The Huddle - Episode 63 - Ballin Knows Best

Ballin Knows Best
Preferred Flooring/Go Carrera

In this week's episode of The Huddle, the guys are joined by Ken Ballin to discuss his new mobile & desktop app, Ballin Knows Best. Find Ken's web version of the app on

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The HUDDLE is where the flooring industry can get together and talk about everything! Lead by Paul Stuart from Go Carerra who is joined by Daniel and Jose Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring.

what's up flooring family welcome to the

huddle we come at you every Tuesday 3 P.M Central to discuss maintaining

forward progress in your flooring career sorry I was stumbling over my own words with me as always is Jose and Daniel

Gonzalez have preferred flooring out of Grand Rapids Michigan and we have a special guest today Ken Ballin of Kim

Ballin installation but uh what's the name of your company skyro floors I knew

that sorry about that um but also Ken's got a really cool uh

platform coming up we're we're gonna have the privilege to get to know in this podcast

um so one thing I want to point out is everybody on here

um if you've tuned into the Huddle in previous episodes you know we're really focused on trying to help the installer

become the best version of themselves the best installation professional they can be can has a excellent program that

he's put together it's an application AI driven that uh is really there to do

just that to give installers the answers that they need to their you know installation problems

um he's building a community around it and um sounds like some really exciting

stuff so welcome Ken as well and uh so to to start off guys uh you

guys having a successful week everybody so far so guys so far very very busy week

well you can see Jose's as usual in his uh vehicle and

not so as uh usual Daniel's out on the side it looks like and uh away from home

base so uh we got Canada's workout room I'm in my office and these guys are out making

it happen so welcome everybody uh if you enjoy the show or if you've watched

previous episodes please consider giving us a like And subscribe on our YouTube channel or on our social channels same

with preferred flooring and Ken has a great following on uh online so if you

follow here and you don't follow him please go follow and kit follow Ken you'll always recognize his logo there

on his shirt I see from far away in every show just because of that shirt so uh so let's

kick it off with uh Kim's uh new Venture first off congrats dude it's a it sounds

awesome uh I love it when guys take these leaps of Faith to try to improve

things um so I guess out of the gate I'm gonna ask you to kind of uh just give us an

overview the name and the overarching idea of your your new venture

yeah sure so um the tech is called that one knows best and essentially what it

started out as was a a text line that you could text questions in uh from the

job site and get responses to you know in real time fairly quickly as well

depending on you know the complexity of the question um the idea is that Bowen knows best

essentially becomes a hub for installers with multiple resources aside from just

the text line that they can get questions answered um we have the website that's also live

and the app that's coming very soon we're working on this week and next week to get it you know out in its final form

but um so we'll have links to sponsors and their websites and their apps we want to

have uh training and Industry events on there we want to have a board of mentors

that can guide people if you're not really getting the question answer that you that you you know you want in this

manner you can contact one of our mentors and get the question answered directly from them and have a little more personal conversation uh sometimes

you can get a little generic response from your AI so you know it kind of gives you that more in person

um feeling and then at some point we'd like to also develop our own kind of forum for installers to interact and

network with each other as well that's great yeah so Community really is what you're

building and um supporting the installer now do I have this right that it's AI driven but

it's kind of person supported it's human supported so if somebody has a complicated question

or something that the AI may not have been uh fully trained on it's got some

people support on the back in the background so you may jump in or one of your mentors jump in and help answer a

question day I may not have provided uh the clearest answer on or something is

that is that accurate well yeah yeah yeah so um I see everything that comes

in all the questions that come in and I see the answers that go back out and if I see something that um you know isn't

really what I know they're looking for or I might do something a little differently I have the ability to jump

in myself to the conversation and you know make um other different suggestions or

modifications to the answer so that we can kind of steer them a little better than they might get initially well I

think I think that's an important um uh aspect of this we've talked about Ai

and actually uh chat GPT and stuff in previous episodes uh I believe it was

the technology episode or something one of the frustrations is you know you're not always going to get those

