The Huddle - Episode 111 - Installer Bucket List: Adventures Outside of Flooring
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In this episode we step away from the job site to explore the exhilarating pursuits that flooring professionals enjoy in their free time. From epic travel destinations to adrenaline-pumping hobbies, this episode delves into the adventurous spirits of those in the flooring industry. Join us as we uncover the diverse and exciting ways these pros recharge and inspire themselves outside of work, proving there’s much more to them than just their craft. Tune in to hear about the remarkable escapades that enrich their lives.
The Huddle was created by Paul Stuart of Stuart & Associates and Go Carrera, alongside Jose and Daniel Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring. Aimed at helping you maintain forward progress in your flooring career, they cover topics from personal and business growth, to installation tips & tricks and everything in-between.
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what's up team welcome to the Huddle you more your weekly Playbook where we not only strategize on playing the game but
changing it we're mastering the fundamentals of the craft to distinguishing ourselves in the
marketplace we're here to give the installer a leg up and ensure your voice is heard we're here for everything you
need let's band together and Forge a new Legacy in floring this is where you belong welcome to the team what's up
fellas how's it going always always just save it with that right there right like the scramble
mode and just let me just come back in and be all
calm well with me as always Mr Daniel and Jose Gonzalez have preferred flooring out of Grand Rapids Michigan if
you guys ever need a great floring installer in Grand Rapids they are the ones you need to call I'm Paul Stewart
with go career I'm the founder and CEO there and I'm also the president of Stuart Associates commercial flooring
and your humble host of the Huddle we are having just a little fun today uh we
dove into a topic last week that took us uh how long was that Daniel I think it was hour and a half almost no I think it
was like an hour and 38 minutes no I think it was I think it ended at like an hour 29 so we we we ran an hour and a half
uh respectively last last week and um it
it was what's that said it was John's fault I think it was just a fact that it
was a it's a it's one of them topics you know you start talking about the installer shortage and how to deal with
it it's one of them topics that is not an easy answer so it's not easy question
which is not going to give some easy answer I mean we we've got some complicated Solutions out there um
simple uh but complicated or I should say simple but not easy simple but not
easy yeah yeah uh you know having a job board like jumpstart which um I will be
bringing that up pretty often in this podcast because I uh it's a piece of go career but the purpose of jump is to get
our trained guys the guys that are getting trained in the industry new blood to get them placed with either a
quality subcontractor that runs a a labor shop or um independent installer
that has a fair uh fairly good Hammer rating or get them placed with the company I think uh with the that effort
is uh needed and I'm going to keep uh kind of singing that song every single
week because I think it's important that everybody knows that here in a few weeks we will
have jump start live and there'll be you know 15 20 guys on
there they're going to be newer no balls to do do it for two we don't have the
ball to do it for two hours but we're gonna wait for him to do an episode and then he can stretch it for that long we
yeah we were hoping our first two-hour episode is gonna Bean our Hispanic uh
our Spanish speaking episode so there you go Jorge you got a new bar
to jump over we did an hour and you got you got to do two hours baby um so it was just a complicated
topic with a lot of uh I think um ideas I I love the um the participation we got
and the viewership and the responses and it was awesome so you know when you guys
engage and we tend to maybe get a little long- winded today though we're just
talking installer bucket list stuff that uh I kind of when this topic
came up I I kind of thought about it like what was my installer bucket list
at one point and when I kind of checked off some of them boxes uh you know that
kind of evolves it I think it evolves like everything you do right you set you set
a goal you start going towards it and in the process of doing that you're like you know what else I also want to do
this and what if this or you get to it a lot quicker than you expect and you're like not done got
gotta get yeah and and bucket list stuff I
mean that's going to mix with us I'm assuming you guys are going to be the same but it's going to be a little bit
of a mix between business and pleasure for me you
know I got these these big things I want to do with in business and then uh these
things want to do so um for the audience out there as you
join give us some of your uh some of your bucket list so I the one that I
still have right now and I've got my assistant looking is I want to take helicopter lessons and uh become a
helicopter pilot so I I used to ride in them when I was in the military and uh
you know it's it's speed roping out of a helicopter or things like that it was um
I don't know I I fell in love with it and then I've done several uh a bunch of different tours and helicopters and and
