The Huddle - Episode 90 - Floor Academy Crossover with Kyle Hedin
The guys are joined by Kyle Hedin, the voice behind the Floor Academy Podcast ( This special collaboration highlights the richness and diversity within the flooring industry's podcasting community. We delve into how multiple voices contribute to a broader understanding and appreciation of the trade, fostering a culture of shared knowledge and mutual success. By exploring different perspectives and celebrating each other's contributions, we demonstrate that the industry thrives on collaboration, not competition. Tune in as we unite the podcasting world of flooring, proving that together, we can elevate the entire field.
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The Huddle was created by Paul Stuart of Stuart & Associates and Go Carrera, alongside Jose and Daniel Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring. Aimed at helping you maintain forward progress in your flooring career, they cover topics from personal and business growth, to installation tips & tricks and everything in-between.
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what's up team welcome to the Huddle it's your weekly Playbook where we strategize on everything from you know
installation techniques to mindset to how to run your
business more effectively we're not just playing the game we're changing it from mastering the fundamentals of our craft
and distinguishing ourselves in the marketplace we're here to ensure you are equipped with everything you need so
let's band together Forge a new Legacy in floring this is where you belong so welcome to the team speaking to team we
got a great guest today Mr Kyle from floor Academy podcast with me as always Daniel and
Jose Gonzalez preferred flooring out of Grand Rapids Michigan what's up yo
what's going on on I don't know how you got stuck with such horrible co-host man I am sorry anytime any anytime you want
[Laughter] so Kyle runs a podcast uh floor Academy
he's very passionate he's been doing it for a while uh Kyle want you tell us a little
bit about we actually uh are not live because we're getting errors from every
single platform right now well well I didn't even go live so you know what I think we just we just roll with it and
and we have some fun here hey got a choice right now I got a
in the corner that's funny and I got I got a phone on look at this we're just killing it over here after that greatt
guys so why don't you work on uh when the live comes on on your
side uh I'm good man I I'm fine I'll just get this and then I can throw it up so all right we're we're we're ready to
I'm ready to go as long as you guys are good I'm ready
get stuff ashon says we're live I don't know about the others but we're gonna keep on trucking cool so uh who am I uh
I'm Kyle Haden I formally I mean I still technically own illustrious Hardwoods I haven't figured this out yet I I'm in
the I'm in a change I stopped my installation business but it's still technically open so I'm a licensed
contractor in Arizona uh I installed from 2015 up until earlier this year
and I focused on laminate luxury vinyl plank engineered hardwood about four and a half years ago I started floor cademy
podcast because I went looking for business information as it related
specifically to the flooring industry it didn't exist it wasn't out there and I
said well I have a background from my time in reality television I know how the camera equipment works the audio
equipment works I'll be that guy because there's obviously if I'm looking for it I'm not the only one I was luckily had
enough brains to realize that there's you know if something doesn't exist there's probably more than one person
looking for it so here we are four and a half years later um haven't missed a
Wednesday since its launch so there's over 200 episodes out there of business
information for you covering the entire gamut we talk addiction issues we talk
how to figure out your numbers we talk how to plan out you know systems and processes is sometimes we just talk
about our feelings and how that is going to affect your business life on your from your personal side um it runs the
gamut but it's all great information and along the way I've been able to make lots and lots of great friends
including you know it started with Daniel that led me to the the two of them Daniel and Jose and recently that
led me to you Paul and had I had better planning on my part I wouldn't have two
episodes back toback with you in them but you know what that's how it's going to roll and so your episode I recorded
with you last week comes out came out last week and now this week they get this joint effort of this crossover of
the Huddle and floor Academy together well you know what you can't get too
much of a good thing I agree no I think it's two different it's two totally different
episodes so it's great content yeah I mean I'm shooting from the back of my truck dude H how about that we're gonna
make this thing happen one way commitment bro that is commitment right there dedication um you know what's cool
though is we talk a lot about uh the connections and getting to know you know
the industry through getting out and putting your yourself out there and networking we talked about that quite a
lot and that's how I met you that's how you met D Daniel and Daniel introduced
you to his brother Jose I mean getting putting yourself out there as an
installer um just connecting um there's multiple ways joining the podcast you
know uh whether it's floor Academy the Huddle Join one of the podcasts do some
commenting get involved in the industry and then go to conventions um there's a lot of
conventions that are more geared to the installer now at least two that I know of uh and a third happened just kind of
uh off of whim at The Summit in Dalton few weeks back so yeah you know there's
a place for installers to go now we're trying to build a community and uh have
that Community come together that's the only way that we can get what we want from the installers perspective you
can't you can't do it alone you can't just raise your prices to one shop if
you're working out a retail stores because that shop will only pay you so much even if you're the best uh but if
as a community we're all coming up and where the prices can go up the
professionalism can go up um and frankly you know our industry uh respect as a
craft as a a true craft uh will uh increase as well that's that's like our
our real purpose behind all this you know so it's great to have you you know join us on the Huddle I've been on your
podcast and you guys uh do a lot of really correct me if I'm wrong but you
do a lot of deeper dives into individual issues and get down and dirty on some
stuff what's your favorite issue you've shot uh I don't I don't know that
there's a favorite I for me like I love I I love the numbers like that's where I get really passionate is I and I I like
solving problems and coming up with creative ways I think that's where my film industry and storytelling
background comes in a lot for what I do in in this world now of of construction
is I like finding and and solving problems I've learned that I'm horrible at executing I think a lot
of uh I think a lot of entrepreneurs are is that we we end up in a role where we
have to actually go and execute plans and we're not so great at it
whereas I'm a great with the vision and I can see things and so what I've
learned especially through doing The Mastermind groups that I facilitate and
I've I've worked with Jose and and Daniel is I'm able to get an outside
perspective of your business and I can then go and say well hey what if you
were to tweak these things over here and I usually come at it from a totally different angle that no one else is
looking at it from and generally I found that it works but and that's kind of my special
skills I wasn't raised as in this industry I stumbled into it fell in love with the people and so my my take on it
is from a totally outside perspective that has nothing to do with it well I I
totally respect the the craftsmanship and the the artisanship that takes
place at the end of the day we're all running businesses or at least we're supposed to be and you have to make
money and so I I love helping people find a way to make the money and sadly the the lowest hanging fruit is to say
charge more but that message only worked for maybe the first year of the podcast C after that the people that started
charging more you can only charge more for so long before you have to learn how to be efficient get better skills better
systems better processes better networking better relationships there's
so much more that has to go into it and that's really where it's gotten exciting
is how do you have to put these pieces together well that's cool I mean it's