intricate questions answered sometimes the way you're you're needing the

information and so knowing that there's some some human support behind that is

um I think much needed and I think will go a long way with your user base

oh yeah definitely definitely I mean it's you kind of see you've got people like me people like me who are just

gonna want to talk to someone too like you know you you can read all the literature or and

whatever responses but if it's too monotone it's like you know what I just I feel like there's another way I

feel like like there's just one thing missing when you get a professional like you can on the phone and he says oh yeah

dude his is all go this is what you're missing you didn't know that of course I didn't I'm not kidding I've

given the number out to um to a bunch of people to kind of test out and use and see what they think and

you know I've seen the responses come in and every time that they've asked something that you know I wasn't really

you know behind I would jump in and say you know please be patient with us while I'm still learning

um but this may be a better solution for for your problem and

um you know everybody seems to get a kick out of it when they find out that it's actually me and not uh

AI yeah yeah

oh go ahead go ahead nope we earlier uh we had we had the laundry

of having a conversation prior to start um but it almost sounds like

this uh the program in itself is going to get smarter and progress the more it

gets used did I pick that up correctly yes absolutely so it does it is a guided

Tech what it does learn as it gets used so the more you know we put into it um the more we'll get out of it and the

sooner that we can get sponsors involved to get their um you know set up questions into the

tech that's going to develop it even further so we really you know the the main focus right now is obviously

promotion but it's also getting the sponsors on board because and that's going to be that's just gonna be a game

changer for developing the tech further and it can be anything for anyone from you know setting material manufacturers

tool manufacturers anybody that is involved in the industry I I I'd even like the trade organizations to you know

get involved and have you know that access because at the end of the day the

whole point of this is to benefit the installer you know when I first started

um I didn't have the luxury of working for somebody else I didn't have the luxury of having the flooring installers

of America Facebook group where I can go and ask questions I didn't have the old time installer yelling at me that you

know I was doing stuff wrong that I could ask um you know I just went about things on my own and read the directions and hoped

for the best and you know all right well yeah that's what it was

you're reading the directions and just going you know going with the flow and I

really think we have a lot of opportunity to a lot a lot of good for the new blood coming into the industry and you know making it an attractive

career choice for even younger kids that can get involved and see

um you know so I I really the potential of this is just Limitless

and I hope it gets I hope it gets the attention that it deserves and I hope that um you know it's as successful as I

know it can be so um what what gave you the idea how did

the idea and the uh balms knows best kind of come

uh to till I so the Ballon knows best was not my idea

actually that was not me um I had uh it's on a bit of a Gary

vaynerchuk fan and um for those that don't know garyvee you know go bomb on

social media he's awesome but uh yeah we've got a little bit of a potty mouth but um so he was yeah gear discretion

advice that um he was hot on the AI in the GPT

and everything like that so that kind of piqued my interest and as soon as you know I got into it

um I I just knew like you know this could be a game changer for our industry this has a lot of potential and you know

others in the industry said well it'll probably be like five ten years before it's usable for us

um but my partner on this project is actually a Jason Potts and he is big

he's another flooring installer but he is um into the tech and writing the tech

and doing websites and all this sort of cool stuff then he came to me and he

said Hey listen y'all I'm working on this thing uh what do you think about and I was like dude I'm in like I'm

sorry I didn't even need like I'm there like I've been I've been hot on it for a

while and he was just like I was like all right it's I guess it's time to make the jump and do something because you

know I always say doing something's better than nothing so even if it's something where you're at

least moving in the right direction well typically these kinds of things

um you know they take a little bit of time to get

the the wills churning on things um you know when we started go Carrera

it's it still takes a lot of Industry education because people are are scared

of technology in our industry honestly I've ran across it multiple multiple times uh where our installation