um I feel like I've got a pretty good understanding I've done a lot of studying on it and uh how awesome would
it be to go jump in your helicopter let's just go build one build a helicopter they have those DIY
helicopters that you can build is still like 100 Grand though I think yeah all
right guys I'm I I don't have enough confidence in my mechanical
ability to build the helicopter and then get in it and fly it uh yeah that's you
know I I was looking back at some plaques on my wall and I have a plaque
from 2009 I was 40 under 40 and that is just a from the witch Business Journal
good for you man that's awesome do you know about that okay yeah so there's it's just the
you know people under 40 that are making a splashing business or whatever but um in that article I said I wanted to be a
helicopter pilot that was 2009 and I have done [ __ ] other than
read about it and watch some YouTube videos but the thing is though to be a
helicopter pilot that's a lot of like because I was I fly drones right and to do that commercially you essentially
have to get a you have to go through the same stuff as a pilot you have to not the flying
part but you have to know all the things that Pilots are supposed to know about the the atmosphere and all
that yeah you're a pilot in fact in many ways the helicopter is much more complicated to fly than an
airplane um yeah dude and so there's a particular helicopter I want to fly
called a calibri or a cab G2 it's kind of a cool
looking helicopter come on look it up yeah it's
um see if I can find
it cabri G2
baby so anyway um what do you guys still have on your bucket list I know these
are like uh this is not your typical podcast so I hope that the audience will
participate and help a brother out here with the conversation but uh like old
the old school news ones it's uh this is one of the newest
helicopters on the market from a uh I don't even know if I can share we'll see
I'm saying the uh it just popped up a bunch of pictures
boom do you see that y yeah the same one I got that's the
dog the rail uh the tail rotor has a shroud around it it's a three blade
looks like a sperm it's pretty cool man it looks cool well if you if you look at
the um if you were to look at the let me stop screen sharing if you were to look
at like you want to see a ugly helicopter Don't Shoot Me Robinson but
this is the other kind of more entrylevel helicopter is a
Robinson 40 or 22 yeah see he he did he has done a lot
of research and this one to me is an uglier oh
that's let me get a better picture it's a two
blade uh here's a flying one see
I mean check this bad dog
out you know what I mean look that's way uglier than the G2 that is actually big
old tongue on the top and motor sticking out of the back no tail rotor looks like it looks like it
was designed off of one of the characters from Angry Birds [Laughter]
all right look Mario he has he has balls so he can be on the the podcast with
horhe for two hours there you go Jorge you guys are gonna do it I think you
guys are gonna break eclipse the hour and a half you guys uh we'll get Gotta Have a good topic
because uh I can there's no way this podcast is going an hour and a half what's your uh so another bucket list uh
when I was in installer was really to travel I didn't travel much at all when I was a kid and so I really was like I
jumped on uh traveling uh crew and I was going all over I even had my pregnant uh talk talk
about tacos all day that'll get you there that's Myck T talk about tacos
like Forest Gump talks about shrimp and you'll be good get half the episode
explain different tacos I mean that's kind of uh my bucket list
for real like anywhere we anywhere we travel I want to go and get some tacos
to see what tacos taste like in different places my kids are over it
already they're like oh tacos again but that's when uh Tanya and I travel by
ourselves that's what we do is we try and find like a local place are you guys Foodies yeah you're kind of Foodies I
think I I me and my wife man we go oh we know you are bro we know you are love
eating never SE never seen someone as skinny as you eat as much as you did I
think yeah that was amazing if I didn't if I KN if I knew
that I wouldn't throw up if I ate too much I would I would have joined you but man yeah I I tried I try to find food uh
Jorge says he goes out for the best sushi spots Jorge do you actually eat
sushi like raw sushi or are you the California roll
guy California road I the crazy thing is I'm allergic to shellfish so I actually
eat the raw fish ones because I those are the only ones that I can eat I I
Love Sushi man I I'll try that my wife loves sushi so we'll go try to find a sushi spot that's that's a I don't know
it's fun to explore when you're in um other Town other places like you know
like I said I I wanted to do a a little bit of traveling and he says
raim good man all right you're a real Sushi eater then I few guys and they're
like hey I'm getting a California roll or I want the asparagus cottage cheese
or cream cheese and and something else like dude that's not real Sushi that's
like vegetables rolled up into a roll hey vegetable rolls are delicious too though I know but you know you can't
claim sush Sushi love her if you just let's let's just agree that that we all love food and we will all try
it even if Daniel didn't find out he was allergic to shellfish for a long time so
he just ate it like his whole life until one day he put two and two together no I I think it was develop allergy kind of