you know obviously a um that's typical though as you get
better in your craft uh you get a little bit more speed then you got to find the
efficiencies to start making more money and that's almost in any business there's a lot of businesses that don't make money the first couple of years
that's also the message I try to make sure that people understand you get into the flooring it's no different if you're
going to be start your own flooring business your own flooring installation company it's it's no different than any
business it's it you might make money the first year but it's a lot of investment for the first few years and
you got to have that perseverance to stay with it then you start finding those efficiencies and those uh systems
that'll help you be more profitable uh you start to get well your reputation
it's a really nice uh coalescence between the two because your reputation you start to get known for your quality
while you're doing these other things and that's when you really start to have that
what I've seen Time After Time the success comes really nicely about that
time frame as long as you're committed to the to all aspects to the Quality to
the dedication to finding more efficient methods more systems I mean these guys
both of them as well as myself grew our businesses out of
installation right I mean that's how you did it right Jose you guys were installers and and you you grew it
through becoming well known having great quality being in demand then finding
efficiencies and that frankly never stops I mean we do we're one of the largest flooring contractors in Kansas
and we're still searching for efficiencies and better methods every day oh yeah that's one of the things too
like like just just to you know let everyone know that that I did a mastermind with Kyle for a year Daniel
was also involved and through that through the program when we got to sit down with with other people in the
industry and have different perspectives that actually did help us view things in a different light like no one likes to be
told what they're when they're doing something wrong right but you have to hear it sometimes and sometimes some of
the systems that work for Kyle aren't going to work for me and what works for for me Isn't gonna always work for student Associates but it's always nice
to hear that there's different systems and different ways to implement certain things for whatever growth you'd like to have
and that's where where the Mastermind group that we were part of with Kyle um they that he hosted came into play and
um we did hit a couple Milestones as a business while we were part of that um that group and uh to say that I didn't
make some friends out of that group I'd be lying to you because you you get you get put in a position where you're
talking to someone every week and then every other week and you know and and it's an accountability group is really
all all ended up being in my eyes but we also learned from one another as well and I had the benefit of being on the
his groups with some right some pretty success UC people and that's the thing right like cuz you still do that get
together on on Saturdays and I still got the link even though I'm not part of it so I joined this
weekend in there to yeah to van and uh and Stephen cheater I must have got
deleted from that link actually it was on his calendar and then it popped up on
mine I was like let me see who's in here see what's going on uh all all good but no I think that's
that's the of it is is Jose you're not wrong it is an accountability group but I think that's what we need if we're
going to be sitting here talking about the benefit of relationships and and going and like we need to go to these events and network with
people that's what I'm looking for when I go like look going and seeing the products cool right something new came
out all right does it work for me does it not work for me I don't need to spend 20 minutes with Shaw Mohawk I can look
at a product and I kind of know it in like five minutes I I I'm I'm done I've moved on but to sit down and meet people
that are coming from different markets different backgrounds and all that that's what really gets me excited
because like you said what works for you won't necessarily work for me but there's probably benefit in knowing that
I have to find a way to hold myself accountable to that specific metric in
some way and then how I Implement that is what matters and I give me your
feedback on this uh either Daniel or Jose but I'm you know one of the things
I found is just because it doesn't work for me in the exact form that I see it doesn't mean that I don't manipulate a
little bit and find the way that it does work for me it's the ideas a lot of times uh I did a demo the other day with
a company that does this inventory management stuff and my staff was in the
meeting and they were like well I think we can uh you know I don't see how this
is going to like benefit as and we kept watching and kept watching and light bulbs started going off they were like
well even though we may not not use this platform I just got this idea what if we
did this when we received materials and what if we did that we get them delivered and they started building all
these systems and we came up with two new processes that should make us uh you know more effective and and um and
efficient at the same time so like just it's that's the magic it's not just that
it's like you're going to take something ingest it and and make it work for your
business if you have open ears if you go in with the right attitude that you want to learn something new you want that
you're never too big to uh hear something new and and absorb it I know
that I've learned from these guys I've learned from my own installer group uh
there's just really uh there's a lot of magic and a lot of synergy that happens when you come together as a team with
some common goals and share your experiences well I think com go ahead
Daniel it's a lot easier to start with something than it is from
nothing yeah 100% agree with that that's a there's that's a great great
Foundation to start with for sure there there's well that's that's the problem is that every little guy out there is
out there thinking I can't talk to my competition I can't go Network in my own market and meet people because they're
gonna steal my work and I can't help them out because they won't help me out and here's the thing your business isn't
different from your neighbor's business and if they've already got something in place why are you trying to reinvent the
wheel go grab it and steal it like that again I I don't want to plug my stuff
I'm really not trying to but one of the beauties of The Mastermind group is that as some as people develop stuff I'm
putting all of that in in the vault and so then other people come and join and they're like man I wish I had this I'm
like here you go you know you just hand it out and they're like oh my God this just saved me like 10 hours but that's
the beauty of going and muting people of it right because that you said you don't want to plug your stuff but honestly
that's kind of what we're here together for right it's a it's a crossover plug it in man like we've done your
Mastermind it's it's a it was a great time we learned a lot where where's your bandana um you know I I want to add on
to what you what you just said right there about go go to where they're at grab it take it away from them you're
you're you're you're absolutely right right but sometimes sometimes you're I don't even want to say competition but
sometimes the people you go to mingle with that are in your same Market they might have a bunch of vehicles and no drivers and you might be one of the
drivers for a little bit and you just might have to jump behind that wheel and drive a vehicle for them because because you are if you separate yourself from
the industry you're gonna have a skill set that can benefit them as well as you um especially on the labor side if you
have a set on the labor side that could benefit a company that they don't have another thing too is uh you know
somebody I forget what book I was listening to uh recently that it said the fastest way to scale up is to
acquire another business oh no it wasn't even a book it was a meeting I had downtown um um with the with their local
chamber and they were like the fastest way to scale up is to is through acquisition like that's the fastest way
because if you find a place that's already got processes and procedures and those type of systems in
place and you can you can take it take that's why franch what you're saying right there franchis work well right I
mean is with all the systems we don't have flooring franchises of installer
franchises yet the fact is is that we got to learn from one one another and
