn to share with the Hispanic
community of of uh the successes and and the pitfalls and some of the things you guys have ran
across not only from the industry but also as it applies to you know being
maybe Spanish first speaking and hey hey Jesus what's up buddy um made it but uh
you know you guys have unique challenges and things you got to deal with on a daily basis so Jesus looks like he's out
in the field working as well I love it showing us his beautiful work as always
like on on Facebook I'm always catching his uh his live videos
yeah so we are going to um go over
several topics uh Jorge is gonna kind of moderate the uh podcast War I got a
couple questions for you before we kind of go to a sponsor and then uh kick this
thing off what one of the things that that I think happens um and correct me
if I'm wrong but is the language barrier can or the the perception can be that
the guy doesn't know what he's talking about and when we were talking I was talking with Daniel earlier you know
because of the language barriers scared to ask certain questions and so I'm hoping you know on a as a side note
hoping that this podcast starts connecting the Hispanic Community where they can call somebody and just ask the
question that they need to ask uh is that a problem or is that um that that
you guys run into and maybe that's for Jesus and and Jose as well and Eduardo
where it's like this perception of uh you know not perfect English equals that
you you run across some of those problems I I will add to that real quick before you go in there hor is that it
doesn't matter whether you speak Spanish or not if you look the part that's that's where where where the judgment
was pass and like I told you earlier today is I've been in that situation too and and just to clear the air Daniel and
I aren't aren't fluid in Spanish we don't speak Spanish that was uh that was eliminated from from our home even
though we look like we do yeah so back in the day it was eliminated because uh the Discrimination
that that my father was put into he didn't want us to be treated any differently than than our neighbors so
that put a kabash and that's why I consider us handicapped Mexicans [Laughter]
[Music] I think a lot of uh I think a lot of Spanish speaking individuals like my dad
and maybe the guys in that age range that are pretty much on their way out um I think they did have uh issues with
communicating over uh things that they might have had issues with at some point
and there's not a lot of Spanish-speaking people in certain organizations as well that can help them out sometimes uh so I think that is a
issue I think we need more individuals that speak Spanish uh in order to touch
more individuals out there that only speak Spanish and speak you know choppy
English for example my dad's one of them you know he's he's that guy and he understands 40% of the stuff you tell
him and he's going to rewrite it somehow in his head and it's not going to come out the way it should but he knows what
you're telling him he knows the job it's just how do you express because the job's going to be the same you know
unless if the person doesn't know how that do the flooring portion of it something it it's the the the job
language it's pretty much the same but it's the the English and the Spanish
barriers that that can keep some of these guys from even progressing um even trying to go out to
get a certification from CFI it might keep them from like hey well those guys don't speak English how are they going to know what I'm saying uh so there's a
lot of talent out there in the Spanish Community it's just how do we bring that out how do we bring that F how do you
build a community around where Comfort where there's bilingual um people and um that support
where it's like hey you know almost like a huge group text which would be
incredibly annoying but you know just as a concept where it's like hey I got this
issue almost like ball Ballin knows best but in Spanish kind of thing um you know
that that type of stuff is is what's intriguing to me is how you build communities around uh where common you
know best practices can be shared and pitfalls and problems can be solved
together you know definitely all right well I got a a
question um being that that you guys are down south and we're North right we're
Yankees live in Michigan I know I get it but um to me my perception is the the
communic barri the language [Music]
barrier your microphone's messing up yeah your microphone's a little off always messing
up well I caught about 8% yeah I caught about eight% of what you said so I got
better I don't know if it's messed up yet or not I had my game all the way down good I just uh was saying that the
uh communication barrier from the southern states to the northern States um like in my head it's different in
Michigan than it is in Texas because if I go to Texas I cannot communicate the way I feel I should in Michigan I can is
that you guys travel a bit you guys notice that there's differences in different parts of the
US as far as the language itself or yeah just just communication uh altogether