Community is a little bit technology adverse part of that is the average age

as we all know is in the 50s depending on which which uh report you read but

overall it's somewhere around 53 to 58 as the average age of the installation

Community now we have a lot of younger guys in um but the technology any technology

piece is a little bit um slow to adoption

um so patience is always required and and being willing to almost retrain

people in understanding the benefits and and you know like like Jose said he you

know he wants to pick up the phone and talk to somebody so giving them an outlet to still be able to talk to

somebody is an awesome teacher as well and having that mentorship side of things where if you need to

really get deeper into a question or you've got a project coming up you know I can see it working for an installer as

a project coming up maybe start going to handle some materials he hasn't been used to handling yet he or she uh and

preemptively talk to a mentor on your site that could help them pre-plan for a

project even I mean those kinds of things having that human support behind AI I think is super uh important and um

yeah I think that you have something really good going

um so to clarify right now you have the text line where they can text in the

answer or the question and and the answer will come across uh in any text

um client like any messenger client or is it all do you know if it

um you know iPhone has different ones I'm going to say as as you would send a

text message any other method a text message specifically um it will respond to any phone sending

a text message uh yeah yeah anything else like from the

website or the app would be you you know typing your question directly into the

website or the app in the you know submission and the website's live now website is live right now and the app is

going to be shortly uh what is the website for anybody

watching that's awesome

it looks like it's still being worked on because the mentors aren't here are Joe Mo and bro

yeah yeah the questions submission field is

functional um everything out is kind of just a basic layout that we'll Sub in as we kind of uh adjust the design

don't appreciate you talking crap about their name Daniel yeah

be nice to those guys they're great installers

I'm chewing on this if I were talking again I'm chewing on this right now and I can see that this this this thing

being a huge benefit uh you know not only to season installers but to to new

installers who are doing their best to go out on their own they're just not comfortable right because they don't

they don't have the information uh that someone who's been in it for 15 20 years has they don't have that that

Social Capital to lean on and I I almost feel like this is going to

create more of a comfort level for any new installers going out on their own

and they're going to have information at their their fingertips per se um

and I just see this helping everybody like you said it wasn't there when you were when you started it wasn't there

when I started that's for sure or when Paul started you know and it was kind of you know just to spin it off you know

that you're going in and what if it was Regional what if you can have satellite companies if if they can't figure out

between a a person or AI what if they're a satellite company who might be

available to help troubleshoot our project they've needed uh on there oh absolutely you know it's just it just

opens up the lines of communication to anybody and um

you know the the focus my focus has always been the installer you know I'm

an installer my first concern is always the installers having access to the information knowing where they can go

for the uh for the information and the contacts that they need and you know there's still guys out there that don't

know what product reps are or that don't know that there's Tech Guys in these manufacturers and if we can have this

kind of centralized Hub that just brings everybody together it's just gonna bring

it's just gonna be a good thing for everybody involved

yeah and and we we talk about new guys but there's often uh if you get on the

forums or if you're just in the installation Community you'll see guys that maybe do hardwood that's looking to

get into ceramic tile they they have some really good hand skills and yeah but they're jumping into a new scope uh

in the flooring industry this served them very well they they know how to use the tooling uh they they understand the

overall application of multiple floorings um products but they're gonna start

installing themselves a new flooring product and something like this because

uh as previously discussed you you're you're not just doing ceramic tile because that's what you're kind of known

for but you're you're handling resilient you're handling ceramic you're handling

carpet I assume the major disciplines

oh really um of having the mentors because I can have

one of the mentors who focuses on carpet be accessible through the app so if you have questions about carpet you're going

to scroll down here and see that I'm talking to this person about carpet and I'm going to get that personal

experience that I couldn't find with the generic question

yeah yeah I see a lot of applications where um even Integrations like even with go

Carrera where we have a video chat feature where uh I could send you a text

message to open up your camera and you may have a problem out on site and need

my expertise as the project manager for a job or something on a layout question

or whatever and I can visually see on my computer your camera and take pictures

and make markups on the the video and those kinds of things we had the idea of

adding a link is the name of that feature link a pro and that's kind of

what you're doing is like giving them access for

um uh tech for a phone call and we may even be able to do some things where you

know they they actually have can on the other side looking they're showing you

the problem and you're making markups and saying hey dude if you move this part this far over it'll help your

layout tremensely or whatever the scenario but it kind of gives the mentor the eyes out in the field