not be scared of sharing like what I would say is there's some is good that
that that is my premise of business uh you can look at why do restaurants all
Gather in the same area why do uh if you go to any part of your flooring it's
usually if you are in the same kind of area as other businesses for a reason um
it's not it's not you shouldn't be scared of it uh there's the competition is good and you can learn from other
people as we've said in this podcast but I'm telling you what Beyond uh learning
if you start to when you get really busy if you can give another installer who's
you you have their back like you know they're really good and you give them a project you are putting good stuff out
in the universe I'm telling you that will come back to you a hundredfold
you'll get more work if you are less um you know I don't want to get all spiritual on you but when you start
getting real like negative thinking and negative like yeah mindset that's when
you start thinking like it's a world of of uh of strife and like you know uh
well you get what you put into it it's pretty much what it is if if you're gonna put negativity into it you're gonna get negativity out of it you're
gonna approach everything with a positive manner then then you're gonna get something positive out of it too and
um anything that we can view as negative as as as we progressed and I'm sure a lot of successful people um have as well
anything negative was wasn't really a negative if we learned something from it if we were able to sit back and laugh
and say ah let's not do that again um then that helped us out there was nothing negative about it in the long
run at you know short shortterm view uh yeah there's how we GNA manage how we
gonna get through it you know what one of us has always said don't worry we will we'll figure it out um and that's
you don't have a choice figure it out yeah you don't have a choice another
another thing that think about is uh the flooring companies get together like you
got fuse you got FCI you got oh yeah got starnet like we get together we share
best practices we try to figure out the best thing installers should be doing the same that's what this Huddle's all
about that's what this podcast is all about it's coming together and becoming great and yeah a lot of them companies
you know we got better when we joined fuse five or six years ago I know that most companies who join them will tell
you the same thing they join starnet or they join fuse or they join the FCI and they're huge proponents of it or I think
uh commercial one's another one that has a bunch of flooring companies in it so flooring companies are getting together
installers listen to me get together start joining uh these podcasts with
Kyle the you know on floor Academy join the podcast on on the Huddle like and
then get to the conventions that really matter to you and I know even Beth Miller's on here she has a podcast too
there you go and it's not even that uh look I just went at the beginning of of
March so what two weeks ago from from when we're recording this or so I was I drove up from from Phoenix to Fresno
California and there was an event called thi it was the hybrid and advanced systems installation event so it was it
was for tile people um and they were looking at like mud work and in incorporating foam into it and like
putting the two technologies together but it was four installers by
installers and there's another event called Mud that's that's very similar that's been held in Idaho Falls uh
they're going to hold that uh they changed locations for this upcoming for this year but I and I don't
remember where but that's happening like it's a Grassroots effort by installers
for installers where I don't see that I don't see carpet people planning
events that and I'm not hearing about them I don't see hardwood guys planning their own industry events that are all
about education uh I'm not seeing Cove Base and you know vinyl guys
planning events but I think that's the next evolution is that there's all of
these coverings TI uh nwfa Expo they're
great but they're kind of for the bigger boys really and especially like Ty it's
it's more of a retailer show I love it I get to go I get to see all my friends I get to meet everybody it's great for
networking in general but at the end of the day it's a product display same with coverings it's a product display it's
it's more for retailers in my opinion than it is for the average Joe that's
running an installation company and so want the event that's where FCI and CFI
is co-mingling and doing their uh convention you you know that is the caret players like those guys get
together they're CFI strong now uh FC was there and that co-mingled some other
groups in so I I think that there's there's some the the vinyl uh life is a
little bit different like I've I've not ran that was my my preferred flooring uh
to install no pun intended gentlemen but um you know you don't see
the vinyl guys coming together and sharing heat welding uh techniques but except for at training so yeah but you
know I think that there's a uh a a Evolution going on there I think you're
right there yes that's and that I mean that's what it's turning into is it's no longer like a it's you have to pay to
get to the event but it's not a paid training it's not a paid certification it's guys that are just passionate about
it it's it's CFI but the early days like the early early days right they would
just go go and like work with a shop and and help them um that's that's what was happening is people that wanted to learn
mud work were able to learn mud work at fassy they had a thing on how to do epoxying mitered edges for like niches
and stuff and it was just a you know Josh levit who's just super passionate
about what he does and there was probably 20 guys standing around a standard like 4 foot long uh folding
table watching him work with it asking questions how do I do this better what about this how do you do you
know and it was just an expert answer it was beautiful faor kind of workshops yeah and so it's just the thing with the
tile industry is I think that the tile industry actually the manufacturers end
up supporting their installers a lot better than the rest of the industry does well okay so let's I let's look at
one of the sponsors of the show do you think that that's because because they fall under a different category for um
uh like a union they can under like the masonry and all that so they're
categorized you start to get the the biggest thing is toles still distributed it's one of the biggest
factors you get some distributor like a lot of the trainings
that happen at different um in different cities at Distributors offices H or in their
warehouse or what have you corre there those products are distributed carpet's bought direct from the mill so there's
no real Distribution Center anymore LD Brinkman was the last one and they're
gone they've been gone for 15 years um and sheet vinyl is where do you
buy your sheet where do you buy your Nora from from Nora you know a lot of that's still bought direct from the manufacturer now it gets distributed
taret gets distributed and and I think that's where the Evolution's coming in but so much of the T all the tile it's
very rare you buy direct from the manufacturer unless you're importing it from Italy
there's yes I I think that helps is that you were able to find spots easier although at this distributor we had
manufacturers there that weren't in that distributor they hadn't built that
relationship yet and so obviously one of the you know incentives was to try and make that happen but they didn't care
right they were still there they were able to show their Wares they were able to get people to and educate them about
the product and at least in my market down here in Phoenix we have a location
called uh contractor Furnishings smt which is actually more from the Pacific Northwest is where they're bigger and
have 98% of their locations uh but they don't stock any
material and then they have relationships with the same local Distributors that I was able to plus the major
manufacturers but they have a giant Warehouse that's unused right now like that I guarantee you that if you go
around to your different distributors in town your different retailers somebody if you ask them they will open up their
warehouse to you and then you just need to reach out and build those relationships with your local reps and
get them there it's really not that difficult I'm pretty sure like it would take me some work but I think within two
months if I if I put it in I could have an event in Phoenix that was showing off
if I if I wanted to combine it into all of the different categories within the flooring tille Stone Industries I could
make that happen but it's just a matter of you know to go back to relationships
