The Huddle - Episode 110 - Addressing Labor Shortages in the Flooring Industry
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In this episode with special guest John Steier (Floorinator) we delve into the ongoing challenges of labor shortages and the innovative solutions being implemented to address them. This episode highlights both current efforts and necessary strategies to attract and retain skilled workers, including increased training opportunities, enhanced benefits, and outreach to younger demographics. We discuss how the industry can improve its appeal to potential employees and the importance of investing in workforce development. Tune in to learn about the proactive steps the flooring industry is taking to secure a sustainable and skilled labor force.
The Huddle was created by Paul Stuart of Stuart & Associates and Go Carrera, alongside Jose and Daniel Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring. Aimed at helping you maintain forward progress in your flooring career, they cover topics from personal and business growth, to installation tips & tricks and everything in-between.
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what's up sorry a little technical difficulty what's up team welcome to the Huddle we're your weekly Playbook where
we not only strategize on playing the game but how to change it from mastering
the fundamentals to distinguishing yourself in the marketplace we're here for the installer to give you a voice
and make sure you're equipped with everything you need let's band together and Forge a new Legacy in flooring this
is where you belong welcome to the team what's up fellas how's it
going um it is going excellent uh for
the audience out there I'm Paul Stewart I'm the founder and CEO of go Carrera
and the president at Stewart and Associates commercial flooring with me as always Mr Daniel and
Jose Gonzalez that preferred flooring out of Grand Rapids Michigan what's going on guys so today we are
addressing labor shortage uh we we could do a topic on this every week probably
every single week it's always seems to be the topic but uh we
are I think we tackle this um oh two or three times a year we
tackle this um and get get ideas flowing and and discuss um not only
you know what are the problems but you know what are some solutions so I'm going to kick it off
with a couple of things um go Carrera has uh created a product
called the jumpstart and it's a job board uh what jump starts intended to do
is have an is be an outlet a conduit for all of the training entities be it CFI
aft ntca fcef all of these uh to give them a
way to board their students onto our uh
site and then provide access to that site and interviews and all this
interactive kind of thing so that when new people come in that the new people are out in front
of the people who are going to hire them so we know that most of our industry uh
the installation is is done by subcontractors or subcontract third
party independent whatever you want to call them that demographic is a
independent contractor right they're they're not employees that means that we need to give them access to hire these
people uh these new students the new blood in the industry um so I say all that GL to say
that I believe one of the greatest failures in our industry right now is
placement there's a lot of activity going on the recruitment front but then when they get out of the twoe course or
the five-week course or the 10we course or whatever uh or um you know uh out of
a some type of a entry-level course they're not getting placed um their companies are still um
looking at Craigslist or running ads on Craigslist or things like this to find
guys I hear installers all the time talk about Craigslist well Craigslist is dead
when it comes to this at the end of the day it provide you with nothing about the person or provide you no background
and that's what jumpstart is um designed to do give you some
background on the student and um allow you to hire them schedule
interviews and everything right off at the site so that is a solution that we've been talking about for a while and
it to me it is the the it's filling the this huge gap in placement so that was a
really long-winded way of asking you guys when when somebody where do you guys look for
new Talent first off and and
secondly what do you think from a placement standpoint would be important uh and what other holes do
you see because recruitment's out there as well I mean there is some efforts going on in recruitment but it's
probably not near enough to what the industry needs um so I'll go ahead and start
the as far as looking for new Talent uh you you kind of have U we got a small
circle right so we we look within the circle um you know if if we're going back to when um you know prior to us
meeting you Paul there really wasn't any other avenues for us to go besides looking on a Craigslist or at some temp
services that could potentially have a construction um Department in there but
um Word of Mouth friends of family uh you know kids of so and so kids of that
that's where the bucket we've been pulling from um has been uh is one of
those things I think it's a comfort thing right like we trust what people are telling us and we have to trust that
they're referring good people to us um that want to grow and and so referrals
friends and family and referrals and Craigs List yeah it has it worked out
yes and no yes it's work out some of them longer than others some of them shorter than others um however I do tell
I do tell friends and family that if they want to remain in the same or they want to keep the relationship as it is
now then they shouldn't come at work because that's great great
advice that's one of those things where we can separate work and friendship work
in family but sometimes they cannot but we've had a lot more practice
yeah you better you better get good at it pretty quick huh uh we we've hired
family I've not had much luck uh
friends uh a little better but not great I have found that once you hire a friend
you're probably your relationship will change um so wouldn't it wouldn't it be
great though to have the a a spot where you can and just
look for guys that have said hey I am I'm I want to be in flooring I've taken
the first level a training that you can at least tell them to grab you know a stair tool or hey grab that kicker or
mix that grout mix that thin set and understand that you know if it's a
Portland grout you got to let it slake for you know five or 10 minutes and then remix it or grab my margin trial or you
know can understand the basics um because I I just have this
intense belief that we are doing really poor in our industry of placing these
new new students and and that kind of comes from reading on Facebook a lot of
the trainers like they're and if you talk to some of them um placement they
they get students in and they graduate them but they then they don't have the resources to get them placed or the
resources to follow up with them it's like right even when we had Carlos on
here that was one of his big talking points was we can we can turn these guys out right we can get them signing up and
they like doing it and then once they're done it's like where am I supposed to go it's
there's it's it's an issue where where you guys are trying to to have somewhere
for them to actually all right this is where we're going to put them you can go here and view everything but then the
other issue we run into is the whole subcontractor mentality where a lot of
these guys are like I'm only going to run as a subcontractor I'm not going to run it as a business and that's really
not what these programs are set up for they're not set up
to here go work for this guy over here on a a
1099 yeah unfortunately well let's talk about that I mean what
what what's the solution there um I there there's two problems and then what
is the solution or at least this my my two cents on on what the problems are
opinion on the solution is maybe when people are signing up for classes maybe there should be classes specific for uh
individuals who are chasing the entrepreneur dream and want to work for themselves versus someone who wants to
work hourly maybe they should be geared towards a towards a different demographic or that specific demographic
I would say um you know are are you wanting to go out on your own right
away if so these are the pitfalls or are you wanting to take some classes and get
some education so that way you can find placement within a company's easier um
and then then obviously the logistic portion of it is um relocation issues um
you know are are you wanting to stay in your radius your area or are you willing
to move elsewhere and are you set up for that yeah so I think educating
them um educating them on the you know during
the training that there's you know two
two ways to go about this being an employee with somebody and being a a
