The Huddle - Episode 53 - Improving Efficiency and Productivity
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This week the guys discuss different ways within your business and in your installation techniques that you can improve your productivity and efficiency in your work.
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The HUDDLE is where the flooring industry can get together and talk about everything! Lead by Paul Stuart from Go Carerra who is joined by Daniel and Jose Gonzalez from Preferred Flooring.
what's up
welcome floor and family we're here again on a wonderful Tuesday afternoon 3 P.M Central we come every
Tuesday nearly every Tuesday most Tuesdays 99
uh to discuss maintaining forward progress in your forwarding career we go over a multitude of different topics so
if you're watching this on any of the socials please consider like being subscribing
um on YouTube if you find this valuable a lot of the content is
um you know got a lot of years of experience behind it and so we just try
to come with different topics to keep keep the ball rolling and a lot of times you'll see that
um the topics overlap but that's what business is about is a lot of of things
you do will overlap so today's topic is improving efficiency and productivity uh
I think we can talk about field and um office you know how to set up a job
properly but first off uh like I said before uh hit that like
And subscribe button do it now or else we're not going to be here next day I'm just kidding okay so
all right let's hop along guys um so you know when when I talk when I think
about efficiency and productivity I always think about planning uh I always think about setting up things to uh
succeed the best um just about anything you do you do that but often on job sites uh we I
experienced it last uh last week I was on the job site and we had guys you know a younger crew
gluing up uh some classrooms for some lvt and carpet tile
and it glue up one part at a time and wait for it to dry and glue up the next one and wait for it
to dry and working with other trades and letting other trades in the rooms and
trying to work with them to allow them and so uh we switched it up when I got on
site we got all the other trades out of there and we glued up six rooms and
um got them all installed but the the point is how you set up and play your your job
just about anything when you start talking about efficiency and productivity it requires a plan so
that's my two cents you know um I had wrote that down about the
um you know that's a simple uh example but
it's a real life one that just happened is you know how to use best set up the
job as an installer to be able to get the most productivity earn the most money and leave the the the best
impression upon the client office um my two cents there is just you know
really making sure your job sites are set up um go careers coming out with the new
feature that's going to help drastically with this I believe and that's called link and you'll be able to shoot a link
call to your video call to your superintendent make sure they walk you through the will be probably doing a
demo here on live on the podcast in the future to kind of give you an idea of what that's about so
you know inefficiencies and loss of productivity uh labors are number one or
number two uh expense and so efficiency and productivity are like the key to
profit so what's your guys's thoughts on setting up you know we got kind of this
field and office kind of dichotomy but both have their jobs to do I just want
to kind of add to what you just said because it does it does bring to the surface um
some of the issue is is having the right leadership who understands the that there is a
a process a systematic process into which everything should be installed in order for it to be profitable
um and and get some square footage down um and it almost sounds like uh there
was uh I don't know the guys but like for me I would interpret that situation that you ran into as
um a very passive crew um where they just nail on the head I'll just say
you hit the nail on the head yeah that that would be it like they don't want to ruffle feathers they don't like but at
the same time they're putting everyone else's profit and everyone else's uh dollars and cents
and and forward progress Before Their Own um and can't make up those days at the
end yeah yeah I would I would say you hit the nail on the head a passive uh we
don't want to be
some guy trying to get through a freshly brand I just put my final sweep on the
floor and they're trying to walk through and it's all caution taped off I said you can't come through here I got a job to do too uh you know starts
barking I said I get it give us a couple hours this will be ready and he just keeps going and going and going and I
was like look you're not coming through so I don't know what to tell you you're just wasting time standing here arguing with me so
you know go find something this building's huge go find something else to do for a couple hours and we'll have
you a path through here where you can walk on it right and they don't understand is you need the floor to do
the floor right and it's like so we we explain to people it's like look
like you said go find something else to do right now you can have this entire area tomorrow
but today it's mine yep yeah yeah and and convincing
um you know contractors we didn't used to have to way back in the day it was just
when the flooring guys are there it's time to get out of the way because we are the one trade that needs the entire
space we can't write a painter can paint a wall an electrician be on the other
wall uh uh uh outlet covers right behind him you
know and ceiling guy can can be up there you know work and uh not creating dust
if they're painting but you know electrician can be up in the ceiling even working as long as it's not creating a bunch of dust I mean that you
can just you're not taking up the whole Space of the qrm fluorine but that's why GCS if you're watching we want to be in
last that's why we say we're the last ones in and get try you know I find gc's
more and more often trying to shoehorn you in before they're still in Grid up and you're doing full height wall tile and