you got to know your reps and I don't think enough people are even besides meeting your competition
and nobody's competition there's more than enough work for everyone right let's just build each other up and raise
the bar in our industry but you got to go and meet your local manufacturing reps and even if you don't use their
products you don't know what a client's going to ask you need to be informed and
on top of it and have that relationship because if you can it goes back to what Paul was saying if you can help somebody
you're just putting good out in the world it's going to come back to you yeah that's about creating Solutions
right that's that's what what we do solve problems we're solutionists by by by Nature yeah and um whether it's uh
solving an issue with a maybe another installer is having some problems or you go to the other side and and try to go
help a client get the right material in their house I mean we're all we're solving right we're solving potential is
call from an installer today that was asking me questions about some sheet Vino and some Flash Cove right and
granted he was not in our area but I still get those calls from people in our area from the ones that are comfortable
calling and that's how it needs to be it's it shouldn't be a matter of all right I'm going to call them because I
know they work across the country it's I'm going to call them because they know what they're talking about and more people need to open up like that just
like Beth Miller said earlier you know we can't afford to keep holding the solutions
hostage yeah it shouldn't it shouldn't be a secret industrywide for sure and I
I didn't think about you know the distributor thing on the tile side until you said something but it's it's true I
mean either look at your hat right schlutter they put on workshops with
Distributors all the time it's like like weekly they're they're constantly doing
something that's the one I haven't fig there just more Outlets there's just more outlets
and you know if you if you wanted to do a carpet seminar or something about H
hand sewing or doing flat weaves or any of the stuff that is in the carpet world
there's no distributor to go congregate around you could do it like I could do it at my warehouse and then get a few
people around but the the Distributors for tile I
mean they have they even know all the the it's also allow they know all the
installers in the area as well because those installers go in and buy their spacers they go in and buy their trials
they go in and buy their saws they're going in the distributor to buy these things so that's one of the but I'm
going into the I'm going into the distributor to buy tax strip and my you know my staple gun and my seam sealer
that you should be using and your carpet I'm still go into that same distributor to buy
tools they'll open up their space like it it's it's not just because they don't carry the product doesn't mean that you
can't get the space like they still have access to the same people I think it's I think it's a matter of if you do the
work the industry if you do the work like you said and you and somebody was
passionate about doing that work it just definitely I'm not saying that the the
distributor like EJ welon which to they would open up their warehouse and let us
do something but it just doesn't happen as naturally when the tile is there it's
all tile you always have to buy it from a distributor or a re you know if you're
a flooring company you're buying from a a distributor that's how they get their products into a market so you're not
you're not um and you know frankly carpet just to be clear here carpet's a
little bit different Beast CU it's Lo lost a lot of the market share so it's there's a lot of uh a lot less flooring
uh being covered with carpet uh you got more tile more hardwood and significantly more uh Vinyl Products so
yes yes I agree well they got that new tongue and groove carpet coming out don't they the DIY no they did the the
arrow carpet a few years ago that was supposed to be kind of that thing but I
don't even I haven't seen that in years I don't even know if they still make magnetic
flooring hey they do have that out matter of fact that they do have that yeah um so you're right about the
Distributors though guys so like um we wanted to do a certification locally right and we had a distributor lined up
and I had as a matter of fact we had a distributor ready to rock and they gave us the green light and then we had
another flooring store that we were going to go there and uh and they had the space available um the problem was
is like the attendance um to get that many people to commit locally is was
proven to be very difficult because you have to have X number of attendees in order for it to to make sense all the
way around if they're going to do it they want that that attendance right because the more people that they can get their products in front of the
better and it it does make sense but at the same
time so getting easier to for for us to to get people from across the country to
come to our area and do it than it would be to get PE local people there that's
hon that's what I'm seeing to be honest so I've tried multiple times to get a CFI certification and the CTI the
certified tile installer certification going in Phoenix all to I cannot get
they want 10 people for a CFI they want a minimum of six for the CTI can't make it happen I've tried multiple multiple
times um with with the local people I I have a local Facebook group there's over
200 people in it I can't even convert you know 10% 5% of it to
make a certification happen it's really disappointing whereas when I've seen
these opened up it is because it's opened up to a national level and it is a bigger event and it's drawing in
larger names of people that want to meet that know each other from interacting online within the online community that
you you get more people that are excited and passionate about the industry and are willing to make sacrifices to grow
their career than you do yeah in a in a local level and I always say people ask
like oh you know it's so far like why would I want to go to a certification out of state because if you're willing
to invest in yourself if you're willing to walk away from a week's worth of pay
pay for a plane ticket pay for lodging pay for the food and drinks and going
out a couple of nights if you're willing to do that that means the people that are going to that event
are willing to do that too and those are the people that I want to meet I don't want to go to a local certification and
meet the guy that's only willing to go five minutes down the road I don't think that guy has nearly as much to offer me
and and so I want to meet people that are willing to compete and be the best and make sacrifices in their life to get
better as opposed to like accept the standard mundane data day life that
comes with being an installer right it it goes back to you can you could
probably go to a work room and and you're going to see guys that are there and excited in the morning and like
really want to get out and get at it and then you're going to see a group of dudes that stand in the back and they're all bitching and moaning about how they
hate their life they hate their their job they don't understand why they're still doing it this place pays like crap
and yet they keep showing up every every day over and over and over again but it's that negativity you mentioned
earlier it is but it's it's the negativity you mentioned earlier right like it just it feeds on itself and
keeps going you made me think of something too you just made me think of something too so you
have certifications during the week versus on the weekend right so you have you have uh trade contractors who work
for themselves who are Proprietors of their own business who would rather do it on a weekend so that it doesn't
interrupt their work and then you have employees who would rather do it during the week so they can still get paid like they want to get paid by the hour and
attend a class so there's a there's a balance that has to be found there right like how do how do
you how do you uh you have any idea how remedy any of that well so as an employee if I as an employer send my
employe anywhere doesn't matter if it's the weekend I have to pay them if I require them to go the employee gets
paid so congratulations like as an employee complain about but I said that
wrong they don't want to go unless they're getting paid is what I so they don't want to that's what what they have to the the problem is no see they don't
want to go because they don't want they think it's dumb that's what I see is that when you send an employee they
don't understand what you're actually providing them and companies are set up wrong in order to actually convey the