like the same way with you and lactose oh yeah yeah I remember that we don't
want to go into that story that was a what's going on Mr zern I do remember when came to that conclusion
though so the uh do you guys have real life bucket list
items shimi is the way to go so like um
real life bucket list items you know honestly things that you feel like you got to check off you know the bucket
list check them off before you go down my bucket list before kids was different than it is now that I have kids because
I want my children to experience everything with man so um you know I really just want to go like visit take
my kids to go visit like uh overseas like ston Hench I need to show them I I'm a geographical guy I like uh seeing
uh you like history and geography and stuff like that yeah I do I do actually and um know like the nascal lines and
the pyramids Daniel's been the Pyramids in Mexico like I like stuff like that
and that's what would be on my bucket list is um is you know like World worldwide
landmarks right something that's recognizable in the entire world not just in Michigan so I actually this past
spring break I got to check that off of my bucket list was to go to chich chinita and I've say that five times
fast I've always been like fascinated with like that the culture down there and I've always wanted to go there and
the last time Tanya and I went um we we didn't go and I was like this time we're
going we made a it was basically a full day trip out of it but really we were
only like walking around there for probably two and a half maybe three hours because it's not very big like
it's huge but they don't let you go up until it was you know declared one of the Seven Wonders of the World they let
you go inside once it was declared that everything is roped off but that was it yeah I mean but still to to go there and
definitely somebody somebody must have stumbled upon a portal in there and they close well I was going to ask you guys
hey are pyramids did the humans build them or did aliens build them dude have
you ever watched the Y files oh dude that that's a really compelling uh case
to be made that I'll go down some controversial rabbit holes with that stuff yeah
100% there's just too much to them man I don't know it's crazy well they they at
Le Le the the Egyptian pyramids uh they did this whole thing go
check it out it's a podcast called the Y files and it is it is pretty freaking
cool Mexicans both a pyramid here and in
Egypt bro he's probably right that if there's a if there's a feat to
be had my those boys will figure it out like we got to get this 2200 ton
block up that hill all right man next it's in place level we level
with our eyes we Plum with our eyes nope just little bit this way good it only
works if you li the tip of your thumb and you get the light To Shine off of it just right they'll Center it that's how
you do it to water level yeah that's so if you guys if you
guys have um what about business-wise you guys got like that's a
big bucket brother that's a big bucket what you what you want to accomplish in in business whether it's with preferred
flooring or something else or you know
like I know it'ser Finding finding the right
um finding the right process the right time just to say boom and then be able
to to do everything that we know that we have to do like the the trust Factor right being
able to find the strength to have that trust I guess is what it is gotta trust everybody around
you so you're saying a business that runs automatically is that kind of the
thought kind of runs without you that would be that would be fantastic but um
I've been trying for 20 years yeah I know man I know that's the thing is uh
you know that the people who have told me that they found success in that their success that the way they found it was
by selling it yeah well I think that's like when you go back to like the EOS right it's
or built to sell really it's it's not in the destination right because the
destination is to sell it it's in the process to get there like we're so I I
guess we're we're still all in process and that that bucket at the end of it is
to actually have something to where you can just hand it over to someone else yeah I guess a short-term bucket uh
list would be to be able to hire the right people to help the infrastructure of the business
in the office the gravitational pull was way different back then when when the pyramids were
built like that the atmosphere was all helium so everything was just way lighter
that's legit I got that from what's that movie called uh 10,000
BC oh no Carter what's that dude Carter goes to Mars so I I think we like as far
as the business bucket list we've already talked about it numerous times and I you know it was years ago when I
just said the that my main goal is just to leave the industry better than when I found it right and I think we're well on
our way to do that it just there's there's so much work to
do that it's it doesn't seem like anything's being done even though we've already progressed you know
exponentially probably but it feels like you haven't done anything because one you're still in it and you're still
trying I was just having a conversation um earlier today about that exact same
thing that we've been doing building go career since 2018 so five years and uh
really five years launched it in 2018 but really got going 2019 but you know
five six years here and it feels like we've not done much um but there's a lot
