The Huddle - Episode 60 - Effective Project Management

This week the guys switch gears from their short series to focus on how to effectively manage a project.

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The HUDDLE is where the flooring industry can get together and talk about everything! Lead by Paul Stuart from Go Carerra who is joined by Daniel and Jose Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring.

welcome to the Huddle we come at

you every Tuesday 3 P.M Central to discuss maintaining poor progress in your foreign career

be it an installer a company uh we we um kind of tackle a ton of different topics

on this podcast with me as always Mr Daniel and Jose Gonzalez

Grand Rapids Michigan almost at Detroit it's okay we wouldn't even know we

wouldn't even have stopped you we would have just let it go oh well how's it going today guys

well we're a couple minutes late right but that's good because I was actually on the road I didn't think I was going

to make it uh so I I logged on on the road and took that opportunity of being a little

bit behind to get in the office I had a little technical difficulty here uh I'll

call it as it is it was user malfunction and any uh any part of the actual

technology so well um we are today's topic like I said

before we we kind of tackle topics from uh all sides of the industry whether it's

you know the the training organizations but uh to to companies and installers but

primarily we're talking to the installer um and um

those who are are looking maybe to move their career in a different path start a

flooring company uh take over their dad's company their uncles whatever

um be a successor of some sort uh all the way to just the guy that's out there

working his butt off for the industry installing carpet and tile and resilient

and all the good flooring products out there so uh today's topic effective project

management uh we've kind of touched on some you know key points to this topic and

other episodes I guess we could probably we'll probably be saying that a lot now that we're what 60 something episodes in

we've 60 60 this is number 60. zero

we've been doing this for over a year guys so uh I want to thank all of our audience and the people who tune in

um I love hearing from you guys I got a call this week actually got a couple of calls this week

and it's just nice when people reach out and say they enjoy the Huddle and they

watch us religiously on one of the media channels um

and bring up questions that they had on some stuff so this this week uh got a

call from an installer on uh just wanting some some guidance on on how to

move into the commercial world and so that's always refreshing I'm sure you

guys get it too I know you do so it's awesome and I want to just thank everybody who uh Tunes in and uh without

further Ado we will get started

um I'm gonna start with a question what is project management

it's it's kind of used in so many different Industries for so many different three so many different things

if you if you ever want to do an experiment go to ZipRecruiter and put a

put a uh job posting for project manager and see what you get wow

you'll get everything from uh a guy that

uh designs and oversees or project manages new parts for airplanes to

project managers for uh food companies it's it's a big broad term but

in our industry it's just that it's a project and there's a manager that has to oversee the schedule the labor

allocation and the finances and budget of that job

so do you guys agree that that's pretty much what what the uh definition is for

us I do I do and I think uh depending on the the size of your outfit is going to

depend on what that project manager has on on their plate so if you want to give

it that title right so it could be the owner yeah oftentimes is is one of the I'm gonna

I'm still I Still project managed work and and we do um you know hundreds of projects a year but I still project

manage work I know you guys both run jobs and project managed so

um there's always seemed to be pillars to to these types of titles as far as like

effectively managing projects uh what do you guys think some of the pillars are

to you like the key points that all the other stuff falls under

well the the main key point for for us is going to go back to like one of the other episodes where we talked about

communication um like that right there to me is number

one um if you can't keep an open line of communication or

understand how to communicate any aspect of the project whether it's with your your client or your installer or the

crews or multiple Crews um you're going to be in a really really bad spot

yeah so that was the first pillar on my uh that I had written down as well and I

put labor and client so the head obviously a lot of times uh for

the audience uh we don't pre um on every episode we're not able to

kind of get together and plan for it so we ad-lib some of this stuff and and uh

one of the great things about PF is we have a lot of similarities in how we look at business and and so we can get

away with that because our answers are the same uh so

I wanted to say that communication doesn't just mean communication when it's convenient

or when you have good news or you know your your client wants to hear

from you and and your whole you don't want to hold off and tell them nothing silence is worse

than telling them hey I don't know yet I just sold the vendor the materials are

still not released or still not produced or still not on the truck or he's

dealing with that right now oh my God right I mean you still have to call them and say I wish I could tell you