subcontractor but out of these programs I mean I don't want them to
be maybe this is a selfish I don't think they should be nor do I want these new people going out trying to start their
own thing to me that's just as irresponsible as some guy who came to work for me worked for me for six months
and goes out and starts his own install company I had a few of my helpers do that and they failed miserably and it
doesn't do any good for the industry they'd learn no new skill because they didn't stay with somebody long enough to
learn the skills um you know we've got to get them into some type of employment
for some type of time so if you if you're a company that hires by the hour
um or by the day or whatever but you have employee installers jump starts designed to give
those companies a chance to hire and by the as employees
the um subcontract Community we initially
had a threshold where you had to be one hammer or more
uh to be honest at the beginning we had it at two hammers or more but you know
with only about 12% of the entire network being even close to two hammers
we were like well that kind of uh cuts it off right you
you lower the amount of people that can hire so we're opening it up to where any
anybody can hire the guys now I'll be honest in the future we want to minim you know put that filter requirement
back on it um but at the end of the day
you've got to get the guys placed somewhere and have some someone training
them like them coming out of training and not getting at all with a sub or a company that's certainly not helping um
I think we got to just improve put those funds into training someone and then have them leave the
industry right away and Rollin says like one of the things that we have to be working on is to get more dealers to buy
into the programs but um coming from that standpoint
it's would it be beneficial for the dealers yes but they can't see that because the only thing that I think they
see is and we've dealt with this locally is putting bodies on the floor I don't
care they don't care about the education it's just how many people can we put on the floor well that leads to another
piece really one of the biggest problem it's like we have to get hit with a sledgehammer in our industry for things
to happen I'm serious you are here's the the point is a lot of
people are not hiring these younger guys because they they feel like they're okay
they got their 58 year old out there working in another five years this will
be like there'll be no qu no opportunity
other than hiring younger New Blood hey Paul can I
hey John is hey everybody he's back hooray John has joined our call we love
to add to what you're saying there because it it is exactly that everybody
is so complacent right now and I'm going to talk through my experience with people going through training and then
putting them into placement we all love to talk about the wonderful idea of training all these people but when it
comes to uh retailers and and work rooms and all these places stepping up we need
to do a better job getting them involved in the training from day one and not
just saying here you go here's some guys to pick from well there's two things I
think that there's there's got to be some buy into to the to training in general the the and then there has to be
a mechanism that allows them to easily View and
peruse people that have joined the industry and hire make offers like get
some activity with these students even if a student comes out and gets two or three job offers and he goes away that's
still a better experience than coming out and not talking to anybody um like you got to get this
connection from training to placement and that's where jumpstart comes in and
we are doubling down as as a note to the industry we are doubling and tripling down on jumpstart we are going to make
it awesome we are pointing nearly every resource we have at go Carrera at this
this piece of the problem is placement to have a very Dynamic way of uh of a
company or an installer to get on put in your ZIP code what discipline
you do that you're looking for like I'm a carpet and resilient guy or whatever or I'm a tile guy and then view
students then you get on and you can view the students within that zip code
that area and um you know make offers like set up interviews with them right
then look at their background what what what training did they go to where are they from and then jump on an interview
with them it's a hell of a lot better than what we're doing right now and that can only improve now I also believe that
the complacency and the so meaning that
people not hiring the guys I'm I'm fearful that I throw all my
resources at this and there's still not going to get hired to be honest with you and that's that complacency Point piece
that you were talking about I mean that's a real risk I'm taking you know I mean we've been contacted you know a few
times and it's like hey this person is really interested in installing this is what they want to install can you guys
you know bring them over there it's uh they just graduated they went through
this program they don't have any money right now and then you'd have to pay for them to get there you'd have to pay for
them for a place to to live you'd have to cart them around everywhere and it's like it's just the the way that our
industry is it we're we're not set up like that to be able to just well a lot
of people coming in let's face it when a lot of people are coming in and they're well into their 20s or 30s and they're
going through this training they're there because they really do need that helping hand they need that that
Financial stability in their life and there's very few people that are really
set up few businesses that are going to be set up to handle that because you're not talking tens of thousands of dollars
you're talking hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend on each individual to
really get somebody to go and that I see this as a big hiccup down the road you
know we can pump out all these people but if we're pumping out all these people and it's still requiring such a
huge investment on the other end how do we make that more appealing to be like okay I'm willing to drop you know or
spend this amount of money well this is this is where part of the problem is
geography right where's most of the trainings happening right where's most of the we all know like if you're in
there's the these train the trainings are siloed around part of that's because the trainers the CFI aft
ntca they go by where they get demand
for example the ntca they have a crap ton of training on the East Coast
Philly like crap tons they come to Kansas once every I mean I don't know
they can correct me on here if I'm wrong but once every six months once every year maybe they're here have you guys
world you know what I mean so if we if we had a way to understand
where the demand is where the people will hire them and that could be a
mechanism of jump too is like put in your ZIP code where you want people and if enough of those requests come in then
you could appeal to a training entity hey man you need to do a carpet training
in you know Grand Rapids there's been 15 inquiries for new installers in that
area area uh or hey ntca and ctef you need to do a course a two your twoe
training course and or maybe it's onewe training course and your ctii
certification in Grand Rapids because a lot of inquiries been coming in that area we just need to tie all the pieces
together somehow um I mean that's what I'm that's this whole launch of working
with jumpstart and you know to be to go through that um a lot of well look
what Kendall says a lot of it right now when it comes to hiring these young
people these days are they want to go to the top dollar knowing nothing and still being and still need to be trained and a
lot of times unfortunately they're not always reliable to show up for work that
is 100% true it gets better though if they did go through a training that that
is somewhat of a fact I want to add to that can you guys hear me okay a little bit
better on the mic now I think you should start you're a little echoey but you're
good all right essentially just super quick it's like the companies are worried about the
the the now the the today we've got to get our industry
looking at this problem everybody talks about it but they got to look out a little bit go ahead Jose sorry about
that so I was going to add to what Kendall said and a lot of a lot of the dollar amounts that are driving the the
people who are whether their entry level or got a little bit of experience is cost of living right so cost of living
has dictated that people don't necessarily want more money for n less
knowledge it's just that they need more money for Less knowledge right and and that's and the the fact that that's
still an issue in our industry um also exposes the fact that we are not in