so there's a lot of ways to improve and get better and I'm and obviously you're

thinking about a lot of this stuff so I just want to commend you for for taking

the um the leap I almost said having the Boop

to take the lead you know the I've made a few slip UPS on here we're not PG but

we try to keep it about PG-13 or so but you know having the the

um wherewithal to see the problem and then the courage to go out and start something it takes a lot

um I I know when I started go Carrera several years ago it you get a lot of

pushback anytime it's technology and P people are just uh skeptical of things

right and uh we started go career in 2018 our first real launch and it took a

it's taken years for people to start to get comfortable with the idea of of

utilizing technology to uh leverage themselves and and become the best

version of their themselves as an installer so those things

um you know I always say thank God for Facebook or no 50 year old would know how to use any application but uh but uh

yours is sounds very simple which is also a huge benefit get in you know get

in the application type in your question and get an answer yeah definitely I have a question

I'll go ahead Daniel we have Rollin on Facebook with a question I don't know if he missed the

beginning or if my signal is that greater or anything but he says where are the answers coming from is it from

an expert or found on the net and I think Ken already kind of answered that uh it's a it's a learning algorithm

right so the more you put into it the more the AI learns to spit you out an

answer but then that's where we all have the mentors in the their you know respective discipline to where if the

answer isn't really there you can have someone on hand to give an answer

yeah yeah no that's exactly it yeah um so the idea is that it it does have

that kind of harvesting ability that traditional uh GPT does but with the access to seeing the

inquiries come in as you know in real time uh we do have the access to jump in

and make modifications and answer them a little more personally than you know

might be needed well like you said with with sponsors having

so another answer Rollin is uh having the sponsors come in or manufacturers

come in they're going to be providing some of those questions and answers it sounds like or answers to the most

common questions probably to kick that AI engine rolling

um I would assume something like that is happening as you said that the manufacturers with or the sponsors in

general will have some input as well right yeah and we're constantly

um inputting questions ourselves that maybe are are a little less manufacturer

and vendor driven and a little more installer driven something that I might

ask on a job site that a manufacturer isn't going to be you know I might say

oh I don't know an easier way to manipulate this plank around a door jamb

or something like that uh whereas a manufacturer of a setting material isn't really going to be interested in that

sort of you know situation tips and tricks tips and tricks

so um I have a question about about uh how old would this uh be available to to

me like the general public how how does that work out is there a membership as you uh report is it completely free to

installers um we are funded

by us currently hopefully by sponsors pretty soon I know the feeling my friend

if anybody's interested in sponsoring please reach out um but um yeah so free for installer and

that was kind of my thing I wanted to be free for installers um we do have another uh facet of the kind of the bow

knows best company where we're doing um like kind of template websites for installers

who may not have websites um but that's everything aside from that is

completely free for installers so using the tech uh you know getting the information anything like that

completely free for installers um we will be fully funded by our

sponsors and that allows us to further develop the tech further promote the tech so that we can just grow it and get

bigger where do you see

I'll go ahead got another question on Facebook from Tanner James he's asking

if uh their support for a hardwood refinishing right now

um it has been answering um hardwood refinishing questions and

actually I have a very reputable hardwood refinisher in the industry

um that likes to mess with it quite a bit so he kind of gives it the run through he's like dude that was kind of impressive it's like it's not bad right

he was like yeah that's cool yeah yeah so I mean there are those things that I

don't personally like I'm not a refinisher so I lean on others to say and I'll you know take a screenshot of

the question and the answer and say hey what do you think about that and usually the answer that I get is something like

well that makes sense I said I might do it a different way but that is correct and that seems to be the consistent uh

results throughout at least the the inquiries that I don't have 100 of

background in so so it sounds like the hardwood refinishing has been uh you know worked

on and been trained a little bit so yeah sounds like yeah I mean the the issue not issue but

like something that um I kind of see come up from time to time though is that you know the AI Tech

takes information from these vendors who have their websites so if you're asking for a something a product from a certain

vendor and they've discontinued it but haven't taken it off their website

that seems to be a uh ongoing obstacle that uh

um but you know that and that's kind of the benefit of these vendors having sponsorships because you know they can

input these questions and then we can do another you know another setup fee you know a few years down the road when you