something and I certainly would if I could but this is the reality and sometimes

you got to back it up with communication on add to vent to that communication list your vendors because a lot of times

it saved us with our clients where we just forward them the email from the vendor and say Here's the proof we're

not just trying to delay your job or not show up or short labor they automatically think you don't have guys

and you're using material delivery at least that's kind of the tendency around here I don't know right I want to speak

for you guys but they tend to think like you're purposely doing it or something right and then

even even when it comes down to to some change orders I just had a project out of school and they're like we need to

get it done by this day and I'm like well that's already gone and sailed right but we can get the product here

sooner and that's all I did I took the price that the rep gave me I'm like I'm not trying to make money on this I just

want to get this material here just as fast as you guys do this is what it's going to cost that's it yeah

yep and and showing uh we have uh a job well several dealerships we're doing for

a dealership group and the one thing that we're waiting on is the entry math system

it's like a you know an aluminum I won't name any names or anything Ben's aluminum entry mat system there's a

couple out there so yeah there's a few out there so you can uh but you know

they take time to produce they're custom every single one of them are accustomed to the size that you need and our client

just keeps pounding on us about the delivery of it more like has it been produced yet has it been produced yet

and when our PM doesn't communicate that it makes the client more nervous they

don't think you even are working on their problem if you don't communicate and so that's why communication to me

even if it's not the news you want to deliver maybe it's no news

um you know waiting to hear good news and then communicate that because that's easier and feels better than

communicating bad or no news right but it's important I think that you still

communicate the bad news you know let your client know that you're on it

um and same with vendors if you're waiting on something communicating with them because certainly uh we have a

saying that our company that we get we have to be better than our vendors because a lot of times they tell us that

they and it doesn't come in and so you know we have to deal with those issues as well as communication from

them they don't just offer up hey it's on the truck it's on its way because

there's so many fires and I don't blame them I'm just saying that it's the fact right yeah product waiting to hear on

but if you don't reach out to them and communicate it's like we're the Catalyst to the whole situation we have to reach

out to the vendor get the information and then call our client give them the information because it doesn't always

just flow freely from our vendor even if it's a rush plot issue because

they got 20 other of us that probably have the same thing going on so the squeaky will gets the grease and um you

know we we've talked about communication on almost everything but the saying is there for a reason communication is key

or the key and uh that's because it's probably the most important part to any

um aspect of business whether you're collecting money

um you know trying to Be an Effective project manager or whatever I mean you guys love communication what what's

one of the tools what's your best um not tools how do you guys look at it I

mean do you do you consider when you're talking a client

let's use a situation where you have a client you're really there they need to

get in their building and you don't have the answer do you guys still just call them and say

look I don't have an answer yet but I just called that kind of stuff yeah

it's it's not even it's communicating with them that you're also communicating

with your reps and trying to get some answers it's like I talked to him three times today and I still got nothing yeah and it's so going

back to that right there like I just want to add to that too you said communicating

um good news or bad news to me it's more important to communicate the bad news

so that way a solution can start materializing if you need to kind of take a a lateral movement and then it is

the good news the good news is uh great it's gonna be good news at 8 A.M and it's still going to be good news at 3

P.M right but the bad news at 8 A.M is better to have the bad news at 8 A.M

than 3 P.M um too like if dude if you could just tell

me the day before that you're not going to be on and not just don't show up or

don't you know it's not even like that with us it's with our cruise it's uh it'll be 3

30 and then they'll be like hey we're not going to be done today and it's like you should have known this hours ago

and lunch time at least at lunch time at least by lunchtime you kind of have an indicator for ding

sure I did um that that that's what I'm I wanted to kind of draw you know guide

towards or or get to was you know we need our our crews to communicate with

us too when you're talking about schedule it's not always the vendor I mean there are vendor in that in the

labor side is the crew yeah or the employee installer just letting you know

so you can effectively communicate a lot of times they I

I wonder why they don't you know um my guess is they think they're going

to disappoint you or you're going to ask them to work harder or something I mean

at that point it doesn't matter I mean depending on the schedule it it is room

for disappointment right but like like I said you can't start finding a solution unless you know that there's an issue

you know and and that's the biggest thing like it's okay I don't if I'm doing something