the language barrier I mean you're very flid right so I'm sure that you can communicate very well um and I guess
this is more Ward uh the broken English Spanish language
barrier uh for some of us it's pretty easy um I mean Spanish is is uh it can
be different just like English is New York people are going to sound different from Texas people and so forth so
depending on what part of Mexico or what country you're from you're going to have a different way of saying certain things
but most of the times it's just like English you're going to understand a lot of what's coming out maybe a few words
you might not get them because they change over depending on what country they're from uh but yeah overall we
don't really have an issue I can talk to people from other places I just went to Denver the other day for a training class and there was people from uh I
think they were from um El Salvador um and I had no problem
communicating with him explained to him the test it the test was in Spanish so
everything flowed really well uh there was some issues on the test on some of the words that weren't translated over
correctly so I had to kind of explain to them this is what a means this is what b means and that's what they're trying to
tell you so you know common sense told them yeah it's this answer uh but yeah
it's pretty much the same anywhere you go um other than maybe if you get people who are from the Caribbean they're going
to have way different words different dialect yeah um but it
just depends what part of world you from go ahead I'm sorry just just for
the record CFI yeah just for the record CFI is working to translate corre
correctly those those sets are ready so we're working to to correct to fix all
that issues because when you try to translate something and you are not and you ain't got the Spanish like 100%
native so you you don't get it so especially because it can be something crazy it makes sense in English but not
in Spanish so we are working and change that already no 100% because even in the
in our description I sent it to hor and I'm like does uh does this sound good
and he's like everything is pretty good just change these few things and so I did because I don't speak it so I'm I'm
trying to uh to ask someone who does look I failed Spanish you guys I'll
be honest me too failed it 100% BR you speak Spanish but I mean there's a lot of English speakers that
also fail English so I just didn't do the homework all right well we're gonna kick
this thing off off and let you guys uh take the reins here so we're going go to
a quick word from our sponsor today and so we're g to play a quick video and
then we'll as soon as that video is off it's all yours Jorge let's roll Ashlin
if you can still hear me [Music]
know [Music]
improving your skills
f for
guelin for
yeah simp something as simple as not reading the instructions that's the first thing you should do
one glue is the same like the other and it's not there's different instructions
Workforce floating carpet
see e
uh like R1 I have an R1 but I have an nfic and then you also have I think an
R1 and a lb or something so we're better suited right
now for translating and best the you know instead of uh teaching really uh I
could teach the basics a lot of basic stuff you know and there's some stuff that I might not even understand
sometimes I have to ask questions
e for
for for
me for
R all the time yeah
full scholarship to go do them yeah why aren't people taking advantage of this
you know it's uh free it's free education
for for
retainers going to to stores paying a big retainer guys's never paying it back
if you did a good job uh what are some things uh that
might bother you that uh people in the Hispanic Community
get taken advantage of
you know uh I remember when I was working for some people I mean they were paying 30 cents square foot I mean I
can't live off of that
Pockets the money and he's good um
if I'm gonna take somebody to court or something over a retainage or anything like that ESC it cost time and
[Music] money
for [Applause]
for for
fling contract General
Contractors yeah
[Music] oh I'm gonna I want to be a carpet man tomorrow when I grow up I want to grow
up and I want to be a carpet man like my dad you know and especially a lot of a lot of parents they don't want their
kids in this business because it's hard it's a very hard business it's not easy it's anybody that's in this carpet
business I applaud them because it's very very hard it's not
easy and if you if you if somebody asked you or if somebody ask you where you work and you tell them well I'm a carp
installer the first thing that a regular people say is oh man that is a job that is hard on me which is true
so finally I think finally we are getting SE in the in the in the table
next to contractors hbac pluming General Contractors this tra start getting like
re uh people start trusting in carpet like a trade so that is that is that is
something that is getting pretty important these times to be honest yeah
it is a hard job but it's very rewarding and some of us love getting punished
every day doing it you can do a good living doing glor St to be honest yeah