charge of our pricing as much as we think right the market is dictating that
by flooding it with um I don't want I'm not trying to speak badly about anything but we're training
a lot of people with no placement so a lot of these people with no placement are trying to you know dip and dive and
Dabble and they are actually creating an issue where our our industry is valued
less because of the failure rate is higher because people are just diving in Without Really knowing and that goes
back to the issue that we're talking about is all these training entities and all these programs for all these new
people for entry level are are are we are we going about this wrong are we treating this like a combine and only
the ones that are performing at Peak Performance or learn at a higher capacity those are the ones who are
getting uh verbally drafted to all these other companies and getting these recommendations the other guys are out
there defend for themselves and that's what's causing the market to uh to do what is doing I don't think anybody's
getting I you know it doesn't seem to me that anybody's getting like truly
promoted or placed the the best way that I've seen it happen is when a company
needs training and they pull all their guys in and they hire one of the training entities to come train all
their their entire company or something like that but that that's that's the
most successful way because those people are already placed where the training
land yeah that's where the training lands the best so if you have a new two week guy you
know you they come out of that training better than what they did than what they
were beforehand Jose Jose you said it right so somebody that for whatever
reason they they find out about training for Floor Covering they put themselves through the training they take the time
to do it more than like cannot go to work for for less than
they're going to make at a a a gas station because they're they're looking for something better in their life so
they probably already have the the car payment maybe some kids maybe a house they've got all that they're they're not
going to be able to start off at such a low level and we're they're just going to fizzle out where maybe that that
vetting process needs to happen before you even come into that training or you know are you able to stay are are you
able to stay here you know we'll show you the pathway to get to where you need to but you're not going to be able to
you know realistically you're not going to be making that living wage right away
and I think that's one of the issues that I've always had with like the FCF
right it's because in all their like marketing documentation it's always you
can make x amount per year you can make $150,000 a year your first year and Be
Your Own Boss and they mark it like it's out of the gate you're going to be
making this much money and In fairness I would say they don't actually say in the
first year I don't think but they they they certainly throw those big numbers
around in your first assumption you know these what I'm yeah they're making and
and then when they go through these trainings and then you talk to them and you're like yeah I can offer you this x amount per hour and they're like where
where's this money coming from they're talking about I'm making $100,000 a year yeah that's where like there's no stair
stepping uh I think I've told you guys I know I've told Daniel and Jose about the
vision for jump start in a big way is meaning a placement but also more like a
digital apprenticeship where whoever hires them this would be my dream but
getting the industry to move behind a vision is like very tough
but my dream would be that they go onto the job board whoever hires them has to
be say one and a half hammers or hire on in the go career Network and if you do
if you check that box you can hire off the off of jump start but you can also
then fill out some easy forms and get the first five to eight weeks of that
person's pay covered by an industry Grant and therefore you're taking a risk
on someone new you have to do payroll reporting right through the right through the app which we got this
designed already which just getting the money to push that initiative through
has to have industry support but essentially anybody can be a go- career
member it's free and so then all you got to do is get your Hammer rating once you get your Hammer rating if you're a
hammer and a half or higher you get to use the job board all you want so you have the cream of the crop and then once
you've done that you can even apply to get this guy's uh uh first eight weeks
of wages covered and you just have to do a payroll report and a skill report
every single uh week that would be worth it right who would not do that what's
your thoughts on that idea John that's a that's the big idea of jump I'm gonna be the dream killer here man you lost me
that's just a lot of work but but I love okay let let let let
me find out make sure that I didn't just word salad you to death and
then you you is John yes you're a highly
Hammer rated guy you join jump you join go Carrera you got a you're over two
hammers you go to jumpstart go Carrera D jumpstart you put in your ZIP code you
find a guy you hire him you then just click a button that
says apply for wage supplementation that goes to the grant people and yes this is
complicated it's a complicated problem but that goes to the industry if the industry has put together put aside some
money to cover for a digital apprenticeship it's no different than what an apprenticeship H it's the same
way an apprenticeship happens just digitally so you've got you went and hired Daniel and you're
paying Daniel $18 an hour or $15 an hour
and you want to get his wages covered for the next eight weeks so you're not
worried how much production this guy's getting you can truly worry about the next eight weeks being on job training
and you have a two page form on your phone that you fill out about Daniel
Daniel how many hours did he work how much was he paid boom boom boom boom boom what new skills did Daniel learn
this week boom boom boom is that not worth the $680 you're going to pay him
that week if you could get that supplemented and that is a digital apprenticeship I I am all I am all for I
am all for that stuff I I really am um but again you're you're talking about
money that it's either granted or not I mean I heard you say something about the
flooring industry has money set aside to no no no I'm saying they would have to
this is a big Vision this is not something that hypo I'm sorry I thought this already something that was out
there yes no we want we we have the idea framework out at go Carrera like if this
could happen this is a way you could take a new guy place them with someone who needs them whether it's a sub or an
employ or a company and then that sub or company could get
their first eight weeks of wages supplemented so that the new guy could
be truly on the job trained for like another eight weeks intensely so yeah
anyway I it's a big idea it's not the state of does that with um their
apprenticeship with the plumbers the electricians you hire these guys you just have to have it's a wonderful
program I mean I think I heard of someone getting like 25 Grand not not too terribly long ago because I think
it's Philadelphia does the same thing or Ohio and Philadelphia yeah yes they
supplement your guys so that you can actually train them and they get through
that initial eight weeks of time frame where you don't need to worry is Daniel
producing enough on a day-to-day basis to cover the $15 an hour you're painting
all you care about at that point is getting him up to speed so at the eight weeks when your supplementation's over
that he is making you money so getting getting to that that's that's that's where it needs to get right we need to
and we need to get dealers and and retailers and workrooms behind this
because essentially they're the ones that gonna have to fill this out they're going to have to employ these people and
and you know they're going to have to do the leg work for for these individuals throughout that whole process to to make
that work yeah it's G take it would take work and you'd have to have the industry put aside some money to pay for I mean
who's going to pay for it other than the industry that needs it the most I honestly think right now uh you just
need to look into your States but a lot of state with Apprentice programs if you have Apprentice uh and and this would be
a great question for Jim and Kay with fcef but they Apprentice programs if you
follow through with them they do qualif oh there goes John excuse me you
qualify for he must got a phone of
fundings um as far as MoneyWise goes but it's
there yeah there there's a um there's a
um there's certainly systems out there's systems out there or ways of doing