of people that would tell you differently it's just I think it's that same thing you just said there's so much
freaking things to do still that it feels like this huge mountain it's like
you Crest a little Hill and you think you're getting somewhere and then you look up and you're like oh I still got
to climb that it's it's uh I'm
hoping yeah it is just a money Hill I'm hoping that this next Blitz that we're
in right now does help a lot but you know kind of a a goal is straight up I
mean I tell people all the time I I I want to leave I want to make sure I
didn't that I have a positive impact on the industry that I'm in that I love
and takes a lot of uh people other people to make that happen you guys you
know again I'll throw out there you know CFI and FCI CA convention is coming up
make sure you're there if you're watching I want to see you there come see us come hang out um but you know
that's where we met is at one of the conferences I think it was actually surf TI yeah T but um you know it takes a it
takes a army to change something and a lot of people believing uh that something different
new can be possible um but you know ultimately trying to assist in healing
the industry or being a positive force in that um that's definitely a goal but a bucket
list like would be just that from business standpoint would be that go
careera is fully adopted and that we have this placement and like this machine running that's
bringing new people in placing new people uh giving the consumer the uh
whether that's a GC or a homeowner the ability to know who they're hiring and and the quality and and capabilities of
that person I just think that's a better world in my in my brain anyway and uh
to get a mass adoption I think it definitely make for a better experience overall right um a
more consistent experience anyway and then yeah I mean then consumers get to
pick off of you know off of the uh off of that experience whether it's the
installer or the retail shop that puts their average Hammer rating you know of all their uh subs and employees or all
their inst up and says you know we have an average Hammer of two carpet five and
whatever and homeowners to know that for that to be known like the that rating
the qualification skill score Hammer rating for that idea to be known by the people who who
pay all our bills which are the end users at the end of the day so right Eric says he wants to leave a legacy of
making people's lives easier and disruption to Market Market where people are gouged on select types of products
so if if you guys don't know Eric works with uh gunlock I believe and he's
invents tools I mean things that make our all of our Lives easier and you'll see him at these conventions and stuff
too and you can ask him questions and just don't ask him what's coming out next because he won't tell you I've
tried we need to start doing tool reviews on here and does some some tools and then we'll do a
live review hey it and do this whole we we were working on the my truck this
weekend in the warehouse um and my son came up with an idea for a tool why don't why don't they have this for that
Dad I was like Dang d ding ding invented I was like that's a great idea dude he was
like they don't have that yet it's like no it's like we gotta we got we gota we got to figure something out I don't want
to say it on here because I give too much information sometimes I guess yeah because then Eric will go make it hey
Eric I'll sell you some ideas I see your tight lip you were tight lip last podcast you
like I'd say something but I ain't gonna say it in front of you I can't here here's the reason is don't
give all your secret years over the past couple years I have openly shared some ideas and showed some information of
some things that I was doing and let's just say there's some companies out there right now that have implemented
such yeah yes yes yes after some one-on-one conversations they've implemented such and they're making
money with with it let's just say that all
right well um any what what's up personally we got
travel eating I want to be a helicopter pilot you guys better ride with me if I
get my license and by the way that's like you know know you got to get like three I think 300 hours to be able to
fly other people really yeah Solo solo hours you gotta have 10
tandem hours with an instructor then 20 I believe on your own and then you have
your private pilot's license the crazy have anybody else in your in your craft
you have to have 200 I think it's 200 hours so our the landlord of our
building is actually a pilot too and he's taking my son up in his plane he's just got
like a little two-seater and I was asking him about it and I was like you know like what kind of engine and stuff
like that he said it's no different than the engine in a vehicle it's the same thing yeah a lot of them are if it's a
piston engine then and and carburated piston engines so what you got to start
worrying about is you know freezing uh you know all this kind of
stuff never meant to give it away Eric it just it happened conation and troubl shooting sell it dude don't don't don't
give it away so continue this conversation for
59.99 I mean as far as other bucket list I don't think I ever like wanted to be a
pilot or anything um I've just the the way we grew up we didn't do much
traveling so I think that's why we we look at that like it's something that we want to do and we want our kids to
experience and you know do you have another place in