introduce a new product line and we can do a whole new set of questions that we're inputting into the tech and it's

just going to learn and keep you know kind of feeding off what we give it

it's pretty pretty awesome I I do have a question on the text line is it a phone

number that you provide for the text line and is that on your website or yeah

so I wanted to text text uh question right now what would I do uh you can

text 609 483-4975 and

um ironically today we're doing a little maintenance but typically speaking any other day would be fun

laughs it happens one more time give me and uh

our audience that number one more time yeah yeah I'm gonna write it down I'm gonna write it down this time

the text line from Valentine 609 -483

-4975 and if you just go to the website you

can actually there's a little bubble on there it says you know ask your question you just click on that and it'll open up

messages yeah and the uh if you don't want to memorize it

go ahead Daniel's breaking up a bit because he's

out uh working in the field but you're you're basically what he's saying is you

can do it just like we uh mentioned earlier Ken mentioned earlier is you can

go to the website and use the chat bot on the website to get the answer or you can text

609-483-4975 your question just save that and your phone is Baldwin knows

best and and when you're out on site if you got a question you know send a text you might get the man himself responding

to you so maybe so Ken where do you see

um you talked about having a a kind of a forum type deal where do you see all

this coming together and what what is uh success for calling uh Baldwin's no

Ballin knows best sorry what does success look like for that that's right you know I our our goal and

you know uh my partner Jason and I have taught we talk about this pretty regularly

um the goal is to have a centralized Hub a resource for installers across the industry regardless of what flooring

type you install whether it's one or everything um you have this resource that you can

go to for anything that you need whether it's a question answered whether it's uh

links to uh vendors websites and you just have access to all the information that none of us knew was out there when

we first started

for sure is this going to be uh available internationally or is it just in the US

for right now um I would love for it to be International

um we are working towards I shouldn't even say this maybe I should

no I will whatever um so we're it's just us we're it's just us talking bro yeah yeah

so there is a push for ballon to learn Spanish

um and depending on how we see that going will lead to other things down the

road um I really just want to focus on the English version that I can understand first whoa

thank you I appreciate that foreign yeah I could see a big need for uh

Spanish honestly I mean they're so there there's well and that was the large community one of the first things that

we had talked about but um yeah you know depending on the sex the success of it in the states in

English that will kind of dictate how we evolve it uh to learn Spanish in other languages and you know hopefully at some

point go International the cool thing about uh um the AI platform is that it it can interpret uh

English Spanish and Spanish to English 42. it might miss some here and there a

little bit but I mean for the most part if they have a question in Spanish I bet

you they can translate that and bring up the literature in English

um but again that's something like with refinishing or carpet where I copped or I take a screenshot and send it to an

installer that I know speaks Spanish and can say hey what do you think about this yeah again you know when I've done that

it's been okay that makes sense um I I might do things a little

differently but that that's an acceptable answer so it's you know it's it's kind of that the more we build the

network the more we bring on more mentors um and you know that's the perfect example of having somebody that speaks

Spanish as one of the mentors you know it just makes us more accessible to

um those that can use the yeah so it sure does

as the men took from the mentor side is this a are they going to be available at

certain times or is it a callback thing is that a schedule an event how do you

see that um playing out so from our initial conversation

um it would be essentially the same thing as you're sending me a message on the job site I answer it as soon as I

can I might not see it for a few minutes but I answer and give some sort of

you know comprehensive response um it might not be a phone call it could

be a text it could be you know a message on messenger um but I I would like to think that you

know we can kind of modify it as we go along and you know

kind of increase our reach based on our needs um so I mean I I see it as an all-access

and maybe if this person isn't available right now you know we've got two or three people in that category that can

help you if you're you know really in a jam um but if you've got you know your first

choice is Jose Gonzalez and you're gonna send him a message you're going to wait for his

response because you like what he has to say oh God just don't don't do it in Spanish

guys I need help with that don't let that don't let the last name pull you or the