importance the passion and and get people excited about learning as opposed
to you know they think they're going to this thing and they're like I know everything I don't need this you know
they're just that smartass in the class that's like trying to poke holes and and ruin it for everybody else that there to
actually gain something you know I great employees because every time
we've sent the guys to a training any of our employee installers they have
been absolutely um finishing the top of the class they're very happy they're very
appr fantastic they appreciate the opportunities to go learn more I think
that you know maybe to to Jose's Point employees probably are not going to go
self- elect to do a a uh training like I've paid doesn't matter where it's at
or when it's I've paid for them to go um the I I see the biggest
problem the employee installer as a group is still better trained than the
subcontractor in general um I more training they've been um they've been
there there's more certific certified body in the employee installer than
there is the subcontract not say I would buy that I but I think that's because the the guy that got himself off his
knees to do that is passionate enough to understand the importance of it well
they they some sort of structure versus learn learn as you go yeah there's some sort of structure behind being an
employee versus the learn as you go um and that's that's a huge because 80 80
plus percent around 85 to 87% of all floorings installed by subs from a
national perspective the subs are the ones we're consistently talking to about
getting trained you know and investing in yourself we use that term all the time right fellas is invest in yourself
don't spend your invest your time and when you invest your time and money into
your craft you you're going to look take money aside money is important but
you're going to be happier I was much happier when I was actually doing the stuff the right way and after I had
learned than when I was hacking and slashing trying to figure everything out on my own it's incredibly frustrating to
try to put a piece of vinyl together and not know that I was supposed to reverse the damn sheets it you know just that
kind of stuff that you you know that you don't you'll be a happier installer
being well trained people like to do they're doing things that they're good at so I that's I
I I just want to grab people so Nate Hall the comments aren't coming through
right because we been we've been having issues with the lie but I I got it over here Nate Hall says that there's like 50
to 60 people at the top of the pyramid we just need to get all the thousands of people at the bottom to to see that
value of the top and and try and get there like even even just a little bit I'm gonna so I'll
be honest here here's what I've learned my frustration for the longest time was that I am passionate about wanting to
help the guys that don't understand business they're living paycheck to
paycheck they they don't even understand that they are more than you know they say I'm just an installer no you're not
dude you're running a business like whether you realize it or not you fill out tax paperwork every year that makes
you a business even as a sole proprietor right and I've had to struggle with
wondering why am why are my listens so low why is my conversion rate into the Mastermind group so low why can't I get
this master class I want to put together going and I honestly I've come to the conclusion that you know we all get mad
as As Americans we're like oh I hate the 1centers they make too much money they suck ah it's not fair you want to know
the conversion rate for people that go into my Mastermind group 1% there's 1centers within the flooring
industry and that's who we're looking to do right and so if we can continue to
influence that 1% and expand it to only five or 10% I think we've knocked it out
of the park I I that's a great view it's
been such a struggle of like I I've just learned that I'm gonna bang my head against the wall trying to convince
people that don't want to believe I mean there's flat earthers that have literally disproved that the Earth is
flat using their own tools and yet they refute that that happened and they they
say something went wrong you can't convince someone that need when they don't want it right
it's the same FL over here man this dude is a flat earther so I I
hope so I hope he really is but send a link to the video it's the same thing as talking to an addict right you can't
help an addict not exactly until they want it themselves
and so all you can do is put it out there and hope they when when they're ready they'll latch on but if I get one
person we're one person better and I've and I know I've gotten more than one so
that that's one thing you you said about uh trying to attract them right and we've um we've learned that we've
attracted the things that we wanted out of uh being business owners or out of life in general by by not trying to
aggressively attract just going about and letting our actions um speak for
themselves and then it attracts what we've been trying to um obtain I would say um so I guess guess you just gota
gota play the waiting game right is where the the patience is a virtue thing is you got to be patient and people will
eventually see the change that has been made in the people who are making those connections even you know through
through your connections if I told you I didn't learn something from you guys I would I would be but um and I always advocate for you
I don't ever not advocate for you like oh yeah this is this is where I learned it um it's just one of those things
where got to give everything time for people to see the value in what and
information any information that anyone offers I I think it's a time thing and I think people they're always going to
respect somebody that's walk in the walk it's it's easy to talk the talk and so they want to see something of you know
the success story oh okay so you're out there you're doing it and it it really is working you know I know that I still
get crap of well you weren't an installer very long you never ran a multi-million dollar bu I don't have I
don't have to have done any of that stuff to understand what I'm talking about and being able to but you had tens
of hundreds of people that yeah I did tens of hundreds yeah I got I got T I
got tons of hundreds yes I I that I do but you know I did well for myself
understood what I was doing I just fell out of passion with it and I I think that's another thing is I I KN long I
shut down the flooring business one because it was a distraction to what I really wanted to build and there was enough income luckily in Flor Academy
that I could move forward but I've had a couple of clients call me and and they're disappointed that I'm not
installing anymore and I've had to tell them that the honest answer is I can't install your floor because I will not
deliver you what I'm promising you on paper I I am no longer passionate about
doing it which means I'm going to go there every day and be miserable doing a job which means I'm not going to give it
my all which means I'm going to deliver you a subpar project an end result
that's not fair for me to char you top dollar then how how how do you incite
the passion into an industry how do you incite passion into
an industry of of you know what's been described as you know some guys that
hate their jobs or whatever how do you do that without
um you know let me let me hear coming around to it so I
think part of it is one we have to stop telling everybody the only way to make money is to go out on their own that's
the biggest lie that's being told in this industry in my opinion we have way too many people running businesses and
doing work that were never properly trained to do the work uh so that's that's one part of it the
second part is is that businesses need to step up and actually learn how to run
a business and put in like the one of the things I've noticed is that people don't have core values mission and
vision statements and if you don't have that I don't know how you have a business because you don't know what you
stand for which means you're just winging it every decision you ever make it's not based on anything other than
how you personally feel which is horrible because your business is its own entity and it needs to stand for
something and have its own set of values to make decisions on so once you have that then employees can know where
they're going which they can get excited about because there's opportunity and they can develop a
culture based on your values which they will understand that things never change
and then when you have a positive culture along with a vision and a mission now you get people that can be
passionate because they can accomplish their goals through the offerings of