things that are out there just not for our industry and it's going to take some
work it would take some work on the whoever's hiring them side to fill out the documents properly and it takes some
work on uh whoever to set up the apprenticeship stuff but you know that's
a way that you could graduate a guy through the ranks and then once he's done with that you could even have him
on a digital apprenticeship for one year uh if you'll report back and fill out
all this as the student as the installer you fill this you'll get your apprenticeship license kind of thing
then if you have an apprenticeship guy or something like that you would
know who you're hiring these are all just ideas and that's what this podcast conversation just gave me gave me a
really I don't know seems like a good idea in my head right but um since I share too much information freely and
give people a lot of great ideas I'll wait until we're off air to discuss this one sweet but um the um I I I guess uh
so Kendall put on there too and I wanted to touch base on that is how is this supposed to work with flooring subcontractors though um and I guess
that that's one of those uh one of those questions where that's the whole point
well I think you have to look at it at a at a different perspective right because even when we were 100% a flooring
subcontractor we still hired employees and paid them as employees it wasn't just I'm just going to give you this
percentage or or as you should 1099 you it was all right you're going to be working for me you're going to be
working for me and that's where we need to get in order to things move forward
so so there you go that's where I was going with that is now we're getting into the scenario where there's just a a
disconnect from owning a job versus owning a business right that's right these Subs there's a disconnect and
these Subs hire our employees like you guys did right and and I think that
that's uh and I know we talked about this uh through in some of the conventions and through our travels and
our meetings and I know that um Paul we talked about John you and I probably talked about this when we were um in The
Mastermind group uh with with Kyle is about um the the lack of education on
how to run a business on the front end and what what that requires right because a lot of people who jump into
the trade because the flooring industry isn't regulated like everybody else you can get a knife a tape measure in a van
and be like I'm an installer let's go PE let's go make some dollars right um but
the business aspect people are just don't understand they don't understand
the benefit that it could present to them they only see the dollars and cents that it cost them in the initial setup
and we were we were those people as well we were afraid right of taking a step
afraid of learning afraid of being told you but you did but you did and there's
a lot of people who don't and those people need to be working for you they
do not need to be subcontractors look I'm gonna all [ __ ] aside the worst
problems I have at my flooring company is when a subcontractor Subs my damn job to another sub and I don't know about it
it is absolutely unallowed here but I find out
they did it it's too too late there's punchless there's problems well no crap I paid you $1.75 for this huge uh uh
Early Learning Center uh on lvt and you paid somebody 65 cents what the did you
expect and then my job looks like [ __ ] it's the sub to a sub to a sub [ __ ] that
has got to quit I probably curse more in that one all other episodes
Subs need to hire the hourly hire your installers by the hour
or by the day rate something Fair that's going to pay them and that you make them
better we're never going to get better if you just hire the lowest cost guy
um and try to sub that work to him our industry is plagued with this crap and
it's worse in some areas I believe I I believe unethical is the
way to put it it's unethical I hired you to do a job based off of your we use go
Carrera solely off your go carrera's off your Hammer rating and then you sub it
to another guy unethical for sure there there's
definitely other other ways to do it right it's sometimes it's hey I can't handle this job by myself can you come
help me out it's never just hey he's paying me this will you do it for this
all right let's go yeah if you want to team up if you can partner together
that's a different story you're still on the job you're still the guy I hired I and I
know this is kind of changing the topic but I would love to hear you know more success stories because I think that's
what's going to turn people turn people's view on subcontractor vers employee is I think we need the
saturation of success stories of uh and I'm going to pick on Matt Garcia because
he's got a program he's working with where he um it's based on uh production
and and it's a reward system for his employees it's not just an hourly system and these are things that I think really
need to be heavily talked about they need to be wrote about in magazines they need to be thrown in people's face
because we need to be aware of it otherwise when we hear hourly employee we just we get that negative thought
that we're picking up you know a day labor at Home Depot and and paying him
crap wages when when really what we're meaning is we're we're trying to set a
culture create a culture a business um an environment and where people can everybody can
Thrive Yeah well yeah you got to really worry about like these the the new blood
thriving how do you get you you you know we hired for example we have a guy that
works here that went through a two we course uh it was a two-e CFI course they
had here in witto I sent two or three guys to it one of them completed it and we told them you complete this twoe
course we're hiring you as a and it worked out great if something that way
but I'm the only company in Kansas that H full service there's a tile company up
in St Mary's that hires hourly as well but full service flooring company I'm
the only flooring company in Kansas that hires hourly employees who provides health insurance Vans tools benefits
holiday pay vacation time dental insurance like we're the only ones our industry is
ran by Subs so Subs have to start hiring by the hour we started putting on our
work work orders just as last week that all work performed on this job has to be
by your direct forces because of this subbing to a sub deal we we somehow have
to get away from that if we can get away from that as an industry then and and
like I I don't know if it's how you do it because it's 1099
thing we look at it as our problem but this is a you know
multi-industry multi-state like it's it's a plague in multiple Industries all
skilled labor all skill well and even yes and
so either make it to where 1099s if you are if if the if the government I hate
government like regulation but sometimes it's needed you know if it was where
1099 can only s cannot like if you had 1099a and 1099 B meaning we sub from our
general contractor so we're in first position right so we're going to get a1099 from our general contractor that
they paid us this amount of money on this job on you know this year right
the we 10 one level of 1099 down to 1099
B but there is no 1099 C right these 1099
BS something to track the dilution of of of it so there is no keep on so it can't just keep trickling down that flight of
steps you could could literally do it down yeah Slinky effect right how about
how about you know after after a and b um if there is going to be a c right
let's not call it C let's just call it uh c.1 um in order to have a c.1 you have
to have uh some sort of Licensing that states that you have um a bracket where
you can place people under an employee blanket uh maybe that's something for it I I sat down and talked with some of uh
uh some of the the powers to be right some of the people who make some of the decisions here in Michigan and unfortunately the same answer keeps
coming is that the government doesn't want to invest the money into creating another structured program because it
will take a very long time I get it but also well I'm just saying man someone
else had told me that um since we as an industry aren't held to the same
inspection standards for occupancy for safety I mean some of our stuff is safety I will I will add to that but we
don't have to go through the inspection process like the other trades that uh Rollin had mentioned um therefore we
are an Expendable trade by by that we're not we're not licensed and I think we
talked about that before there there's no license to become a flooring company and it'll NE or a flooring installer and
they'll never be a license California
you have to have Arizona too and I talked to Kyle about it and he said it's just a joke
it's just they just want their money here goes your license that's the that's the bottom line I'm talking a true li
