covid 19 update

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health and safety is our top priority

At Preferred Flooring the health and safety of our customers and employees is our highest priority. In response to the public health situation related to COVID-19 we have put systems in place to ensure we are taking the necessary precautions outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

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All of us at Preferred Flooring are following these safety measures:

  • Cleaning our hands often

  • Using hand sanitizer when available

  • Keeping safe distance (6 feet) from others when possible

  • Cleaning frequently touched surfaces

keeping our customers safe

  • Before entering a customer’s home or property, we will communicate that we are healthy and ask if the costumer is as well

  • Instead of shaking hands, we may elbow tap or just wave

  • We will, upon request, provide customers with information about protecting their health and safety

what can you do to help?

  • Inform us in advance of us arriving if you have any concerns or would like us to take special precautions

  • Inform us if anyone in the household has health issues or has been diagnosed, or has been around anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19

If you’re looking for more information on the latest news about COVID-19 please visit or for updates.

Thank you for your confidence and trust in Preferred Flooring. Your safety and comfort are of the upmost importance and we look forward to keep providing you with the best flooring installation experience around!