your company and that's whereas if you just keep telling everybody you know you have
these salty guys that won't train anybody I can't teach you you're going to go out on your own and steal all my work well that's not true
but you're you have a bunch of salty dudes that are trying to not train
people and then telling them the only way to make money is to go out on your own or they won't train them and so the
only way for them to learn is to go out on their own and just start messing it up like it's it's completely broken the
good news is the average age of an installer is like 55 plus so that generation isn't going to last much
longer you're right there's there's an Open Door there there's an open door for the younger Generations even if they're
at 30 years old right now and want to pick up a trade they have enough time to learn something and and find their place
in the industry and still find success um I think it'll fix itself to be honest
I I think that it's it they're just going to slowly get washed out and the people that are stepping up I noticed it
a couple years ago um I I know natural selection is gonna happen leave it up to natural selection
in the industry no no I think that there's positive changes happening but that's where I'm going and so like I I
noticed a couple years ago so I started in in June of 2015 is when I started in the flooring industry and I was getting
the industry magazines and and I was reading them and I was seeing who was writing the Articles constantly every month same people article doing more
than most and yes that's but that's me being a dork right and and I know you
guys are the same way like you want to know yes I am we just say nerds bro we just say nerds nerds I'm a Nord I'm a
I'm a Nord I'm a nerd a dork I'm a everything it could be worse you could look like this guy right here I'm sure
oh yeah I wouldn't want to look like Ken not at all uh but anyway so I was
fortunate enough to be offered a writing gig with Floor Covering installer magazine thank you Beth for making that
help making that happen and um I think within that I when I got my opportunity
I saw other younger people getting an opportunity and not that I'm young I mean I turned 41 this last year dang I
know oh I'm so old but in the grand scheme of things like if if 55 is on their way out right I'm closer to on my
way out I am the start and I started late I started at you know 32 or
whatever so but I saw a change in who was putting the information into the
magazines the magazines all started to shift towards a slightly younger audience and the age drop was about 15
to 20 years I want to say for who was putting out the content which is great
right now we have a new generation of folks that are influencing what's happening I know that um the leaders at
some of the industry organizations are older and they are starting to plan
their exit strategies and really get in order who's going to take over and you
know there's got to be like a three to five year plan at a minimum to get somebody up to speed to be an executive
at one of these organizations so I think those changes are starting to happen and the players
that are there are starting to be identified and step up and these
podcasts are part of that you know again to bring it back to me realizing that I can't help everyone and it's not going
to happen overnight 55y old dudes don't want to listen to a podcast on on average it's just not their form of
entertainment it's more for younger people that are you know 12 to 30 same
with all the technology uh that's being created put out there you know uh
obviously you know with go Carrera being a technology company that the resistance
to that age group is immense so correct it's it's a waiting game yeah you just
gotta persevere through and people want um I think the younger crowd is probably
I think this there'll be a little bit of a shift back to employee hopefully uh
and you know I mean that's kind of against my business model for go Carrera but I also am in flooring uh in in
general and uh uh you know a shift back a little bit would be I think you know
do do a little equilibrium going um could be beneficial for the industry but
I wanted to butt in real quick because I have a a board meeting I gotta get to I'm on the board of a children's of a uh
of a children's home so I've got a board meeting in five minutes so I am GNA jump
and let you guys continue that's why I'm in the back of this truck sitting out the parking lot but uh I it was a
pleasure to hang out with you Kyle and as always guys it's been a joy today
we'll see you guys next week and uh you guys continue on without me and I will
catch you um another time I hope I don't end the stream if I do this no I I'll
I'll take you right off of here real quick thank thanks Paul we'll see you see you guys but I think you know if
we want to talk about relationships look at that guy stepping up and and getting on a board for a a children's
organization within his market like you don't know who you're going to meet and where so you better go get involved in
things out like you can't just stay within flooring it's not going to work that you've got to go meet people in
other areas of life to really get exposed to everything that's that's out
there so good on him yeah and you know we're talking about going back to the employee model you I've talked to a
couple well one guy this week another guy last week and that's what we were talking about it's um I talked to my
buddy who's an electrician and every other trade has a a line that they have to follow in order to get through their
career and we just don't like as an industry and it's not just tile it's
it's carpet it's everyone and we we just don't have that and I think unless we all get together and that's every single
organization and kind of say hey we have to standardize something then we're not
going to end up moving forward and the the guys coming in aren't going to see the the light at
the end of the tunnel I I think some of it's going to come from companies like
yours there's the companies that I'm working with through my Mastermind groups which you know that's you guys
included are ones that I see 510 years down the road being the game changers in
the industry as this is already a lucrative career like if you're not making money I'm sorry but you're doing
it wrong it it's granted yes I lived in Phoenix which was a large market and I
could stumble over a a job by walking out my door and like somebody's gonna
need a floor because there's 4.5 million people here but it wasn't hard to set a
standard and say I will only sell my skills for this and if we're in that
much of a deficit of installers already and the
average age is 55 then that means more people are headed out than are coming in
so supply and demand dictates prices will go up which means it's only going
to get more lucrative from here but that also means is that well I don't want to be a
gatekeeper I have to protect my industry and I see companies like yours being the
future in saying we have a training program we have a standard way of getting you from greenhorn to Journeymen
and I can help you do that and I'll teach you the skills along the way that if you want to go out on your own I will
help you become a business owner I can give you the guides I can help you do that and that model will change it which
I'd rather see companies doing that as all these young people flood in because it's going to get to the point where you
you know you struggle right now to stay busy for a week it's it's going to be amazing to sit there and be like I don't
even have to try I'm booked out six months and I'm having to tell everybody to go away when it gets to that point
everyone and their mother is going to pick up a tool and say they can install flooring and so we have to be able to
start finding ways to sell the value and protect homeowners from making bad
decisions on who they hire and I think companies like yours are going to be the way to do that other comp that's where I
feel like it goes beyond just the journeyman aspect right right because um like Elena says we have passionate
trainers and they they have to share that like everyone sees our work you know yeah I think I think we have to
look at what happens after you're done on the floor I mean you're in that transition right now right you found
something that you love doing and it's looking at what what our industry offers
in terms of technical um sales project management all that and then training has to come
into play too and with all these new people that we need in here we need full-time trainers and we have to make
that as lucrative as installing because some of these trainers like Elena are
really really good and they should be paid you know a a wage where they can live on and be comfortable and train you