and I'm not going to make a deadline I have to bring that out to the Forefront depending on what type of project it is

if I don't know till 3 pm that they're not going to be done that day but we were scheduled to turn it over uh that

night for cleaning crew I like egg on the face right like that's something I need to know and then and

going back to like uh the wrapping the vendor issue too it's one thing that I've learned

recently is the open communication with them hey just checking to make sure that my

product is going to be here on time hey I haven't received a response on the purchase order or a courtesy response on

the purchase order that has something two months ago and uh where's the products produce scheduled to be here

two days ago and I haven't seen it yet oh yeah we never processed that oh my goodness

yeah that's another example of like being better than your vendor yeah it's

just like we've had it the same exact thing where oh we or they whether they've didn't

place the order well we sent you know some guy at your company uh a

confirmation and never got a sign so the order didn't get placed or something and I'm like you guys don't

follow up like so that's where you just gotta like follow up pay is this order good is it

placed isn't it moving yes okay well lesson learned I'm I'm on my behalf as

well like don't don't always trust the process right and if if something did get missed or

overlooked uh it's not one way or the other it's it's both sides and if it's late

it's my fault regardless I have to say it's my fault um yeah

I can't I can blame it on whoever I want but I have to say it's my fault it doesn't

make anybody look any better when you start saying well this person and that person or this company that company you

gotta be willing to take uh the full force of uh of whatever incident whatever bad news

yep I'm okay doing that I mean I'm not okay doing that but I'm okay doing that does that even make sense

well I mean sometimes it's it's it is both ways I mean sometimes

like the bad news uh they're gonna find out regardless anyway

it's just are you gonna communicate so that they can start problem solving which is number two on my list is

effective problem solving but account it's it's derived from communication so

it's real hard to like you said you let right into it

it's hard to start thinking about Solutions and problem solving if you

don't know there's a problem so that like I said the earlier you can communicate that the better off you are

that's across the board that's every that's I think that's everybody that has to be everybody

so on effective uh problem solving um you know provide Solutions is top of

my list like think of it from a Solutions provider I love like even your guys's uh I believe your email

um signature says something about your Solutions provider or something right

yeah thank you for trusting preferred flooring for um helping you with your flooring

Solutions or something like that yeah yeah I mean it's like you know those things right there I don't even think about this like I was doing my my

signature and I was like oh this sounds pretty good well it's true though that's what you

really do um and then I I have focus on future

don't you know it's it's real easy um

to it's real easy to

get in a situation where you're fighting over what has happened and you're not

focused on trying to get whatever the problem is solved I had a big blow up

last week I'm I'm um probably still have elevated uh cortisol

levels from getting in a big you know argument with a foreman on a

job site and I was just trying to get him to understand that I need your help

now to get this building done my guys have this problem

you should have been done a week ago okay what can I talk about that how does that

help the situation right now I'm not god dude you can keep yelling at me about how I should have been done or I can say

that you didn't you know pay attention to our durations and we can have a fight for an hour on this thing

but right now I'm about two hours away three hours away from finishing your job

if I can get a solution to this would you like that let's let's talk about so

I I want to focus on what we can do about what is that you know right at us right

now it's kind of like what do they say you know you don't worry about you know having an infection in your toe when a

lion's chasing you or something like that I mean does the problem is right that is the problem all the other

problems all the other stuff you got to solve the main problem first and

so um which leads me into the last part of effective problem solving is

understanding what the problem in front of you is and not getting distracted by what these other little things that make

and I have a specific thing in my head specific problem in my head that why I'm

saying little things they may not be little things but in this particular situation all this other stuff was

inconsequential it's it's a time waste at this moment we

have a lion on top of us how do we get him off how do we fix the problem that is happening right now and um

you know we got around it finally got to it so uh you know got the got the the

problem solved and we actually got the job done we're a few hours late but got the project completed

um so what else what is on your guys uh what else do you guys see as effective

uh you know key key things or important things on effective uh project

management um being open about scenarios up front with

the guys uh you know trying we've been around for a little while right we've been in a lot of different

scenarios you're talking about planning I can already tell you yeah it's planning right so you you hope for the

best you plan for the worst um and try to give as much information up front

as possible without overwhelming anyone right so

that way they can process what they have in front of them without overwhelming

um so they're not already on a stressful level so that way if a problem does arise then

they're able to attack that that particular issue or that particular

problem without worrying about the stress of everything else because it's kind of mapped out um