like an actual it's just like Nebraska it's it's a business license it's not a trade license that's all it is just the
the difference is and the reason you don't need inspections is because you we don't have the resulting damage that a
plumber has or a elri electrican you know if you if you wire a house wrong or
a building wrong you can burn the damn thing down uh if you Plum a building
wrong on the seventh floor you could have millions of dollars
of of damage whereas if you put a floor in bad on the seventh floor you're just
replacing a floor on the seventh floor what if you pour self leveler on the seventh floor and it finds a way
down I had that happen thanks for bringing up a terrible m all had thaten had
that well I had it happen at a uh in a u medical facility and it went down into
the ped's ICU so it was really terrible that experience luckily it was a empty
room or else I would have felt as bad as you could feel ours was on the fourth
floor in an electrical room that went down to every electrical room and let's
just say we were able to get everything cleaned up so it can be repainted without substantial
damage yeah well know I I kind of wanted to throw this in here on this conversation
because there's always this is this this this labor shortage 20 years ago when I
started it was the same thing you know and I'm I'm sure Paul you were prior to that and um Daniel and Jose you you
started before that too it was always talked about there's such a there's such a problem with it and and uh I've heard
a lot of you know everybody's got we we there's a million great ideas but it's a lot of it's just getting started doing
and me I live in the middle of nowhere so and I I truly mean that I had to drive to get on some WiFi so I could
jump on this call sell service is that bad but I I think we overthink how to go about even getting
started about this and I think we as installers it's just time for us to step
up and let our voices be heard everywhere that this is a career we chose to do and it's getting in front of
people and and talking about it you know it's not relying on the quote unquote
industry to talk about it at a convention and and make a big speech about it and boy we all feel good about
it but it's actually acting on it and actually doing something about it everybody's situ what what what what is
that to you John you have an audience right now this will be seen by couple of thousand if not more people uh you're
being watched by an audience right now and you'll you'll be seen by at least a couple thousand more so what what what
are some of the let's just talk what are some of the best ideas out there I don't
care what they are who they're from what are some of the best ideas out there to solve the labor shortage yeah so and and
just one more caveat I need to put Daniel and Jose's um
caveat to this qualified labor because they've said it a bunch of times I don't
know that we have a labor shortage we have a Quality Labor shortage
so what are some ideas what so I'm gonna use one I
honestly think what we need to do is is and I know you guys have talked about it
but the high schools we need to be pounding everybody needs to be pounding on their high school door to get these
these young young men and women uh before they go and decide to go be electricians be plumbers be be a
carpenter there's a lot there's a lot of talent in these schools but they have no
clue this is even a career and and for those of us that have been around for you know a year or two we hear this a
lot oh yeah yeah going to the schools going to the schools but you you're not reading about it you're not reading
about um you know state after State you know County after County oh yeah these
these schools are opening up they're bring they're putting a flooring program in I would love I would love to see next
time I log on to Facebook 20 posts 30 posts 40 posts about an installer just
randomly is like hey you know what today I called our high school talk to guidance counselor I'm gonna go in talk
to some kids about Floor Covering so you're you're right reach
reaching out to high schools as a like installers and as um flooring companies
here here's just I'm going to throw one bone in that until we solve the pro or or at
least we have to address the problem we just got through talking about because if Joe Schmo who has been doing flooring
for five years never got any formal training worked for a guy for six months
went out on his own has no idea of what he's doing wrong goes and does this there's two things if you don't have
your business set up that guidance counselor does not want that kid going
to work for you they're looking to put their kids in the best scenario where
they can actually get hired by somebody who's going to treat them well right so
that's a great way to go about it Jim Aaron here says John is a leader in the industry he's volunteering his own time
to visit high schools in his area he is a mo I wish more would follow man big so
I do think you're doing it you doing it John you are put you are putting your money where your mouth is it's not I don't you know we we we over we over
we're overthinking this do I believe The Joe Schmo that doesn't know what he's
doing is gonna be knocking on the door at the high school now he's throwing back a sixpack lighting up another
cigarette and he's on his way that doesn't that that you're talking to a different person there there is the guy watching your the
thousands of people that are gonna be watching this are not joeo I can guarantee it you know you know the the
turds in in the flooring industry are not taking time out of their day to learn more so the thousands of you that
are watching this that do care you don't have to it doesn't have to be perfect
right when you when you want to talk about what you do you know we all think that oh what if I you know I don't seal
my seam or or what if I I bring in the wrong tapping block nobody else knows
nobody else cares you just have to expose them to this and and create that
create that atmosphere in which their the learning can grow if it's gonna grow they have to get excited about they have
to see excited people about it up there yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna point this out i' I've been to a couple uh job fairs I
had gals that were going to be nurses I had guys that were going to school for
um anything other than a trade but they were putting seams together because of the excitement we had at our booth you
know when when kids walk into these when these these trade shows you know and and the guy with this fancy toolbox over
here and he's not talking he's not engaging that ain't going to show any interest in you know it's it's a whole
different way we have to go about this they have to know it's even there how do
we duplicate that so it's it's like very yeah good question right we go to we go
to the the local high schools talk to the guidance counselor right say hey I I
want to come in here and just I I just want to expose the students to a whole
industry that they may not know about in the skilled trades and there's enormous
opportunity there um then the next step is surely they're going to have some
Career Fairs and you try try to get into the career fair and then you set up a
booth and make it Hands-On is that what I heard like kind of something like that
well that's exactly what we we did this year we were fortunate enough to be invited and participate in a career day
at um the local elementary and we didn't know what we were doing we'll be I'll be
honest we did we next time we're bringing candy that's what I know now you know we brought some hands
on for the for the kiddos to uh um to get their hands on right the some LBT interlocking Plank and we had some kids
that loved it we had some kids that only wanted a pencil we we had some kids that asked a lot of questions um you know and
uh they had no idea until that day they had no idea and you know I think um it
was a shot in the dark for us but I think that the the young kids were very responsive and um they
understood there was more understanding that there was more out there than you know obviously fireman policemen all the
people that are normally you know nurses that are normally at these younger School functions but it was it was
refreshing to see how interested they actually were right they're hands on
hands on like at what what age do we have to intercept the kids to where they
lose interest in working with their hands and building with their hands because all children are creative um to
some extent right and they lose interest in that creativity and well that's that's probably the next Point once
you've created the awareness what's the next step now you got some awareness we
got to get them into like we need that's why I want to make sure CFI
doesn't you know just expands training as much as we can do uh any any word I