know 100% of their time the the money that I've I think we just talked about this the
day well it's the you know I've heard some of the numbers that are getting thrown out for the people to go do the
training for C or not CF um fcef Flor covering Education
Foundation right they're getting all the programs into the local vocational and technical colleges and whatnot across
the country and I've heard the numbers of what they're willing to pay those teachers and it's not FC's fault right
it's it's just what the college can pay and whatnot but no I can't go be a
teacher for you know especially in Arizona where I don't know why we have any teachers here we're one of the wor
worst in the country right they're making like $30,000 a year that's why would I leave a career making $100,000
plus to go make 30 you know I I could and I get it okay I can be really really
passionate about what I do but I also want to have a a good way of living and
I'd like to be able to retire someday and so there has to be this balance um I
I just saw somebody that was a installer um got in an accident and
they're they're wheelchair bound now and so they were struggling to run their business I know he just posted that he got hooked up he's going to get the he
got a job at you know the place we all love Home Depot and he's you know the Home Depot is super stoked to have him
on payroll with his knowledge and experience to help all the diyers and
and people coming in to buy product he's of huge value to him but I
guarantee you that there's no way Home Depot is paying him what his actual worth is yeah he's probably making like $13 an hour or something I mean I hope
it's closer to you know 25 but it's it's stuff like that right like how do you you have we have to find a way to sell
our our skills and get our work so I'm going to go back to the electrician that I know right because we talked about the
the education that they have to go through and that's where you know we will pay for our guys to go to trainings
and stuff like that right and then you look at every training it's a minimum of you know almost $700 at this point and
not only that you have travel costs and everything when electricians you have to go to class on your own time and
depending on you know how far you you are into it it's one day a week could be two days a week it it doesn't matter and
the the company will pay for that but they're only paying like between $4 and $800 per semester for these these people
and they're going on a weekly basis sometimes you know twice a week so until we get some programs like that set up
we're kind of behind in every single industry too that's the succession plan right like
that's the plan that is presented to them uh upfront they understand that there's a path that they have to take and that's part of the path and and it's
under and that's part of um well there's not enough okay so the
electricians have their all a lot of the trades right you got to go back and you got to look at there was a strong union
presence especially on the East Coast years and years and years ago there still is a big Union presence on the
East Coast and so the electricians are their own Union the plumbers are their own Union when you start getting into
flooring we you know Hardwoods fall under carpent under the Carpenters but I
don't look at it that way like I okay it's wood but it's not doing a wood floor is not like framing a house right
and then where's carpet fall where's vinyl plank fall the tile goes under masonry so now you're already split
there but then you have plumbers that are told they're responsible for pans in some parts of the country
and then the tile guy comes and finishes the rest whereas in other parts the tile guy can do the you know the Bas Plumbing
with the pan and everything and so there is no standard and what's always baffled me is that I can turn on late night
television if if I had TV and I know I could still flip through the channels and I'm going to see an advertisement
for Universal Technical Institute so I can go work on a car I'm gonna see a advertisement for their motorcycle
branch I will see an ad for a welding school I'll see an ad for an HVAC school
driving a semi right all of these things where is the for-profit flooring I I don't like where's the guy
that's going to build some dorms on some property and put up the for-profit
flooring school well that's the thing it doesn't have to be a guy that does the school
it's if we get it into colleges like some of these other programs are one it
becomes like you can actually people can companies can afford to send all their
guys there all the time and then two it's People Like Us well like say
there's three classes a week well and they're at night so I'll go do one he'll
go do one someone else will go do one and it's it it makes it that much easier to where we're not having to travel
everywhere so I can see the the benefit into kind of what fcef is putting out there in terms of getting these things
in colleges it's just how do we get the guys that are already in the industry on
board to be able to teach what they know yeah well and I mean that goes to a you
know a theoretical that I've thrown out there is everyone's always I can't find any good help it's because you're not
recruiting man like you can't why aren't you going down to your local high school go talk to the talk to
the school board go talk to the principal at a high school and say hey I have myself and you know four or five
friends from different trades and we would love to get in front of your students what can we do to build this out as you said I don't have to go teach
every class but if I volunteer once a month to get in front of these
kids that's a huge difference and well you're increasing their social capital too and that does help ye yes and that's
exactly it is you want to know why nobody wants to do what we do because one they've been told that college is the only way and two that they don't get
any exposure what how many kids actually get to see a tiled shower go in or carpet installed or some other type of
floor angly we're a hidden trade I say this all the time like I can I can drive
down the road my kids's going to see a road construction worker they're going to see a painter they're going to see um
like a framer right I can see all those things as I drive around and buildings go up but I don't see the Finish trades
they're hidden inside so I not only that there's a stigma to these people too
right we call them helicopters and sometimes they're kids sometimes they're adults but when they do see it they are
very interested and then we end up getting mad at them because they're hovering over us all day instead of being like hey you're interested in this
let's you know let me explain to you what I'm doing and we we've been on job sites where you know there's kids there
and these kids you know they they take all of our scraps and then they build something with it and that's kind of
where where you have to start and yeah you know um we talked to to Carlos with
um nfap and he said that they're not they don't have an issue with getting the kids in they have an issue with
placement so what can we do as an as an industry to that's where the the
employees come in right because you have to be able to place them somewhere where they're not just going to be out fending
for themselves and then throw them to the Wolves here you guys are basically business owners now go try and make some
money or or put them with someone that's going to be like all right you're my you're my 1099 employee which is not a
thing by the way that's a we got an episode
no it's not a thing don't it's when you get taken advantage but yeah I mean you're right it's how do you how do you
place them when there's not good placement options and again I think that
comes down to if we got to send them three states over then that needs to be something that's said on the way in the
door to to doing it is I have options for you but the best companies I can
find are not local you're going to have to look to relocate and and maybe that's where us as employers need to step up
and say I got money I can I can throw a little in towards relocation but if
you're actually getting a young person that's passionate isn't that worth it what's what's $1,500 $2,000 towards
helping a kid move that's going to you know help you grow your business long term well that's where I I just it's
it's not even the the younger kids right it's other installers that are have been
in it and are still looking to relocate you can do that the same way and
it's just hard because the installers that have been in it don't get that same love from the industry
that the the the newer people do and so there there you go that's kind of what
we have to like how can we some of these organizations help these guys that have