I wish someone did that for me when I when I started but um it's not always the case right and

some of it is you just gotta go with the flow but that's try to alleviate

um stresses whenever possible for from any of the crews or uh the generals or

the the sales rep or whoever the client try to try to go over those scenarios and

possibilities um before they become an issue ahead of time so like planning to me could have

been I guess I have it down later on the list but it could have been number one too I mean because that prevents so many

problems and issues that come up um there's the six P's that

um a guy here that built to cut well Rent-A-Center Tom Devlin uh I've talked

to a bunch of the people that have worked for him back in the past when he owned a Rent-A-Center and he sold that

in like the late 80s uh real big success story for here in Wichita and he started

that entrepreneurial uh program at our college at Wichita State University

I I tell you that because one of his sayings was the six P's was piss poor

planning or uh proper planning prevents piss poor

production I like that so you know from a

production standpoint and getting stuff done if you plan properly you can get through

uh you just alleviate so many headaches I I tell my team it's like invest your

time don't spend it if you invest it it's early on you're investing in the

project you're investing these hours and planning and it's an investment because

it has an Roi it pays you back you get that time back for damn sure you

know if you're if you don't plan and you have all these problems at the end and we've we've had it we still have it

where project managers don't plan out their project properly and have a good

um well plan for how how they're going to get from A to B whether it's a phase or an entire job or whatever

and I always try to I don't try to I preach

that it's investing your time when you're planning it's spending your time putting out flyers

and I can't think of a better way to say it but that's just the kind of the saying

that we use and when it's done it pays dividends man it pays back in

spades because you're just not wasting all that time and and you know how it is how much more money do you spend hot

shotting material or doing things like this when you know paying extra freight

or on the phone just constantly tracking something because it you know we're not

perfect we don't always plan appropriately but a little bit of planning could have prevented it and uh

you know earlier ordering check in with your vendor on is this a

you know three to six week production or is this a six 12-week type of production those types of things are what gets uh

still get us in trouble sometimes you know we'll we'll think something's a a normal you know it's out of stock back

order uh kind of product or whatever and you just assume that because the last

order was three to six weeks that this one is yeah maybe it's a different fiber on a carpet and they have to buy the

fiber they don't make it in-house and then they're waiting on the fiber production and all these things that can

happen so you want to be a Commercial contractor yeah

that scenario just happened on one of the projects that Daniel was talking about is uh you know they they they put

in uh a revision on a product and they wanted you know 12 foot wide uh sheet Goods instead of six foot wide to reduce

seams it's like well all right well let me find out if it's available yeah it's available I have

this much right now in in this state all right awesome so everything got approved two days later place the order

it was gone and it was gone yeah so we had to go back to production so any

clients out there watching just remember if you don't order the product immediately it could be gone immediately yeah we

don't have the control and the Mill's not or the distributor is not going to

not sell it unless you have it on hold or ordered yeah we're talking thousands

of yards and that was um that was because when uh uh a corporation is involved

right they have their their processes and procedures that they have to follow as well and everything's got a trickle

up before we get an answer right okay yeah I like it but let's we gotta get an answer we gotta get an answer until it gets final approval and that's

what happened and we got it approved in a couple days but that was a couple days too late

yeah I've had that happen a handful of times you order something or you check stock on something and then

I say a handful probably five handfuls of times over the time

a handful of time over the last couple months probably but you check on it and then just about

it seems like immediately someone in the you know atmosphere heard again ordered

the damn product right right after you called and checked stock on it ding ding ding order now yeah I've been in their

shopping cart for three weeks I wanted to bring up technology and its

role um it's not a pillar but I thought it you know it has a role here it is a

pillar it is a pillar dude you think it's a pillar okay it is what what's your uh

so technology to me the reason I didn't call it a

pillar was just the fact that and it probably is but the reason I didn't was

it supports effective communication it you know if you think back before email

and stuff how those people had to get the information from one person to the next it was days you know picking up the