they want you to just cut it to this line and all this kind of crap it's just like just get to work in front of me and
then I'll do my job and we're more efficient we actually proved our point last week when we ended up doing
little over a thousand yards and probably 4 000 feet of base and or right
around there a bunch of transitions a bunch of three another three thousand feet of lvt on top of that in a day and
a half with six of us and they they were like well we want to do
it this way every time now and we're like that's what we've been trying to get you to get to allow us to do the
whole time is like get the entire area ready the entire Wing can be ready and
we can knock it out in a day and be in and out of your hair or you can do it
the way that you were having us do it before where in the other Wing we'd go
in and do a classroom and then jump over to the classroom across the the common area and do that one and then hip Scotch
it Hopscotch over to another you know it just that's inefficiency it is
when you're able to [Music] and they do give you more freedom more room to roam
um Team morale is actually up too because you don't have just certain stops so many different times you don't
have to uh you know you don't get like you said hop you go across the hall do another room
back and forth right instead of just progressing or go down well you got to take your tools with you they just don't
understand that I set up all over again yeah
and sometimes you're going to lose a half a day with a whole crew if you've got to go somewhere else it's
particularly true if you're in an air if you're outside you're like if you're an hour or more away if you're going to be
staying the night like I had six guys have to stay one night
away from their family for one night as opposed to one crew for
six or seven days or maybe even 10 days dinking and
dunking around and you having us do this corner and then you move your freaking
piles of ceiling tile on top of our carpet and then we get this sand and sweep and
do the other area and then you move more on there and then we you know it's just like it it's completely inefficient
what I would say for companies and I tell my managers is fight for your
efficiency fight for your company the job sites are friendly
you just have to you just cannot be a yes man if they say we want you here on the 26th doing you know this classroom
and unless they can give you one hell of a compelling reason say how about I'm there on the
30th and you have eight classrooms and then I'll come through and I'll knock
all eight of those out in the same time as it would take one when the job site's
four hours away yeah 100 yeah I mean we 've been a couple for a long until I
forgot that too is uh you know we can just as easily do you know ten thousand
square feet as we can do uh you know five thousand square feet if we have the room to roam it's we're already set up
we're already ready to rock you know we don't know starting to stop and remobilizing uh re-situating any areas
that we have set up for mixing prep material and no reasons the big thing is
prep because they did you don't realize a lot of what we do especially in the
resilient world is prep so we'll prep for four days and then we'll install
everything in one day so when you're trying to make us do that in sections it just don't work out yeah
even when you're prepping for like this was carpet tile Milliken carp towel so it doesn't have to be perfect
but you know when you're prepping for that and you're scraping and sanding and
and sweeping and uh you know clean out saw joints and
patching saw joints when you're doing all of that activity to stop wait for that to dry and then once that
dries you glue up the room and now you're waiting for that to dry for that start and stop they don't
understand how many hours that costs you
shut up that uh one little area it would have probably it probably cost
us five or six hours of man hours to do it that way comparative every day
comparative to getting in a flow and prepping all the rooms like one person is cleaning out
saw joints and vacuuming as they go and the other guys right behind them patching floors and once you get that
system going and just as soon as you're done patching your go the the first guy
is going back and grabbing the sand or hitting and if you patch it right with Corp tail you ain't got to do this but
uh going back and hitting uh you know sanding the the floors and going through
right behind that and Pat and uh uh sweeping well at the end of four hours
over all the rooms are ready compared compared to the same amount or similar amount of time and wondering so yeah
efficiencies really what I hear and what comes up a lot and you will find this I
think you guys probably already know it's communication like communicating with your GC on what you need and then
holding strong and then executing on the plan there's nothing worse than if you
say no I'm not going to be there until this day and I'll knock it out in a day
and it takes you four days still well you know they have the right to be a little upset then yeah the fact is like
you know know what you can do and and proper planning and proper communication
because you guys just said it you know you got to talk to the GCE
and it's just understanding I think there's a there's a longer list
of what not to say right you know not to approach it than there is to as far as what to say and
I think with a little bit of practice anybody can uh can get to that point where they're just
you uh under promise over delivered and that's that's another thing too is that
that helps yeah the job's set up so you you use some mechanism to make
sure that you go go to the job site or you you discuss and make sure the area is ready and your crew shows up and
there's ample space most good flooring companies are going to really surprise you with how much can
be done if you give them the area and the the the
cooperation of getting stuff out of the way helping to uh maintain traffic
because that's another big piece that we always have to fight is traffic uh but
then you know you'll get a lot of floors down in a short amount of time most most of the time what's your uh I do have a
question for you guys what's your approach on say uh do you guys do Residential remodels or