it can be it can be risky too the the upside and the downside because there's ups and downs because everyone in this
video and anyone watching or hearing they've lost they they don't they don't always win so we all know what it's like
to lose and get back up so anything is risky staying inside your house is risky a plane could hit your house just go
outside and go do something right hey and I want to say uh throw a shout out to marrow here uh he says his father's
his hero and that's true with me too and I'm pretty sure with a lot of you guys my dad taught me and I still work with
him on a daily basis it's just us too a team of two and I love my dad and I love
everything he does every day so I want to throw a shout out to him Jose uh
Jimmy uh Jose huarez thank you for commenting uh but yeah I really
appreciate uh what he has to say because we all started somewhere and even though
I went to go do something different at some point in my life came right back to this uh because I love it I love it I
love doing it every day well that's something that we all share yes you know the this I want to
thank you guys for the for getting on and and running the podcast today and
and uh flowing together I I catch about
a little you know a little concept here and there and I'll tell you that one thing that's true uh it may be a tough
business but like you just said man it it is rewarding I got started when I just got back from from basic training
for the National Guard so pretty much right out of high school and I had so much pride that I was actually putting
something together I don't know if we all feel that way but when I would do carpet and I'd stand back and the room
would be done I was like man I did that you know yeah there's a lot of Pride to it and I think that drives a lot of us
that uh that install and installed in whether it's in our past or we're currently installing it's like that that
Pride factor of getting something done and you did that yeah yeah you can sleep
very well at night I know I do I sleep very great I sleep like a
baby well I'll have to get your secret there I think yeah no kidding I I
couldn't when I had my long hair man I it was always in my face so that's why I chopped it off and well you still have
your superpower dude so it didn't H you didn't lose them like Samson did
yeah so did you guys um did you guys discuss some of the pitfalls that
that the um you know is facing the community and that's that uh I'm curious
that there's some crossover just in general and uh try to find those those
points where you know we can go to the industry and and and um you know
leverage a little bit of of of what the Huddle is and what go Carrera is to help
improve uh situation so what would you guys uh you know a 10c overview of some
of that stuff maybe not 10 seconds but you know what I mean I was gonna say 10 short
recap a short a short recap of kind of um how you guys feel that that some of
the hurdles that are to be overcome in our industry for for the Hispanic
Community I believe that as long as we're getting the word out there we we
literally have to push some of these Hispanic members in there somehow I'm going to have to attract them uh and I
think um I'm going to try testing stuff out here I just went last week to Pro source and Pro Source has a sale month
on April and October so we have a lot of little they have prizes and they have
people who come in vendors uh food trucks all kinds of stuff and
guess what who comes in the installers do because they invite us they're very welcoming and while I was there I was
wearing my CFI stuff my Badges and all that talking to individuals trying to get them to hey there's going to be a
competition coming in soon you know would you guys like to participate in that that way hey there's money involved
there's this involved there has to be something that captures some of these individuals so they can start training
because it's they're lacking I mean a lot of us are lacking uh so we really need to get them out there and and push
them because if you're going to stay in this business you need to do something about it you can't stay stagnant forever
you gotta yeah like Daniel said a while ago that continued education um is
important no matter what line of work you in so you know you either continuously strive to be better than
you were or like you just said you become stagnant you just complacent you're happy where you're at and you'll
never grow and and and unfortunately those people get overlooked over time
some stuff starts getting repetitious you start getting fed up you start you start getting bored and and I mean you
start getting frustrated because you're always doing the same stuff same job so there's a lot of stuff in the flooring
business you don't have to just do one you could you could maneuver yourself all the way around there's so much stuff
that you can do in this business you should never be bored and if you're we always talk about we always talk about
you know taking yourself out of your comfort zone right and that's what what it is right take yourself out of your comfort zone and go to a certification