mind um I would really like to go overseas too but my wife says that is a
no-go for her because her flight limit is like 4 hours at a time and she said
that's way too long to travel that way but also I guess um my bucket list would
actually be to like move to kasum and just open up something over there and
good old Taco Stand I think something it it doesn't matter what it is right as
long as I get to like live that life because you go over there and people are like so easy going and it's almost like
to them even their work is like they they still get to live there so it's
it's not that bad because they know they're they're there they're going home they can go to the beach every day they
don't live far away from it I mean yeah I think the one of the
things about having a conversation like this is just trying to show it's important to dream a little bit like
live outside your work uh you know have have some things some goals outside of
just pure work uh pretty much we talk about work every podcast and so having
some Hobbies uh you know dreams outside of work you know living life we do this
for experiences most people say they want money they really want what money brings it which is the experience of the
new car the experience of the new house or the experience of the trip the experience of having your own Taco Stand
Down In Mexico freedom to be a vision freedom to be a and be able to implement and try some of
your ideas that's all it is that's all that money gives people is is is freedom freedom to to do as they as they
please well allows you to allows you to design shirts for your baseball teams
and Coach your kids teams and travel around doing that and you know you
guys you know it allowed like the whole point of of uh
having hobbies and things like that is just trying to get your mind off work a little bit I tend to be a workaholic a
little and so my brain like circumference around that I'd love to get better at golf I shot a 84 one time
at our at the course I play at that I'm a member of and I my kids were little my
daughter was you shot4 nine holes no it was a it hey you're not steing my
thunder bro that was that was the best game I shot and I was like I told my
kids I'm like I'm going pro this is this I had like four birdies
it was like ridiculous so I I do wish I was uh could
devote a little bit more time into that and I love shooting guns too oh shooting
guns you gotta shoot l a pew pew I like it it's F I just love the smell love the
smell like do you take your girl with you you
shoot no no don't want to give her the the the means yeah can't can't teach
them how to do that you know what's funny man is I actually got in trouble I took my mom's property I went out there and I was going over gun safety with my
family my kids my nephews and it was just a weird scenario neighbors freaked out sent the cops
over it was all good it was it was actually pretty humorous after the fact but it was uh not humorous during the
whole thing but did you get arrested did you get a gun charge okay no good you're
good yeah I'm good it was it was pretty funny those guys those guys were smoking I got to take my my uh so you guys know
I adopted three kids and I've got two boys I want to take them out
shooting and uh so I think I'm gonna take him before the Summer's up which is
coming close but I'm going to take him out to a clay clay range I I'm I'm a little skeptic because my nephew lived
with me when he was about 16 I took him out there and he swung the gun two or three times at our faces and I was like
dude give me a break like I'm gonna have to tackle you next time bro this
a was he just like hey hey yeah like come on man but yeah so shoot I like
shooting I haven't uh my wife told me the other day and I don't know if I should be worried about this but she
wants learn learn how to how to shoot so I think I think everybody should learn how to shoot man I know that that some
people just are against it but I think that that's um I think you should everyone should
know because the more you know the safer you are it sounds dumb but people don't
understand what not to do and that's where the accidents happened um that's why I did that with with the family I
wanted them to understand how it operated I do have to I do get I do owe my son a a gun I did tell him that I'd
get him a rifle 22 if he took care of his a pet gun and get him little golden get him Little
Golden Boy little gold SS baby yeah just a little little to shoot iron
sights isn't that the isn't that how you're supposed to learn well that's how I learned in the military they
didn't I didn't learn how to shoot on yeah you shot iron sights
man he's a pretty good shot already good um well another another deal like
uh you know our our support system here at the Huddle is Ashlin and you know she
wanted to point out that small trips or small experiences and you know a lot of times
that's all the time we have to get away as business owners and as installers so
you know taking that extra day off and going over the weekend planning around
maybe a holiday get you days off those are some of my funnest trips because
when day I'm not missing much work so I don't have as much stress if I take a whole week a whole week off during the
week I uh I stress I just I get all anuty of a an extended weekend right
because that's what Tanya and I do like just me and her and that's where you see
all of our like Vegas trips and stuff like that it's because sometimes like
there was a and we talked about this on the mental health episode where a lot of times it