first name oh yeah my wife's Hispanic and so I

always tell her just tell them you're Indian honey so

[Music] um well Ken I I've got just a a couple

of other maybe a little more technical questions uh on the tech itself

um when people do get a response that they you know that doesn't make sense to

them or doesn't maybe apply directly what's the next step for them do they

re-ask the question because you know in my experience using some of the AI tools

taking part of the answer part of the original question and reformatting it can get you a better answer is that is

that kind of the guidance or is it just what's your guidance there because surely

um there's there's some of that that might happen so just give the uh potential users a a little guideline on

maybe if they don't get the perfect answer the first time oh no absolutely so I mean well very

similar to all of us learning how to use standard search engines you know when that kind of first gained in popularity

using a search engine we had Yahoo we had Hotmail we had you know um ask Jeeves remember SG I think I'm

dating myself here um you had to type a question it had to be

a question like capital letter on the front question mark on the back and that's the format that that platform

accepted um so you know AI is no different you ask it questions and you can kind of see

you're like oh you know I'm going through Google and this didn't really give me the results that I'm looking for so let me kind of tweak this question a

little bit um so I asked a question about um what and this kind of makes me crazy

when people ask at this because it's not what it's meant for at all but um I said what thinset should I use for

setting well by 24 uh marble and it it spits out this answer with a

product that I'm like uh yes but no I said you know I would change a little

bit what type of um modified thimset from this

manufacturer should I use in this shower application if this is going to be in a

a heated floor like you just kind of make it a little more specific and you

can kind of tweak out the answer like okay that makes sense um but then there's things like I I was

setting a shower a few weeks back and um I'm using flow effects drains just for an example and I was drilling through

the subfloor to make the hole for the drain and I just couldn't for the life of me remember

um what the spec was on the size of the hole that I needed to drill and I didn't have um

I couldn't get on the net for the internet for some reason so I you know text it in to the bow knows best you

know what size hole do I need for a flow effect strange did it right at me four and a half inches sweet I'm good so like

you know sometimes you get that very direct very you know exactly what you're looking for and sometimes you need to

kind of stretch the question to kind of tweak out that answer that makes sense but you know it's it's like like other

AI you can tell when it's the question when it's the answer you need and then when it's just giving that generic kind

of you know response but um you know I said right now as of today if you text in I

see the question come in I see the answer go out and I can jump in myself and say you know hold on let's switch

that recommendation up and let's do this or hold on let me confirm with this person that I know has the answer and I

will get back to you personally with the answer to your question that's awesome you know I with those

questions the way you just ask that um I I kind of see this asking questions back like the thinset

question like it was gonna say you know like say if someone doesn't specify whether it's it's stone or porcelain

maybe it's going to pop up three questions what material are you installing where is it at is it out of

what substrate you know what I mean like I can and then they start clicking makes

those modifications but yeah you're absolutely right and uh it and it would help someone

who might not have all of the terminology down they understand the hand skills but they might not have the

terminology I could see that helping them actually get better at terminology as well because because now it's kind of

I don't want to say leading them right but it's it's honing in on exactly what they need

making them aware of something they weren't thinking of before you know like we didn't know that it mattered that the

substrate is foam instead of drywall yeah or you know it we did we didn't

know that it mattered that I had to change the trowel size for a glue down installation for resilient based on the

substrate that's that's all great information

there I'm gonna be doing messages thing every day I'm testing it out I'm gonna test it

out I'm gonna ask the dumbest questions just so that way you can have some kind of algorithm oh that's probably welcomed

no I'm definitely absolutely and specifically when it gets it wrong send me a screenshot because I would love to

check it out and make that modification okay that's kind of the whole point

though you know as we it it takes it takes the community right so if we're

all working together to develop this technology we're only making it better for those that are coming in you know to

use it and you know a very smart lady instead you know it's our responsibility to hold the door for those coming in

behind us and you know I just that's kind of a just a reoccurring

thought in me every day you know what so yeah it is too like any any installers any

seasoned vets out there listening right now and you guys have access to that I think that uh uh it would probably help

tremendously for for anyone just to get on and add some some basic general questions so that way you can start

creating a database so that way you can start spitting out better answers and and more in-depth answers

um like you said it takes a village I like that if we can get it to be less of a less of

a harvester of information and more of a provider of information I mean that's the goal right there