go to one of these trade shows or something and and just put yourself out there I mean Jose was one of those guys
that I looked over and he was uh sitting at a table by himself and it's like that ain't happening I'm going to and and as
an introvert that's me taking myself out of my comfort zone and and and sitting myself over there and start talking to
someone because if I'm uncomfortable I can only imagine how someone is that there that don't know anyone how
uncomfortable they are so it's taken you know just put yourself in their position and and just introduce them to people
same thing with Eduardo right when when you were in Vegas and you were like man I have no idea where I'm going meet me
over here I'll take you to where you need to be that's how I met Jose he posted on Facebook Hey is anybody else
here and my wife saw it and she was like hey we should go meet this guy we just met him in a a little hallway and it was
like that was actually uh FC IA right yeah I was FICA yep that's right because you won
the artx uh scholarship for the Sim program I'm big old nerd and I can write
yeah Daniel was so mad at you about that I know I was like this dude that's all right I want the very
next one so it's okay well I
um just to kind of touch on all of the you know reaching out and building
Community um I I would would say that the when we run ads on Facebook for go
career for example and we run them in in Spanish we've hired a Spanish speaker to
help people get on boarded and help a bilingual um Raquel she's she's
excellent but the point is is that they are the community is responding like
they want to get better they want to show that their their quality and a zero to five score that go Carrera offers
uh you know culminates it doesn't matter if you got your training at a little bit of CFI a little bit of NCT a little bit
at uh you know natural fiber with PJ it all culminates in that score and we have
found we have seen an immense uh increase in Hispanic signups just from
trying to meet them uh where they're at from a a language standpoint I mean
Jesus has been a huge proponent go career from day one uh and finally got signed up because Raquel was able to
call and communicate with him and work through those little details so I think reaching out and and and doing podcasts
like this and and having the community come around and uh get to voice some of
their their concerns um is step one you know it's like let's just keep going and figure
out how to uh engage with one another and and tear down tear down walls build
bridges in this industry I think it's genius what you did man because before
you had other applications like NG's list and all that stuff where we have to be paying to try to beat the other guy
you know whereas to here everybody's set up on a like a like a rating system the
hammer rating system and really we're just going in there and other people are looking for us the retailers and all
these other individuals so I think that's very smart um I wish you could have done it 10 years ago um yeah no
kidding but uh it would have helped out a lot back then uh but it's going to help on from here forward everybody
that's going to get into that uh into that application because it's I mean
it's a no-brainer well and when you go to we're we're slowly dipping our toes
more into the B to C uh and when you have those credentials and you can go to a homeowner and say Here's my badge scan
my QR code take a look at my past work and and my hammer rating and and this
third party verifies everything you're automatically setting yourself apart right um but I guess why I brought that
up was more that how cool it is when you when you do engage
anybody uh that's different than you if you'll engage them where they're at the response is is is typically very
positive so just a a quick uh example of
what I've witnessed just just hiring a a bilingual person to uh help the
Hispanics that have broken English but can speak some English but you know you start dealing with little little details
whether it's on a on sewing something or a small detail and you're trying to explain something very specific you got
to have that native speaker I think and and that helps and has has uh assisted a lot of guys to get
through and it makes everything flow a lot better and the people who are actually Spanish speakers that are
getting the help they're going to say hey we need to stay on this because nobody else is doing anything like that
either the more help they get the better amen well gentlemen thank you so much
for today I hope you had a great conversation and was able to um you know
connect a little bit we'd love to do this uh on a frequent basis uh I'll get
with you guys and we'll reach out and and see if we can do this as a thing like have you guys have a a
Outlet on a more consistent basis even if it's not the same day right get something on the schedule that works for
you guys and keep on keeping on man we we got to get more engagement and you guys do a
great job I'm I'm glad that you know we we met at all these these spots and you