phone calling someone else's landline hey Jim that carpet's not going to be

here until February all right click he has to drive to the job site let his

superintendent know you know I mean we didn't have all this technology where it

was just instantaneous and you're forwarded messages and stuff and you can get the same information in seconds it

used to take days to get so it really supports effective

communication um and understanding you know one of the pill one of

communication and and that is a pillar and go Carrera because that is one of

the biggest things that we feel uh can help is keeping the communication with

the project if you do a lot more a lot of projects you know text messages and

emails can get lost or or just um you can find them but they're in a

chain of things that you don't remember what was said before or after or whatever and we have sometimes we'll

have people that you start a communication on email and then they go to text message message then it's a

phone back to email yeah like just we were there we were there that's what we were doing it was hard to keep track

right and then there's five different threads uh text messages and then the emails and then you start having a

conversation about Project B and C but you're on email thread project a and

there's just like ah um it takes practice to get better at

making sure that you're intentional on the communication in its specific area

and where it belongs and um in its piece of technology yeah and

and don't get me wrong I was really really but now I'm the one who gets

frustrated when people are taking conversations outside of of uh a specific thread where it should be where

it belongs yeah where you can keep track some some level of tracking on it yeah and

Daniel was light years ahead of me it's amazing the difference he's only six years younger than I am but it's amazing

the difference in technology what he grew up with versus what I did yeah yeah the the the understanding and importance

of what he has taught me uh about technology versus what I thought I I

didn't need um we just had a conversation with the client today uh measuring with uh you

know measuring with the mobile app walked around with me distract me there's so much that I left

my laser and my tape measure there and he called me when I was five minutes from the shop hey Jose you forgot sure

did but yeah you know technology goes a long way I

mean there's a bunch of different ways where it it can help um

overall life obviously but when you're talking about project management

everybody else is moving at the speed of light you know communication with your

client and if you deal with General Contractors and bigger General Contractors that are using procore and

all these things and you know go career is kind of the pro core for flooring Subs in a way and it just wants to keep

the communication packed um around the project but the point here

is if everybody else is using it you better or using a piece of technology and this

is not obviously to you guys but if you're a if you were a fan of the previous uh

series about becoming a flooring contractor one thing I can tell you is that you're going to have to embrace technology you're going to have to

really look at the different accounting tools and the different you know communication tools and different uh

applications that best serve your business but they're essential for these

other things to work at all

it is and it's hard to um it's hard to

explain that to some individuals who are still stuck in

their old ways I would just saying right like oh I don't need that I'm successful without that and like

you know I guess if you willing to to stay stagnant and in that

same repetitive lifestyle then yes but if you're someone who's trying to scale up

and you're trying to you're trying to promote your business

and and get better and become more efficient then technology is something you cannot leave behind trying to have

forward progress yeah amen there you go some people just don't understand that

man and you don't want to it is it is hard especially like when we started

implementing teams it was everyone is learning it all at the same time and I'm

still learning it yeah yeah I mean and and Technology changes too right so

they're gonna have updates and then you gotta relearn it but it's like without having everything in that

particular job you can't just go back and be like oh let me just scroll through this job then you got to go

through dang who was that that I was emailing what was their name again yeah what project was that tearing up the

search box yeah turn it up I hate the search box I think that you're right

technology could be considered a pillar or it could just be complementary to every pillar that's in there right like

the first time that holds all the pillars up I mean to me it's an add mixture to your

foundation that's all it is yeah it might not be a pillar but it's definitely mixed into every every little bit and piece of of

any industry and you know problem solving you could use technology plan for the future for communication whether

it is the client uh the labor rep manufacturer like technology is part of everything that we

do right now and it's not going away anytime soon amen so on when you're just to go back a

little bit to proper planning I I forgot to mention this is uh I'll be a little vulnerable

and transparent one of our biggest problems um across our team is

setting realistic expectations early on part of the planning process

but you know I got a PM right now that's uh kind of he learned his lesson that he's

in a a battle pre-planned to battle with a contractor who asked for durations on

the last portion of the job and he said it's going to take three weeks the guy starts you know mauling it over and and