have with CFI at all is expand the training make it as as
as um what if there was a sponsorship after the awareness John or something
where you get four or five students there has to be some way for the training entities to pay their bills
so you get the the some awareness through through or four students want to go in you get them sponsored somehow
into a CFI five-week course that they come out and they at least know what how
to put a piece of rug on the floor uh probably shouldn't be doing it by themselves at that point but you get
what I'm saying oh yeah that that's that's ideally what you want you know look you
look at um you know this is you were talking about the hypothetical wishful thinking my wishful thinking is Shaw and
Mohawk and and engineered floors and these big Mills they all of a sudden see this and they want they want you know
their they want the the shaw Excellence Academy of floor installation you know
they want they want this out there they want you know some centers throughout the country but until people until you
know guys like us are leaving high school or or or whatever it is and and
wanting to do this right away it's going to be hard to get all those other people
really excited about it uh um to to to throw money I guess at it right and hey
I just want to um add that this to it too is uh uh manufacturers big dogs you
people out there who are listening you know this is us from the installation
side and the the retail side saying that we need to be better as an industry right but however you know we're all
small business owners here or business owners period that are discussing this and we're all Proprietors of uh we were
at one point but it is hard to pass on knowledge and to pass on excitement for
a trade that you know that we know and you manufacture know that someone can make a living on without worrying about
are we going to lose what we built or or how do we subsidize our income while
we're volunteering our time so just putting that out there you guys like John sacrifices a lot of his free time
right now now it's not just free time but it's also time that he could be spending generating revenue for his
business and a lot of people do that everything that we do and and from a volunteer perspective
is just that um and also Brian had put on there unfortunately not all uh people want to hear um or so to your way um SL
you know paren the right way but the nobody ever wants to hear that they're doing it wrong is what it is right like
that's that's that stubbornness of being set in your ways so to speak um but uh
you're right nobody wants to hear they've been doing it wrong for years however I heard it I learned it I
accepted it I moved on I got better because of it so I guess the people who don't want to hear it are the ones that
will need to push out they don't want to continue education the on think down isn't a lot of that driven
because that it seems a little bit biased to the fact that you hire
somebody who has a little bit of experience you know that guy that you
hire that at I've been doing it this way for 10 years or whatever that
guy that that that's not the guy you got to go after you got to go after the young guy and I I do gota state for CFI
I applaud uh Jim Jim brought this up as well but the local chapters are starting
to like gain momentum and Rolland is is
huge in that and just kudos to that whole thing because
the local chapters are where I think some cre some creative excitement can be
made and then those local chapters go out to the high schools that's how I I could see it being
duplicatable is through the local chapters and the guys like you said John
the the Chuck in the truck is not even going to that local chapter he's out trying to get the next Angie's List uh
person to he's just trying to go kick in a couple Apartments today so that way he
can get his case of beer and then do the same thing tomorrow well and that's where working for a beer versus a career
is like that's two separate BS of Life uh oh you just struck a fancy with
John that's the the Jose write that down put that in your
book book of what you call it not beer
jism it's just trying to Cipher the difference between th those two types of individuals is very hard right not only
just you know for us for for the consumer for a retailer whether they're hiring hourly or subcontractors it's
hard to find that divide you you have to learn the hard way because that we don't
have a proper vetting process that is specific regions or States that's that's
the thing right there like there be there needs to be some proper vetting a
b we've got to we've got to get the you the the newer guys into placement
like getting um a guy that's been around a while never really you know did
Apartments I hate to like stereotype somebody because this this is literally someone out there but you know they do a
little bit here a little bit there they and 10 years later they they they're claiming they're the best the world and
they've never had any proper training they've never really turned it into a career doubled down on their craft any
of the stuff we talk about you've got to get them when they're still going to
listen you know I joined the industry when man all I maybe tire stores are a good
recruitment spot because I got really sick of having dirty dirty hands and
that's the whole reason I could be I got paid 50 cents for an hour to go be a carpet Helper and the work was cleaner I
would rather be on a a construction site than uh than um you know out in the cold
changing tires so that's yeah but but at the end of the day I want I want I
didn't knew nothing so I couldn't say like I was all ears I wanted to hear how
how this was all done I wanted to get good um Nate says I started the apartments
I'm not [ __ ] on everybody who's started Apartments we have all laid Apartments okay we all gotta start
somewhere get back to the apartments Nate stay in the apartment we've all done Apartments uh
that's not what I'm saying what I'm what I am saying is that once we get guys into the fold and we're able to somehow
make sure they get with good people eventually um and and and make sure that
once they're with good people that they're able to advance their career how we do that how we track that that's
happening that's what your Mohawks your Shaws your EF contracts that's what they
want they are giving money to uh the fcef for example and Jim Jim has done a
great job over at FCF but they have budget constraints and all this and that that speaks to you John that we have to
get out and get our uh okay thanks thanks that that speaks to
what you said John that the installers we got to get out and and create the
awareness as well doesn't but at some point we've got to get them trained
placed and then somehow Advanced like
trained placed and advanced into becoming because not everybody is just
self motivated for that there has to be a systematic way to do it not everybody's Daniel and Jose Who Loved
figuring this stuff out eventually they got to the point where they fell in love with learning the best methods and being
the best and doing the best installs and become and the notoriety that comes along with that is is um you know a nice
payment as well you guys are known as being freaking excellent flooring
installers especially when it comes to she vinyl and resilient products you're just known for that that's a great thing
to be known for but not everybody's that self-motivated so for it's just like
when I built this company and we have 30s something employees now at Stewart and Associates I had to change from a
five person company where I could tell everybody what to do to putting systems
in place that guided everybody on what to do and to do anything big you have to
have a systematic approach I cannot run this company do this podcast run you
know go Carrera and do all this if I didn't have great employees with great systems and great processes that allow
them to do their job and grow the company whether I'm sitting here on this call or in the office or not these my
people know what to do as a industry we have to set up the systems to train Place advance
we got the train we have training entities go go Carrera is committed this
next stent here is fully committed on filling that placement role through jump
start like we are going to get that right but there has to be others we can't be the only one to be honest with
you I'd love to be the only one because that means we're just huge and blah there just has to be other ways to place
and then Advance yeah that's what it is so we're we're lacking a a solid a solid
format a plan of succession if you will right that's what we're lacking I know that so now if we shift over to like a
the way the unions formatted they do have a plan but it doesn't always entail specifically just the flooring industry