new just new residential only remodels only remodels that's probably a little
easier when you're just dealing with the homeowner but what are some some um you know best practices there guys
for for our residential uh audience get all your ducks in a row
don't uh if if you have an installation background then you might have a little
more information to pass on to the the homeowner right but but do not speak for the installer unless you know for sure
you guys are installing in the same exact uh method oh because I from start to
finish might be a little bit different than Daniel and we might be different than you and I don't want to over speak
um so um doing your best to not give false expectations are we talking we're
talking about salesman here from a retail place or something salesman yeah and that's only because we've been in
the situation before when they're like well they said that you guys were going to start over here and it's like why
would anyone ever start in this back room right here it's hard to closet yeah
start your closet so I can put all my coats back that's a real thing
um I would say that that would would help with um efficiency is a where I was going
with that was setting expectations right uh don't don't set the wrong expectations and be
thorough and don't be afraid to say I'll have to get with the installer or
if you are the installer and you're selling the job and that's what you're doing then just make sure you're not over speaking don't don't make a promise
that you don't know you can keep yet I agree any other residential we do now
we only do I shouldn't say only 99 of the residential we do which is pretty small
amount overall um is is new uh or near new
um doing a house for a guy where I had to go in and finish up some work for another company
um a good a good buddy of mine that you know built the Big O house and stuff
didn't get done right and he asked me to help him get it finished so the
the best thing I can say that from my experience is to let them know that
you know it not kind of like what you said earlier Jose not over promise with
a homeowner because that it's so they only have a few days construction sites one is one thing I I say don't do that
on construction sites either but when you're only going to be on a job for two or three days you know doing
somebody's kitchen or somebody re-corping in someone's house or some new vinyl in the laundry room or
whatever when you're only going to be there for a short time if you if one day turns into two well you just doubled the
time you know and yeah double the Homeowner's uh exposure to the whole uh
flooring replacement and it's it's a disruptive deal to have your flooring replaced because you got to move everything it's not like you can just
throw plastic over it and paint the walls you know it's like everything's got to be moved out
oh good communication again it goes back to communicating well with the person who's
receiving the service you're right about those curveballs too because we just actually had an instance like that where
um the installer had a death in the family and had to deal with a couple things and just like he was like hey let
me push it back a day and then it turned to two days and it's like just take care of what you got to take
care of we'll get it covered right it instead of pushing it back and costing
the the client an extra couple days because they had to get a pod unloaded they were moving from out of state they
were on a time frame that like a deadline and we we had to figure it out on our end
and we did it did cost us an extra day for us to go in there because it was kind of a you know curveball but um we
were able to to make it happen that's what I think you have to realize in residential too is that like they
weren't living in there yet but most the time they are and they're taking off days of work in order to be there
because I mean that's that's our whole world in that house so they're not trying to have
anyone in there messing with anything that that they don't want them to so they want to be present
yeah and those days off are important to people I mean just think of yourself when you take a day off you know to do
something and it doesn't happen I mean it's it's it's disruptive so trying to hit those days kudos to you guys one of
the reasons we don't do much residential is uh we're just not
we haven't taken the time to get good enough at at really approaching it to where we don't disrupt the homeowner uh
I know it's a good business but we we just have not found the best way so maybe we're just too commercially minded
but most of our residential yeah you guys have pulled it off though can we
just deal with it like you know sometimes you just gotta roll
with the punches man that's it that's all we can do well the I I would say the the one thing
I always remind people is like I don't want to rush through this to get you done on
time in the in the time frames the times we have been doing residential jobs and
not being able to get done in time you're going to be living with this floor for a long time I don't want five
hours of extra time I could get out of here and leave yet but I want this to last for you I want this to be beautiful
and you look at it and you know kind of show them the vision of it once it's done through the words of you know just
through communication um yeah I I I'll sacrifice an extra five
hours tomorrow uh to get this done right because I don't want to I don't want to have any you know problems long-term
problems there's 100 percent so again communication so you know
efficiency is all about productivity or you know leads up it's kind of like I
view it as like the building blocks of productivity if you're efficient you should be productive not always but uh
for the most part it's going to improve your productivity um as Subs we you know when I subbed it
was the number one thing I concerned myself with going to a job I mean I did a lot of planning as I said ahead of
time asking questions and discussing the project with my you know client whoever
I was working for because I wanted to go in and like I was kind of considered a
jerk because I didn't talk a lot I was just like I'm here to work I can't even