responds well that should take two weeks he goes it's gonna take three weeks

that's our duration that's how much time we've already done nine of these

buildings we know how long the the last one's going to take with our current labor source that we have available to

do that job and it's going to take three weeks that's one thing and I'm proud of being

for like doing that and and getting out ahead of it because we were expected to

do the same job the same building um each one of the other nine in in uh

like three days and it's impossible without without having seven or ten guys

on each floor like literally one one crew per per unit it's

without having one crew in each unit doing all the different flooring whether

it's the LBT the base or the carpet or whatever but doing the whole scope in each unit and having one crew in each

unit on each floor it's impossible to get it done in three days uh we ended up

having like 40 some guys on that job site at one time trying to get it caught up because

on or we allowed the client to set the unrealistic expectation it goes you know

sometimes it's them setting it and you don't say anything but part of planning is re rebutting that and saying No this

is how long it should take and uh I mean it it caused us a heck of

a problem you know because go career or not I could shoot out a work order and maybe get some extra guys over there but

then you got you know hours of time when you're on fire like that to try to get a new crew

started on a new job and all that stuff you're like effort this guy did the other apartment

the other student housing get him over here he did one get him over here you know and you're trying to just get the

project finished um but I I feel like that that planning is

really a lot about proper uh expectation management you know like telling the

client what the real truth is and I found more and more and you guys probably can Echo this that we are

getting squeezed more and more on our duration yeah and it's like guys

some of the products have to dry before we don't control that

and I don't know if if concrete's nice and dry and the humidity the ambient

temperature and humidities uh reasonable then it'll probably dry in an hour but

you know you get get a few uh a few dozen Windows opened into the job site

because people want to throw their trash out of them or something all of a sudden it could take four hours

for that same area to dry and so that proper like duration

um has been that's and and the fact that I don't know where it stops but clients

thinking that because one job you were able to go slam in 1100 yards in a day of carpet

tile with two guy two Crews or something that that's doable on every job because it's a similar size and one's a big

single room and one has 20 offices and it's like do you not it doesn't it's

not apples for apples but a lot of times they just look at square footage look at square footage

um and it doesn't it doesn't it doesn't comprehend or compute so I want to throw

that out there that you know properly setting the expectation when you're doing your planning

um can help a lot as well and we we have to get better at that everyone has to get better at that and

that's that's something that I've done too in the past where they do give you a timeline and then

you're like no it's going to take this much and then it's like well if you want to take that much you know you want to

cut it down by that much time we we can but it's going to take this much more

to do it and you know switching products out it's like we're not going to skim coat the

whole thing we're going to self-level it with an expensive self-leveler that's going to cure in an hour

so I mean you wanna and sometimes it just can't be done no

matter yeah yeah I got another job that had a similar deal we told him a month ahead of time

or ahead of time we told them it was a month duration to get all this Nora uh

flooring down and it's a a lot of yardage Flash Cove heat welded

everywhere like the hallways are not you know flat lay in the rooms

everything Splash code there's Corners everywhere and they just couldn't

understand why this area was going to take so long and we said because we know what it's going to take it's going to

take a month you know when they release their damn schedule they give us 13 days

guess what happened didn't get done in time no way but come on it's it's taking them off and it's also

not something you just throw a bunch of more people at because more people doesn't equal more production and equals

more problems especially on something as particular as Nora exactly it was it's a very particular product and on top of

that the the you know when you can get too many

people in an area like not everybody can be productive when you start doing that I mean you have to be able to get out

and get to the water to skim coat but if that hallway is that that is the only entrance into the

other room is glued up or has product pulled back or it's being pattern felted

or whatever the scenario no one can go through there and so like more people doesn't always

solve the problem and that's why those durations you know we kind of Saved ourselves on that

um that deal because we we had it in writing that it was going to take a month to do we told them very clearly to

take a month and they they completely ignored it and that's you know what that's the sad

truth that's happening right now is everything is getting funneled in and you know we're we're finishers right

like we're coming in as finishers and they're trying to get us the final product that everyone's going to see

that everyone is going that needs to outperform the stuff that's hidden um they want you to hurry up hurry up

and get it done I remember a conversation one time and you were talking about uh ambient temperature and humidity we ran into a really bad