know we become friends you guys just Jose text me pretty frequently just hey how's it going and I appreciate that man
thank you for that yeah yeah well no no uh we can be friends outside
on the of the flooring you know oh absolutely theend at the end of the day yeah at the end of the day we are
Community but we can talk about other things you know and that is something that we are building right now a
relationship a family and no not everything works you know some sometimes
it's just to say hi and another times it's just yeah and another times it's just for questions and yeah looking for
people with yeah looking looking for people with experience but I'm glad to meet to be honest yeah glad to meet
everybody uh everybody that I've met and I've come across CFI nfic all you guys
very uh very knowledgeable and even if it's something little I I take it and
I'll I'll use it later uh so there's a lot of guys out there uh that have helped out and we always appreciate you
now so T wants to know how do you say the Huddle in Spanish how do you say the Huddle in
Spanish and it says and then it has a few other ones but I don't
know one of those things that just is not very translatable huh my mom talks about all the
time yeah I got a question for Mario because I'm trying to help him out just Mario not for me gonna reverse engineer
this do you have you guys come across anyone who has um learned uh Spanish and
what programs have they used or they told you about that help them uh learn it better and absorb it
faster asking for a friend asking for Mario no I'll be Mario not me not me
Mario let me write this down though let me write this down say it slow I don't know if I know of any ones that teach
you Spanish it's more of the ones that would teach you English those are the ones I need to know because it's gonna
it's gonna be the same thing right yeah goes both ways right so it's pushing it
out to the people that need to learn English so we need to know that too I mean Tanya's been doing uh do Bingo
she's on a streak right now her and my son ever since we've been to Mexico they they started that so whether it's
working or not I don't know back in the day there was one called engim baras uh English without
barriers uh that was a real popular one um and a lot of people used it to learn English uh and they have for other
languages as well so U I'm not sure if that's still around that was like 20 years ago but I'm pretty sure they just
got better if they old I'm old bro no bro you're only 25 what you
talking about 43 de is my birthday I'll be 43 oh
thank how Mexican can you get [Laughter]
right all right guys well we are uh nearing the end and I always um I'm
curious like big takeaways uh any advice to the uh audience uh what you guys got
for Rosetta Stone Rosetta Stone
yeah well so so you know it sounds like to me if we could all speak be bilingual
it'd be a better world but um I know that we're that that uh Jose and and
Daniel are asking for friends on this thing but it would be interesting to see
uh one day Jose just comes on the podcast and starts rapping in Spanish
I'll be uh dude dude I dream in Spanish I dream in Spanish how crazy is that
what what's yeah 100% it's our responsibility
to get the word out to the Hispanic Community because we're pulling each other in like this you know grab him by
the hand get over here and so that's how we ended up here talking to you guys we got to do it to the next guy and then
the next guy and then next girl whatever you know whoever wants to come in but I mean I met a lot of y'all through video
and now I'm talk to y'all so the fact that we're making this video is going to help find more
people sweet so engage with your with your buddies uh pass the word along if you
like what you've seen what you've heard on the Huddle at any point consider giving us a like And subscribe to the
YouTube channels follow us on Facebook and uh we're on all of it you know Instagram uh LinkedIn all the above you
have a follow uh join US Weekly we had a good audience this week and uh so thank
you to you guys and join us every week we're here 3 pm Central um every Tuesday
so uh again if you've if you're on the video you seen we were we were looping
you know if you have topics that you'd like for us to address you can email us at the Huddle for uh forward progress so we love hearing from you guys addressing the issues that the
audience um wants to hear about sometimes we're not the exact experts on
it and we'll bring an expert on for that so uh jhead thanks a lot for kind of
moderating and and running the uh the show today it was awesome just sitting back and watching you guys rap J thanks
for joining us man from the job site is already gone and and probably uh
spreading some glue at the moment and Eduardo thank you so much for joining us as well man it's it's been a blast we
appreciate you guys thank you we're keep fighting a good fight together we for sure would been able to do this episode
without you guys man you guys are awesome thanks a lot appreciate you guys yeah all right
guys all right everybody join every Tuesday 3 pm Central give us a like And
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