was me always trying to include the kids and everything and then her being like no we just need some time together right
and that's what I did I was like all right let's start doing these weekends and it it actually worked out and that's all it was was and it and I we actually
didn't take any time off work we would leave after work on Friday come back on Sunday be back to work on
Monday so just you'd leave Friday yep we I like getting out like Thursday evening
go wherever it is and then I got because I'm not missing any work I'm going fishing this weekend actually to Canada
Way the heck up Northern Saskatchewan and I am going to uh take off on
Thursday 5:30 fly out and then I'm back on Tuesday morning so I do I miss Friday
and Monday with two two week weekend days uh in between there and that's
where I get the most uh relaxation anyway because I'm not away from work that long I don't know if that's me or
if it's like you were talking earlier uh Jose if it's not really trust but just
you want to make sure things are you get calls when you're in the office so you you would just in your
head you assume like I'm missing calls when I'm not in the office
it's it's always the fear of always having to play catchup is really what it is always having to play catchup missing
missing an opportunity like those are those are always my fears um says he no vacation since
2022 all work and very little play but he does go to the conventions and stuff
so seeing us is what he enjoys yeah um but I did see that he he went to a
concert a couple weeks ago I think so he didn't even invite me damn who was
it Taylor Swift but I mean even the little things
in town right cuz that's what Tanya and I do too it's like we
love comedy shows we love going to concerts and that's what draws us to Vegas is everything going on and then
even in town he uh we went and seen Boys to Men like ABC BBD that was yeah it was
great and H says he went and seen Ice Cube like dang Yeah
Boy dang that's pretty awesome when was that was that in uh Texas
Jorge you know mentioning all this work and play and stuff we got we got to remember that that one of the keys is
what you were talking about earlier Jose was you know having systems and and
processes and a way of doing things that makes life easier and that you know plays
right into the fact that you know thinking embracing the technology
that'll help you be more efficient um you know my dream with go careera is
that people are just the bottom line is people are getting the right guy on the right job and you don't have to know them 100 you know for 15 years to know
you got the right guy on the right job and to make sure that your job sites are ready you know you ought to look into
floor Cloud which is our sponsor for today's podcast floor Cloud you know
we'll play a quick video here but it'll show you how you can transport your
project site conditions the the conditions that are maybe three or four hours away from you save you that time
that trip out there right to your fingertips whether it's your desktop or mobile device it will increase your
efficiency and profitability with floor Cloud on your job site show you a quick video Mr Flor cloud and
shout out to Scott and Patrick and all the floor cloud guys I know you guys
have had some success utilizing the system we have a project coming up real soon that we're going to be putting it
on it's four hours away so it's going to be a great fit so Asha if you could roll the floor Cloud video that would be
awesome fulltime monitoring of your job site conditions via desktop or mobile
device no more manual checking for temperature humidity or even dupoint no
need for base stations wifi or external power sources simply scan the QR code on
the front of your sensors and you're up and running with the most accurate and Innovative site monitoring system in the
flooring industry dispatch your Crews with confidence and reduce your climate related installation issues floor Cloud
now you know now you know that's the key now you know and yeah we've got it on two projects
right now so we've got a total of uh three Bay stations hooked up and
constantly monitoring and it is it's it's huge for me to be able to go to the
GC and when we talk about it and I'm like hey did you get some dehumidifiers in there yet oh no I forgot I said I
know you forgot because I'm looking at the stuff right now I'm telling you you forgot
yeah there's not there there's nothing better to save your time than to me is
technology like having that ability to get the information whether it's your site conditions or uh being able to like
go careers technology that basically gives you insight into the installers uh
background and work history and skills and abilities all these things help you
to uh you know be more efficient maybe in enjoy life a little bit better because like Ashlin
said playing catchup is better than missing out on life experiences because we only have this one life guys you know
try to enjoy some of it work hard uh when we've done our financial uh huddles
put back some money invest your money give some money away and um save
up for some of those life experiences of course the uh conventions
are always a fun time they are manyi vacation a lot of times or they were before we launched the Huddle and now we
now we pretty much work every conference but yeah I do enjoy doing
this so not it's not a it's not a hassle for for me I know just like hodad he