problem with humidity and we're prepping and nothing's drying not even with moving air I remember the the general

telling me well you need to get more people here and I because I was young and the person yeah

exactly that's exactly what I said right I mean you want them to breathe on it like I don't understand what more people

is going to do well that's not what I mean well that's what's going on right now so I guess you

know it's one o'clock and we don't usually leave at one usually the last one's here but we're leaving there's nothing else I can do

so it was funny you said that that's exactly what I said you know and we've had

instances we've had too many people on a project uh you know we've had new guys and when you have a new guy sometimes

you do have one too many extra hands and you know I just I remember a friend of

mine that worked with us and he was handing handing one of the installers one piece of Base at a time because there was nothing for him to do so he

had it over his shoulder here you go hahaha

oh yeah you know the other thing when you start talking about Shiba and stuff

and uh we've had this happen you have one crew over here doing cheap on

another crew over there and there's no specific boot way of doing the boots and

they don't communicate one dude does a butterfly and one does an outside on my inside corner or an outside corner

you know different ways of of doing your corners and and they're like we like that way better

than that way we're like it's not specified and you you yeah you made us have three different Crews on the site

yeah one of those things that just happened and I wish we would have caught it and like had some pre-con meeting

with all the crews but yeah that time you're on fire so again planning durations can save you but that that

locks it in for if you ever run into that situation again you're like hey you guys were already there what are you

doing so that's what everyone is because none they're both right yes yes preference and if and if um any

resilient installers out there and you run into that and if you're going to a project and it doesn't specify then then

spend some time doing mock-up so they understand what you're talking about when you say uh if you're if you're

there helping another crew or doing the job yeah go look at the other guys stop see how it's already been done uh that

would have solved our problem too but that didn't happen either and if you um ever get put in a situation where

someone tells you on a Friday that you have to work through the weekend because it's got to be done and then you have to hire other flooring companies to come

and help make sure you're not the flooring company that says yeah I can I can do that yeah

oh man nightmare unless you're friends with the other flooring company and you can talk

between the two of you about the best way to attack it yeah doesn't happen

very often in the same Market obviously but all right well uh what other

you guys got anything else that's the end of my my uh list that I had written down that I found that you know I felt

like was important on our side um I do have something else

um and when you when you're project managing

put forth an effort to know your people you're right um

it's something as simple as as knowing a hobby knowing what they like to do and conversating

um it it is one of those things that is very hard to remember to do when you feel like you

have a million things to do all the time right is to be personable but

um me time for that be intentional about that that's

yeah and you're no one knows it as much as they want to right or as much as they they probably should unless that's their

full-time job but be intentional and knowing I don't want to say your

audience right because it's more than just your audience but the people you work with whether it's a rep versus uh

your your employee or uh your your contractor like

strike up a conversation know them get to know them I'll add on to that just a little bit

maybe not so personable but still uh important in that same arena is

uh you know the quality expectation of things and how things are gonna look

you know making sure it's clear that

um you know I know you for example uh we had on that student

housing project they they rejected they totally said no prep like do not prep the floors

right no no we're not paying you a dime to prep anything all right sign this paper you understand that what the

concrete and Chip Creek look like is how this floor is going to look right

and um so going through that and and listing

out the things that can happen like we can have peeling because chip Creek's not properly prepared and all these

things and just listing them out and the the concrete itself had blisters in it

where air bubbles came up it didn't pop it's like that's going to show through it's going to look like debris under the

lvt but it's not debris it's the concrete bumps that are like throughout so

um we don't always sad to say you don't always have the highest quality projects

uh and project expectations that you like I've got a few projects I wish you

know we we didn't have to do because it you just cannot possibly do the level of

quality you would like to uh but when you do come up against that it's important to uh you know plan on the

expectation and make sure your client knows this is what to expect and not just verbally I would uh highly

recommend you put that righty but uh knowing what their expectation is and

you know what it's going to look like and then marrying those two together so that everybody's informed

yeah we we just we walked away from

one of the construction companies not too long ago because they had uh I did

all the legwork and you know got a system approved from the manufacturer that is still technically not warranted

by the manufacturer but it had been performing so I did all that and then they came