they're just required to log training hours or and I don't know the ins and out so don't quote me if I'm wrong but
you know and in order for them to fulfill that they go to where the work is at because they're part of the Union
they they they can find work if there's dry in their area they can go elsewhere find work so they can have their dues
paid but well you know the the gc's call up and uh back in the day you know I I
was talking to a general contractor uh not too long ago about go carreri he's
like yeah it's just like a digital Union he's like uh which is funny because we
call it the digital Brotherhood uh not to take off any unions out there but um
he was like you know I I used to call the union hall and I'd say I need two Journeymen and this was more in the
carpentry side of things things but he's like I need two Journeymen and two apprentices and they'd come with their
card they showed that they're a journeyman what level they of training
they've taken like all these things were logged and tracked and advanced and
so yeah it's uh so we got a pretty long-winded one here from Jim I'm just
going to read it so that way because it it doesn't say the whole thing not to open up a can of worms here but the
starting pay for an installer for a helper has to increase guys in general we all know that a professional
installer can make a very good living after a few years in the industry but starting wages are constricting us I can
provide several examples where we've been working with Workforce Development organizations the employers of the
students involved and they shared with those organizations that starting pay would be
$15 an hour and then all your work up until that point was wasted and it was
all shut down at that point and that's what working against is things like this
where we are competing in an industry where even a McDonald's is starting at a
a certain wage and stuff like that but the fact of the matter is is where are you placing these guys because we're
we're in the industry we're at and how it's set up we we have to start at these
wages because there's not enough money in it otherwise sometimes let me say
yeah go ahead the um we're working and I I mean we've talked about this
offline before where I'm doing the these bids and people are going in at my cost
so how can I pay someone a higher wage when I can't even win some of these jobs
and then what they're doing is they're going with the lowest they're not even qualified they're going with the lowest amount
look at the email I just got about one of the jobs is sorry we lost this we were not low bid like that was the
followup well that that that problem is a whole new podcast like we have talked about how
that's a terrible the low bid scenario is a terrible scenario like it it sucks
but I would say the guy that we hired after the two week CFI course uh we
started well over that uh $15 a you have to take the risk B the
the problem isn't just the starting wage if you can't sell a vision of a career
then yeah you're being compared to the McDonald's the problem is they don't have a vision for the career so just
pushing back on Jim a little bit not like disagreeing with him but it's not just the starting wage the guy we have
to advance show that there's an advancement that if you could say stop
saying hey you make uh aund and whatever or you you make the it's like hey after
year three you can you you can you know you can be at this if that's a
systematic year three three years of you know a systematic processed three years
then you could be you know your aage the average wage is 72,000 or whatever um
you said it find this vision and Define it for them so that they know because I
can tell you we have guys that make in the 80s and 90s with full health care and all that and you add all that up and
it's over a 100 well over and they are
employee installers so yes you can make a good living and make a a good
wage but you I don't know how to sell that Vision because there's so few companies that hire employee installers
two of them on here I don't I don't know about you John uh necessarily I I I've
got I've got an employee but he's he's like Apprentice yeah um but I know Jose
and Daniel hire you know do the majority of their work in house we do a large a
good portion of our work but we still have Subs we don't hate Subs I love them that's why go career is around the we
just need some accountability around them where they have metrics that they
have to abide by and they and then hiring people and advancing them is
our is somehow we have to invigorate that in the in installation community
that these the subs need to quit trying to find the easiest way to get the job done and start looking at their
installation business as a business and as a career and hiring guys to advance
them so that in five years they've got a hell of a good guy that makes good money
they make good money on him like it can work that way so Paul I I want to just
jump back because what you said I think is what is one of the most important if
not the most pair up one of these students with somebody that gives a damn
you know you can't you can't take somebody that went from a an environment where there's learning positive attitude
all this great stuff and now you've got Debbie Downer over here that they got
work with because that vision is gone it's wiped out um I I'll share my story
I I moved back when I started Floor Covering I moved back in with my parents
because I liked what I did I was and it wasn't I didn't like my pay because it sucked but I liked what I did and I saw
a vision because of the people that I was working with I saw a vision of where I could be in a couple year I knew it
was going to take a couple years but I saw that getting that across to to
someone is very difficult because you might have some age constraint when when I go back and say if you've got a car
payment a house payment and you got kids 15 bucks an hour just ain't gonna can't
it ain't gonna work yeah well that's where intercepting
Talent at the right time comes into play absolutely you know getting them young enough out of train out of the
introductory trainings where yes 15 is what you could
get at your Chipotle but you're that's about that's all you're going to get at
Chipotle you might get a few uh you know inflation style raises to uh $16 by the
time you've been there three years but in three years if you dedicate yourself to this craft you're going to make
substantially more than 15 we're that that's the part
that somehow as a industry we have to tag on to this hey it's a great you can
make a bunch of money but you also have to it's like keeping that from being what they expect and and so many um so
many of the uh the instant this instant
gratification uh it was it was mentioned by a comment earlier that stated that you know they
want all this money right out of the gate this kind of thing
well the that part there's no solving that you just got to move on to the next
guy or the next person like if they don't think that they're going if they think they're G to come out of a six
week course and make a 100,000 a year there's something off there like you know's some delusion going on
in that person's life where yeah value doesn't reflect their knowledge hey Daniel won't you read off
Jims again so before he runs he's gonna say this he's preaching to the choir
right because we talk about it all the time he's been saying it for years manufacturers should require their
products to be installed by certified installers or else the product would come with no warranty it would solve so
many problems in the industry and he'll debate it 10,000% convinced it's uh one
of the best things a manufacturer could do for themselves and the industry at large great
conversation and I think that's kind of what um we just talked about that
recently actually we've talked about it and we support we support the whole freaking idea that manufacturers should
have a level of training what the hurdles there is what's a
certification by What entity who's governing that we have online
certifications we talked about this right yeah we talked about this C
like I remember just a couple of years ago that we were we're at convention and
this whole thing broke out and CF you know all the installers want this all of
us all the good guys who got went and got certified and uh are trained we want
this because we want to keep quit competing with guys who are not okay the
problem is is it UPA is it AF is it CFI is it ntca is it uh in nwfa and if it's
n wfas Only like does cfi's hardwood course count
does their certification count does it and so which who are they gonna who are
they going to Peg as the the one that the the the winner of all that that's
problem get the word certification and the name of it to qualif qualify that's
why we created the hammer rating we're not we're not no longer going with certification we're going to start calling individuals qualified if you