says that you know he does the rugs on the weekend and wall the wall during the week I mean when it when and I think
that's the thing right it's when you have a passion for it it becomes more than just a job and then you enjoy doing
it so when we're working a lot of the times it it doesn't feel like you're working it just feels like you're doing
what you need to do right it's not like I mean granted there are those times
where it's like you're so mentally exhausted from doing like working with
this certain person or architect and it's like man I just I'm product or yeah
and and that's where uh your your home life personal life bevs into work life and vice versa right
like it always the biggest the biggest thing to me is when is dealing
with how do I say this without saying a-hole like just
people who don't want the solution to happen it's almost like I've had uh
superintendent and uh gc's just want to be mad and the job's going not
perfectly as planned or something and instead of focusing on the solutions they want to remind you that three weeks
ago your guys weren't there you know and it's just
like when you get a good good GC that has good high quality superintendent
that are solution oriented and a good for in or whatever that's when I love
doing this business that's when I love just all the moving Parts it takes and
putting them all together and that's when your systems can almost run the thing but you can never take away that
human element so it's about it's about working well with others um I think uh I just experienced some of
that today with with the gentleman from who owns a a construction company
and dude came came at me he didn't come at me very like
professional but he wasn't out of whack but at the same time it's like I don't want to give you a change order I just
want to get in there and get the job done dude yeah this is this is we had a conversation I said we did have a
conversation I told you what I wasn't going to include I said it's there in the in writing right
and like even your guy told you that there was some un foreseeing that popped
up that we needed to assess and now you're getting mad at me because I'm assessing them and giving you a price so
it's okay everything was approved everything was good Ashlin is right it's
not even playing catchup it's uh a lot of the times I'll work you know the if
I'm leaving on a Friday I'm stacking as much time as I can Monday through Thursday sometimes even that previous
weekend right it's it's just all you still got things to do but you can still do it and then get some of these you
know bucket list things done hey I want to go do this this weekend so that means
this is what I got to do you don't Tak care of your bucket list eventually just going to turn into a the other kind of
list start well like like becoming a
pilot yeah yeah well that's GNA happen I I'm finding the school that has the
helicopter and I'm GNA do it guys you got it here on the Huddle you can call
me out on it in six months and see if I've gotten any close
I would say that uh you know the whole idea is take some time for you this goes
into our self-care uh episodes that we've had you know therapists on for and talking about
that um you know put some time aside for yourself your family your kids and um
you know just like you said Daniel talking about you know putting in extra hours that week before it's kind of like
banking hours so you can take you you truly take off the the time that you're gone I'd say that planning is a big part
of it for me I've got to plan it out a little bit more than I'd like to and uh
it's really it was really important when I was a sub I had to like constantly tell the the stores I worked for don't
be booking me for a job this week I'm I'm gonna be gone I won't be there so
I'm I'm gone this week that was before we had a lot of like shared calendars or you know they wrote the schedules and
notebooks and [ __ ] so yeah but you got to do it yeah the other option is like
work while you're there like when we we want to travel my daughter's in
gymnastics we went to the Bahamas while the kids were you know on their vacation schedule sleeping in I
was still waking up at the same time working then once they woke up it was all right now let's make breakfast head
out do something but I already had you know a good four or five hours in the
day already yeah well that's a good that that I you
know I was thinking this last week about changing up my schedule I my body you
know I used to be the four o'clock up go work out at the office by
6 bang out a 12 14 hour day go
home I I need eight hours and that means I'm going to bed like 8
o' and uh so I I've been thinking man how do you go to bed middle a day like
that man some some of my some of my friends have those kind of schedules like you just mentioned Daniel is like
you do some work kids get up you get to enjoy I've
never taken my kid like except for like emergencies or my wies out of town I
have never taken my kids to school not in any like fatherly way either cuz when
you're getting it thrown on you because your wife's out of town or she's sick it's not it's not like you're okay guys
let's make your breakfast it's like let's go get the H in the truck let's go
so I admire you for doing that that's really awesome I've been dropping my girls off at school their summer school
a few times um more than a few times but they love riding with Dad and uh they're
learning a lot of old school songs there you go that's good
just just today old music just today I picked up my daughter from gymnastics we