back with no we just want to put floating floor in there I said I'm not gonna do it and then they got all

angry at me and I was like when I say butt hurt is what he was going to say

but I just talked to uh the owner of that construction company and I got a

meeting with her in a couple weeks and she was like oh yeah you were the

one that was supposed to do that it's all failing already

we don't say I told you so either we just say well need any help finding a solution yeah

yeah you could say it in your brain but uh and it feels good to say it in your

brain even but not very productive to what's wrong with him you don't go

I mean yeah oh no

um so some people just don't understand and I get it sometimes sometimes Solutions

are outside of the budget that's available um I I get it yeah that's what happened now they

didn't have a a dime extra I mean at all and I I usually will even give some to try to

get it right but it's such a massive project and because it's individual units you give to one unit they're going

to want all the units so unfortunately you can't give to even one unit or else everything else

the you just raise the expectation level now you're skim coding and floating and doing everything on every unit why can't

all the units look like this because you don't want to pay for it and I decided to make one look good well then you

should have made them all look good you know that kind of thing the unit I'm moving into so I spent my time working

on it so yeah that's the one my kid's moving into so uh yeah

all right guys well we came to the end of our time I I feel like uh you know affected project management just to

recap the whole thing here real quickly is communication with your labor your

client your vendors uh effective problem solving being a Solutions provider uh

embracing technology and then proper planning prevents pissport production

so all right guys well that that hour flew by as usual it's always a pleasure

to hang out and talk to you guys um again I just want to uh say to the

audience convention with fcic and CFI is coming up at the end of September uh

look I don't get nothing for this I just think it's valuable for everybody that can go to go so I know you guys feel the

same way I came here come hang out with us and yeah I was going to say actually I do get something out of it let's just

go hang out yeah we'll hang out by the pool bar yeah yeah and if the if if it's a Tuesday

maybe we'll pull you in on the podcast and you can contribute and and be part of the uh part of the Huddle so oh the

the convention does start on that Wednesday right so you should be getting there a day earlier anyways

yeah then when you can join us I think we have some um we had to attend a few things on Tuesday anyway yeah we

have a meeting that goes right up until the time when this is supposed to start so I'm probably gonna set everything up

somewhere go to the meeting that old story yeah yeah you've always

got an excuse always that's how I mean we've shot him at poolside we've shot them in yeah right outside the doors

we're going to be here on Tuesdays that's our that's our goal we've only missed a couple in over a year so

um and and one of those I think was a full technology failure so you know

sometimes it happens but um all right well uh last but not least please if you

enjoy the content or you see some value give us a like a subscribe if you're on

a YouTube channel or you're you're catching this on one of the social channels you know comment tell us what

you guys want to hear about uh one thing I was gonna throw out there you know with all the Facebook groups we're part

of I thought we'd do um maybe take one episode a month to just dig through some of the comments we

won't name any comments but you know we want screenshots we want to put them

up put them on the screen let's dissect these we can I mean they put it out

there publicly but uh you know go through some of the the questions some of the problems out there some of the

funny you read and oh man yeah on the on the Facebook uh groups uh but

just our comments about the uh that you know maybe it's the go career comment section of uh from the Facebook uh and

Instagrams of the of the world so I think that'd be fun a little off the

beaten path not always so serious about how to run a business and things and just uh you know have a little bit of

fun with it so that does sound like a good time actually yeah it would be fun if you

guys are here and you want to comment on one of those uh and you have an idea for a topic on the podcast give us a give us

a shout on there you know let us know and and we'll do our best to put something together for it and maybe your

episode ends up I just read that comment really but commercial planning is some hard

stuff when you add all these episodes or yeah I'll add all these episodes together

yeah all right guys have been commenting on here

oh man sorry that's funny to me because overwhelming

yeah well there's a lot to the business there's a lot to any business but the flooring business uh you know that's why

we're here we're here to help people and and that's why we do it in segments right because you learn a little bit at

a time because many small time make big time amen all right fellas we will chat with you

guys next week and um until then have a good week yeah thank you all right thank you guys


The Huddle - Episode 61 - Commercial Safety


The Huddle - Episode 59 - So You Want to be a Commercial Contractor pt. 3- Getting Paid