been in it but still need a little bit of help in order to get elevated so theoretically if if we find
a way to have existing installers have a path to get off the floor but still stay in the industry that they know right
then in turn in return they'll find a way to attract other new faces to come
in because in order for them to get out they have to find someone to come in um maybe we're focusing on the wrong thing
instead of trying to attract people we need to try to create a path for people uh in the industry and start with the
existing installers versus trying to get new faces and and maybe that will inspire them to find a solution to to
get we have to get something set in Stone and then everyone to buy into to what we're putting out there
this is the path this is what you can do and then it's ultimately up to you like how much do you want to learn to go to
the technical side are you a a a a salesperson can you teach not because
not everyone can teach yeah oh yeah correct uh but I think that's where we have to go back to that employee
model when everyone's out on their own fending for themsel you can't see what
value someone could bring to the industry as a whole because they're struggling they're too focused on the
parts they're struggling with as opposed to the part they're good at whereas when you're running an efficient and
effective company you can say hey you're really good at marketing I want you to go do that and hey you're really good at
installing I want you to do that hey you're really good at training I want you to start training all our new guys and hey you're really good at sales and
I need a new salesman so you go do that you can start plugging people in where they fit best because you can really
hone in on their skills and grow those skills but if everyone's separated you
know I'm having to focus on all the things that I hate doing because they take me longer and I don't get to do
enough of what I actually enjoy so I think that employee model will help do
that um you know you got to look at a company like Jason Goldberg's America's
Floor Source he's just out you know you talked about it's easier to acquire companies to grow and that's where he's
at is he's not buying market share and starting up new stores he's out buying
up entire you know little mom and pop
retailers that have multiple locations at this point and and gaining market share that way but it's because those
companies are already built up so much they have systems and processes in place he can walk in and say Here's the new
stuff you follow these rules now this is how we play and I'm sure all of them are close I've been trying to line up this interview for a while and I'd love to
get it because I want to know why he's doing it this way but I can look at it and kind of assume uh so he's able to
throw stuff in and say okay we're going to change this this and this everything else stays the same let's go and he can
send in a couple of his team members to to his new location have them up to speed within a month probably and Off to the Races they go
and now everyone's doing it the America's Floor Source way and he doesn't have to worry about it whereas
for you guys at at your side if I threw a if I throw a new employee at
you what's that what's that look like to get them up to speed and into the system right it could take six months and
that's not a knock at you it's that it's just not all the all the pieces are there yet let alone if you were to try
to acquire somebody I I just don't see that happening at this point like I think
there's a at our size we are the the person that someone acquires well no but you can so but you
would you could acquire an owner operator right and you're going to bring him in
and I okay hey we need your contacts and and work volume but you don't want to do
it anymore so you come be an employee for us and we'll we'll take care of you here's your benefit package all that fun
stuff right you could do that kind of a thing and then you would acquire their tools and and their
contacts but then how long does it take to say no no no you can't do it your way
anymore we've been for a flooring way and and they've gone because that I
got to be the bad guy to let you guys know that we are running a bit over so I don't know yeah that that was the thing
you know we've been through that and when they left that was their their quote to me was I need to do things my
own way that's that's all that needs to be said go do things your way and and
that's fine but you know what that's the problem with the industry is that not everyone can be that stubborn
not every you somebody's going to have to bend and there's a reason that you are running an inefficient business and
we're still here and growing right like let's let's be a big boy and girl and look at it and and swallow the the tough
pill and admit we're not the greatest thing since slice bread and move forward
so I I think you know we we'll try and wrap things up right and it kind of comes full circle in the conversation to
to really kind of why we're on here it's that we're all in it together and it
doesn't matter if you look at someone as competition or not what really matters is that it doesn't really matter at the
end of the day because that person can be your partner that person can Elevate you you
can Elevate them and that's kind of why we're here it's Kyle I still listen to
your podcast all the time I haven't been to the gym in a while and that's when I usually do so I'm going to have to get
back to it me too what we'll do together man accountability buddies how about
that that's exactly it I mean that's that's what it comes down to right is we just need more accountability in this
industry yeah I think I think that's where we're unique is that we've all
taken that step and become accountable to know that without doing something
personally to help the industry it'll never change so we just project that out to everyone and then hopefully it it
starts catching traction which I think we've all done a great job I mean a lot of people know us that don't necessarily
know us personally and that's huge and to to talk to these guys on a platform
that anyone can really go on and and benefit from um we're just unique in
that that in in the industry man not not a lot of people are doing it so thanks
for everything you do Kyle um give yourself a plug before you get off though bro I was I was going to say
everyone make sure you go you know listen to Kyle's podcast it's great information man I wouldn't I wouldn't be
where I'm at if Jose and Daniel didn't buy into what I was putting out there early on D honestly no Daniel was one of
the first Daniel was in the very first Mastermind group Jose hopped in the second one so you know they were early
adopters they believed in what I had going on they were supporters of the podcast um but you know I wouldn't be
where I was at if I didn't see what they were doing you go meet the gon family in person and you are instantly being made
fun of you are you're just you become a part of the family very very quickly they make it very you just you fit in
and so it's it's awesome and they're huge they they you can't miss them if
you go to a show because they're the people wandering around in a pack of like 10 to 20 people they brought Mom
with with backs right like yes and they got backpacks but like you know it's wives it's it's employees like they
putting ourselves out there big um and that's that's great right and so I've was inspired by that I was
inspired by many people you're wearing Ken Balon shirt you know he he was a big part of me being able to do what I'm
doing right now um so I appreciate everyone that supported me I appreciate everyone that is passionate about this
industry and wants to see it change and laid the way for me to be even be doing
what I'm doing right now because I'll tell you what growing up Podcast didn't exist so who you got to give yourself
some credit too because you're putting you're putting in the work you're putting in the work it doesn't just happen on accident organically you're
putting in the work so you gotta give yourself some credit on that I look it's it's we can continue this conversation
afterwards probably I would okay so go uh check out check out Flor Academy if you want to see Flor Academy you can find everything over there on the website everything on the website
he's on all the platforms as are we so you know make sure you like And subscribe to everything that we got
going on Kyle we appreciate you and thanks for uh thanks for doing this crossover it was an amazing time yeah
know it was great thanks we can talk for yeah we we'll have to do we'll have to do another one maybe you know I don't
know how soon but we'll do it so thanks guys and we'll we'll see you guys uh next week sounds