went to Blakeley and uh uh Corey from Wolf was there and
Jared from utin was there I didn't even know that they were there and I was like oh this is awesome now we don't have to
go get anything to eat let's go see what they got to eat because I was returning some stuff and then drop them off at the
house pick up my son take my son to football then back to the office it's like yeah I got to take my on the
football here pretty soon he's here somewhere well he's probably sitting on the high low that
that's that's the uh I admire you for that I I I need to you know I got three
kids still at the house and two grandkids I need to like work that into my day and not like just take them with
you bro just take them with you they love nothing like my my son he was l i he just loved going with me
like took him out a couple measures meet some people mine are old enough they're like 12 and 14 they don't like coming
here because I put them you know put them to work it's like the back and help the warehouse guys I don't care if
you're pushing a broom or loading up materials or stacking pallets go figure it out my son loves doing all that I did
um I did let my daughter uh my daughter Audrey Drive the Hilo this weekend there
you go she she's eight I told her when she was five I said when you're eight I'll teach you how to drive to Hyo damn
yeah I am a I'm a gramp Paul is Gramps I am I've got a
seven-year-old granddaughter and a four-year-old in National correct me if
I got that wrong but a grandson and we just was on vacation with them talking
about short trips ran just ran down to Branson it's only about four and a half hours away from us and hung out on the
lake did some some of that of course we ate some food and and and uh yeah it's
cool a friend of mine well a friend of my wife's Own It owns a a big house
there we air be and beat it like 10 years ago ended up the owner of it is
the bass player for Rob Zombie if you guys know Rob Zombie is the the the band
Rob Zombie and he's made a few movies too but yeah he's the bass player I think his name is uh rigs uh I forget
his first name off top of my head but yeah so we've stayed in there mic rigs M rigs yeah so we've stayed there every at
least TW once or twice a year ever since my wife and and his fiance are like
buddy buddy she even goes down there with her girlfriends and they all just go hang out so I did get away and hang
out with the grandkids this weekend and and uh it was it was really enjoyable so
I hope all you guys put some time aside you know have some personal
interests some Hobbies spend some time with family make some area rugs on the weekend
whatever crazy thing is this past weekend was T and I's 20year High School
reunion oh yeah how'd that go did you go I did
go three people uh there was probably like 10 15 of us I've never went to a
high school reunion I never went to a high school I don't know I I don't know that my high school really has them yeah
Ashlin says old yes we are old all right guys well that's going to
close us out for the day I want to thank everybody for joining us thank you to
Jose and Daniel for always being uh the Staples of this podcast you
guys rock I also want to say to our audience if you're catching Us on YouTube today no it wasn't a flooring
podcast necessarily but we know the balance of life has to happen you got to have some fun out there so if you like
any of our podcasts check us out on YouTube I think we're on Spotify and all
the podcast Google podcast I believe so wherever you're catching us give us some
love give us a like subscribe follow us uh also participate in the the um live
event every Tuesday we're live you can get on here and we we still do get you know
comments and stuff like after fact if you like I think there was comments coming through this morning even from
last week's where um we were talking about starting wages
and stuff like that which is a very controversial topic right because and everyone will agree that no they're not
where they need to be but what what are we going to do about that it's that's where it takes all of us to keep on
doing something about these things yeah so interact
with and and uh uh another reminder we're going to be at FCI CFI joint
convention in Orlando uh it's coming up October
20 third October 1 to third right October 1st to the third what is
it October 1 yeah okay and then the 22nd
is when uh the NCT is I'm going to be in Ohio
for flash Coen heat weld class I'm be I'mma
be in Florida nice all right guys well thank
you everybody thanks to our audience uh you guys rock you guys who get on here every week and and participate if you're
watching this uh recorded join us join us live give us your thoughts give us your comments and
uh let us know what you guys would like to uh have us talk about and and any uh
experts that you know about that you might want to see on the podcast uh we love having guests uh we'd have a guest
every week uh but then we wouldn't just be able to ramble in front of you either hey we like we like we like to
have some issues so we could help solve some some issues there right before they become big problems and some well the
fun thing is that we are all solution oriented and that's what makes this podcast work is we think about those
things talk through them and and our audience rocks so with that being said we will see you guys next week uh 3 P.M
Central on Tuesday 4 P.M Eastern the right time zone the good time
zone all right guys we'll catch you later