don't pass this test you're not qualified instead of certified and then they can list qualified on their on the
spec and that would change a whole lot it would it would require people to actually get the ball rolling get the
processes or the systems in place for the training for the classification of installers and their talents alongside
with the hammer rating which you have now but now you have an industry following and backing it requiring it
versus just a an owner or an architect or a business business I'm obviously
biased here but a zero to five rating that takes into account all of this is
the obviously the easiest answer now I know I'm biased because I created go Carrera and I I created the hammer
rating but the hammer rating just takes it doesn't matter if it's aft or CF or CFI or whoever did it whoever it's all
aggregated into the hammer rating and if the manufacturer just say this is you
must have a hammer rating of XYZ to install our product or else it comes with no warranty they're not tying to
any entity it cost the installer nothing absolutely zero dollars to get a hammer
rating and zero dollars to do so and the industry for whatever reason it's I I
don't know I don't know the answer I I feel like I know the answer but I don't know how to get it the the sponge to
absorb the water right and and like like Justin says because he went through
install right and the way that they did it and it's just an additional warranty
right you have to if if you're trained and you're qualified you have yeah you still have
this manufacturers warranty but if you use me this warranty gets extended like
that's an installation warranty they they provide I think it's through Lords of London that it's up to $25,000
or something like that replacement warranty if you use an install certified a guy that's certified through
install problem is there which I I love install from the training aspect but
they won't train non-union installers I know well I mean there's a partnership there right like if it doesn't make
dollars they pay their dues yeah and I get it I I I do wish if there was an
install guy watching this uh at some point that they would open up their program char a
nonmember fee to do the your training or something I don't know but install has a
hell of a program and turns out some really good installers honestly um but it is just for unions and we have a vast
GE geography of the United States that are non-un so just to get back on the topic
here right the installer shortage so I I know that we've kind of extended we've gone past our our just a little time
that's what that's what happens when you have great conversation it is too but um you know so really I'm just going to Su
summarize my thoughts we're not really having an installer shortage we're having a shortage of of knowledgeable
installers processes or systems and um a
path to get from A to B for people to find success so so really we're just we're lacking we're lacking
infrastructure in our industry when some places Union or not do in fact have that
but most of that is held internally now if we look at the the big
picture if there was more requirements right off the bat then more people would
find reasons to be structured to have those Pathways and it would it would be
it would be more weird to not have them than the companies who do have them so essentially it goes back to what I said
when we were in Georgia is the race to the bottom starts at the Top If the top
doesn't have the requirements then nobody's going to try to structure anything to follow requirements that
aren't policed yeah it would be it would
be um fantastic if the manufacturers had
like I would have never had to do anything with go careera if the uh if
the manufacturer had a you must be certified and and we knew
what certification meant and it was there was some law that prevented someone from creating some uh hobo style
training and calling it a certification like all the infighting uh
and it's not just our industry but we're really bad at that um so you know and I
appreciate all the great comments about the hammer rating that Jim and and and
Jorge said it was a well thought C out very long process to come up with a
system that just took all of the information from the trainings and created a rating um at the end what if
for for just thinking out loud here I mean what if you go on Mohawk Shaw and
any any of these manufacturers and they've always got find our product right find find a
retailer find a place to buy this what if they just what if just you know they
don't have to say must use certified installer must use you know we like the I like the word qualified but along that
they also have CFI nwfa they they they list that stuff right there on the site
so not only can you buy your product that you want but you can make sure you got the right right person you know uh
to to put it in for you I think that would go a long ways if they just do that I I am going to say one thing that
probably get me in trouble with some of the manufacturers I don't think
they he's got to think about work buddy I don't think they care about this as
much as we want them to because if they have to if their product requires a
higher level quality of installer they're going to sell less product that's why they have made tried to
engineer the qual the craftsmanship product yes and Nate
you're going to sell less material if it's harder to install and so they don't
want I think that's the resistance when I've talked to these manufacturers about using the hammer I'm like I'll I'll
debate anybody on this planet if you want to come up tell me about a better system that would give you a picture of
the skill and capability of an installer what we created if there's a better way
fine I would I would love to hear it but the bottom line is the manufacturers
have to adopt it and I I have had meetings
and it's clear to me that the number one number one concern is selling the
product not that it's installed correctly or that their product looks great when it's done it's just getting
it out the door right and then Jim DS does have this you know because there
aren't enough installers in the field so that's hard for them to do there aren't enough training or the training
organizations don't have the capacity to do everything like right away but if they come out with a solid
date like then it cuts off right here but it says by one one 2030 just
throwing a date out there the installer has to be certified or qualified or whatever it's going to be right it's
they do this with other things just look at um like M and how they're doing the
the CO2 or whatever they have on all their bags and interface was doing it with
the what were they doing it
with but I don't know but I can I I agree with that whole concept zero right
by by this date we're not going to use any more carbon or whatever their goals are they they throw these dates out
there all the time and this is just something that's never thrown out
there he we're all just basically winging
it well speaking of winging it we have wung it about a half hour past time it's
been probably one of my uh one of the best podcasts of recent times it's been
I think my my daughter is gonna shoot us she's on vacation and she's like
you guys running the longest uh podcast while I'm on vacation is fitting she said it way worse than
that though I'm sure I'll hear about that when I join them tomorrow or the next day pretty sure we're gonna break the
internet with this one though like it's yeah record-breaking well everybody needs to hear it whether it's the guy
who's just starting his install you know just got in the industry two weeks ago or the guy who's been in it for 50 years
um but that's it there just everybody's got to hear it nobody ever wants to talk about it can't keep swe sweeping it
under the rug right amen no no pun intended well guys it has been a
pleasure John I'm glad you were able to join us I know you had to stop and get some Wi-Fi and I appreciate that uh
Daniel and Jose you guys are awesome man it's was a great conversation I want to thank our audience for contributing and
and commenting if you guys catch us up uh catch us on YouTube give us a like
and a subscribe or a dislike and a comment uh interact with us if you want to get some of this uh you know help us
to continue to spread the message about our industry you know interact with us
uh that's what the you know algorithmic overlords want to see so uh help help us
out a little bit there if you catch us on um any of the other platforms uh
leave a leave a like and a subscribe or whatever you know give us some love I would say it was pretty cool we some
major Nationwide recruiter re repost one of our episodes of the Huddle uh on
LinkedIn that was pretty freaking cool um so anyway keep engaging guys uh stay
true to the craft and we will see you guys next week