I can't wait for you to celebrate that Tipping Point me too brother me too

so if you're if you guys are uh Curious on anything I mean using again I'm going

to repeat the number a couple more times before this is over because just using this thing is going to make it better

I've I've messed with AI quite a bit and the the key is community usage

um I've got probably a hundred different uh Bots training for different reasons

whether it's you know writing out a email letter or different use cases for

just your simple jet chat GPT but what what is key is the more information it's

fed the more it learns and learns upon it's your guys's input as well so using

this is a benefit to everybody that's the bottom line right I mean so again

the phone number to text this is the easiest way to get involved right now pull out your phone type in

609-483-47-4975 knows best and start using it and and

text in your your questions uh you'll get some from me for sure so

and the name of the app is going to be the same as the website just battling those best yep that one knows best we're

gonna keep it simple and will this be down uh available in the App Stores or will it be a web uh

web application um no it will be now I'm gonna put my

foot in my mouth no it is available for uh both Android and Apple users in the

apps awesome fingers crossed all right

fingers crossed it takes a little bit of time guys so support Cannon is in his Venture here he's just uh you know

really came up with a unique approach to helping uh the multitude of installers

that you just can't provide from a Facebook group even or a um you know and

you've done good with your Facebook group and and monitor being the moderator of those and and uh your

social presence and and and videos and stuff but it this is giving you the

information when you need it and not you putting content out and then and then someone finds the content so it's a

different model it's it's almost like on demand and that's kind of where the world's moving I mean you gotta freaking

have every streaming platform to watch your movies anymore you can't just uh have good old cable television so you

know get with the times start using this I I think it's worthwhile for any of our

listeners anybody um you know that's that's engaged with us over the years to help to Foster that

that um that technology in a way that it it becomes so user just like Ken said NADA

not a harvester of information but a provider of information and uh you guys

uh all of us have a a role in that and if we can do that then men how many

people can you help in there in a tough time I I installed since I got out of high school and I know what it's like to

be absolutely freaking frustrated at a point where you don't know what the next

step is um and you don't know what the answer to the you don't have an answer or a

solution to the problem and you with a very heavy heart and very uh fearful

um approach go ahead and do it the best you know how and often it's not the right way and so this can circumvent a

lot of those scenarios um if you've been installing any time you've been there I'm sure where you

just didn't know what to do and you did your best it didn't work out and I've had failures uh on my own stuff

especially really early on before I really got all the training certifications

um I would encourage everybody can CFI certified uh you know

I'm Nora and more on the resident or resilient side of the world that's what

I really loved when I was installing these guys are you know Jose and Daniel are both uh heavily certified in the

different resilience and floor prep so I think all of us on this show on this podcast would also uh really encourage

you guys to get to the different conventions get to CFI convention fcica

CFI joint convention is going on at the uh latter part of this month down in

Orlando uh next week you can look that up next week it is look how fast it

comes so if you can make it get down there um and get certified guys go to get CFI

certified or if your things tile give it the ctef and and get your CTI

certification or if you're really good go for the ACT we really like to see

guys engage themselves in education what Ken's doing is supporting that uh

through his platform and he's also given that Early Education that nothing is

going to completely supplement your ability to go put your hands on the product and get certified so I I I would

still I think everybody on this uh call would would support that like let's

continue to get better as an industry um and what you are doing sir is really awesome I think it's a got a great use

case uh we'll certainly support it uh you and I can have some offline conversations on how maybe we can help

you out a little bit maybe show you some pitfalls that we ran through since 2018 and uh and uh and so anything we can do

to support you and help

you guys I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt but and is taller than Daniel I just want

everyone to know that well

Daniel I'm still on the far right side of the frame of the picture then right

it's all good my friend you're my buddy closed

good deal uh any closing thoughts uh ideas uh or input here from you can

um that that may help the users any further with kind of how you're going are you keeping uh a blog or anything

like that to keep your community updated or are you sharing that on your Facebook group like how can they stay engaged

with your new videos so they kind of know the developments yeah yeah so I've

really tried to keep it off the Facebook groups I I don't like

I I don't want to kind of abuse that facet of my

um social media presence does that make sense I don't know um so um but anybody you know and I

always to everybody that I tell in the Facebook groups you know is always welcome to message me text me call me

whatever my phone number's plastered all over the Internet um I will start doing like

um I I've been on the fence with it because I'm not

overly um committed to putting my face on

camera contrary to popular popular belief but I was going to start taking the

inquiries and doing like a short video where I oh so and so asked this question and this is my answer and I'll put it on

my Tick Tock and my Instagram stories and then kind of do that sort of I don't want to just

Spam my profiles and spam the groups with it I I just I want people to come

to us uh as opposed to me spamming everyone

um well I know when they take a Blog maybe a Blog on your website that just

kind of gives the updates hey this is now live or this is now live or something yeah yeah and I'll I'll probably do

things like that on my social media um but yeah you know the goal right now

is two things it's to get people to use it and know about it and then to get the

sponsors involved so that you know we can really start teaching the tech and you know having the ability to uh use

that sponsorship to really promote and teach the tech further awesome

all right inputs yeah you know what I think um I do have

a little bit input I think once everyone starts getting their their hands in the pot so to speak

um I don't think you're gonna need to worry about social media blasting it I

think it's going to be a quick Pace yeah you know copy and paste for for people and they're gonna say go here and I

think it's going to take off another thing too is this potential sponsorship it starts getting Bleak let me know we

can start a pop can dry for you bro um we'll get it going

[Music] laughs

oh man Daniel you got anything uh any uh insights or input here

no I just look forward to using it and seeing what it spits us off back at me is there going to be uh

anything where like you can have someone like us give it information

that it can spit out oh yeah absolutely like if there's and

so and actually that's that's a great Point um yeah if you guys and it had

information specific to like a category through the installation absolutely send

me the questions and answers and we can plug them in like that that stuff for installers is gold

so if anybody on the installation side wants to help contribute to that

um that is obviously of we're not going to charge people to do that that's just that's benefiting the community

so anything from the resilience side from the carpet side from the hardwood anything epoxy whatever sort of anything

that covers the floor like we will gladly take the questions and answers to put into the tech absolutely that's

awesome awesome all right well guys uh we're gonna wrap

this thing up Ken thanks again for coming on and telling us about Allen knows best

um and uh you know kind of giving us a rundown I hope everybody stands that your input and and working

with the technology uh I do want to point out what you said it's kind of like Googling something if you don't get

the the results you wanted in the first Google search you Google search again so

yeah tweak it a little bit so so uh remember to do that use the technology

use that I'm going to save the phone number one more time

609-483-4975 and text in your questions let's see if we can uh train this thing

together and and help Ken and his mission to improve the installer's life so with that uh I want to say thank you

thank you guys as always for being a staple and the the pillars of the Huddle

and uh we'll catch you guys next week on site

even right oh yeah we'll see you guys we'll be there we'll be there Monday

you'll be there Monday I think I had to look at my flight I can't remember if I get there Tuesday or Wednesday

um it's kind of a whirlwind uh because I have a show directly after that as well

that I gotta uh I've got to go to so it's like Bing Bang from from here

through October is going to be pretty crazy but um Ken if we see you at a show uh

I look forward to you know catching up and seeing how how it's going and the progress man so absolutely um and we'll

we'll have you back on to give us an update here in the in the near future as well so no we appreciate it again thank

you guys so much for having me thank you all right guys I love it I love this idea it was an all it was an

awesome huddle I loved it and uh again if you guys like what you uh have uh the

content of this episode or any other episodes most of this uh huddle most of

our huddle episodes are really geared in improving the installer's lifestyle and giving them the tools whether it's

Financial tools or information or bringing on great people I can to uh you

know improve your installation career uh please again consider giving us a like a

subscribe comment and reach out to us on our social channels and from there we

will see you guys next week have a good one everyone see you all right see you Bellas


The Huddle - Episode 64 - Best Practices for Running an Installation Team


The Huddle - Episode 62 - Managing Cash Flow