imagine that I can't even imagine that well it was just a different time and
and uh frankly I had a the child very well and I just you know
I had to get her to appointments all the time and it was all about just kidding get my work done and I was just one
track minded um but outside that it's you know it's
the only way you can really it's the easiest way you can impact your bottom line as an installer is by increasing
your efficiency and your productivity unless you're supplying materials which most installers you know maybe Supply
some stuff but not the bulk of the materials I do I do know there's some you know there's
installer is going to pick it up and take it to the house and do the job if that's the case
your number one cost is your labor your your personal time as well as you have
helping you uh so just this can can make a big impact on your on your bottom line
if you listen to some of these things and really communicate well and may plan
for your job don't just show up to the job with no idea make sure you have the right equipment make sure you have the
right you know tools and materials and check all that when you get there because who wants to get halfway you
know through the job start unpacking stuff just to find out it's not the right material so right you know or the
right equipment um so one of the things that we started doing early on too was
like you said asking questions
this is all stuff that like if I go look at a project I'm going to test the rip on a commercial job I'm gonna I want to
know uh how hard is it what equipment am I going to need am I on the first floor uh upper levels what is the capacity of
the elevator do I have a a dedicated elevator where can the dumpster be put like all of this has you know it all
ties into the efficiency thing so that way I know who what uh and when I can
plug it in to maximize efficiency and doing all of that as a labor only
actually helped us become better um when we got into the sales portion because now we're looking at just we're
looking at way more than one aspect right because if you can maximize on the labor portion and then and and then do
your best to be efficient on uh the sales portion you're going to maximize your profitability uh with both of those
areas combined and that's really what I mean you're going to practice until
you figure that out man it's gonna you're gonna evolve right but you gotta you gotta put for some effort into
all of the details the details are very important for efficiency yeah yeah so communication those details like
you said where the dumpster sets is even an important one especially on your larger if you're on a larger job site
even if it's a house the dumpster's freaking 100 yards away you better be thinking about that when you're planning
your your installation I mean it's going to be a hold just to get your trash thrown away we've put that a lot
on Commercial sites where the dumpsters you know good 100 yards away from the building or you know at the other end of
the building or something you're tearing up a bunch of BCT and they give you a dumpster that's got six
foot walls but you got to get the VCT in there and they already loaded some of it you know now you're
yeah pulling up trash cans like this just so that way you can lift and dump if they don't have a way to put in a
bucket and a sky track so there's a there's all that like I don't know live and learn I guess that's like hey I
don't want anything higher than four feet you know or make friends with the uh make friends with the other trades
too because they're typically the ones with the uniloders and lulls on job sites that'll help you get your
materials off but a bottle of crowns went a long way in the past together or
pizza pizza or Donuts 30 pounds yeah yeah just take care of each other out
there and usually it's good to do it before you ask the favors just say hey look I got everybody this hey who are you for
the floor guys we're now starting till you know next week and then they right away they already like your crew because hey your your
boss bottles Donuts what they don't even buy us Donuts yeah the the
talk about efficiency not not much more savings on efficiency than than
you know fork and a pallet of carpet tile off a job instead of uh hand
unloading it my brother has his dog here and he keeps on farting dude
I was gonna ask if your brother was letting loose or what yeah
he keeps on farting right well um
uh the systematic approach to things to maximize your labor and maximize uh your
productivity I wrote down you know with most jobs if you nickel and dime a job
that's got a penny budget you're gonna you're setting yourself up for failure right so like you got to get in and not
nickel and dime a project around um so again that goes back to
communication and good quality uh information from you and and talking to
people um the setting up of tools and things like that
the crews that we see be the most successful either have a major rig that
has just about everything you can think of in it or they're very
um meticulous in what they put in their Vans or their their vehicles when they
know they're going to do a job and of course all over the crews we work with are our go career
and I'm I've started in my detail area even putting equipment like required
equipment stuff I know you're going to have to have right like if it's a hard
rip and I will put on there you know either right on demo carpet pool or
something you better take something little Eddie's thumping because it's gonna be a bear you know so I'm trying
to communicate that to the cruise better that's how we can get continue to get better as a company we're not great
um at that even I'd say we're good but we can become better uh at at trying to
make sure that we're communicating the information of the job site to the installer before they get there
installer has a listen though because there's been plenty of times where we're out there in the warehouse and we're
like hey make sure you take this and then we get a call like an hour later hey we forgot to grab that I literally
told you right before you left not to forget it yeah we're all on the same team guys help us out
well um sorry go ahead what's that I was like a
part of that is in the morning you know people want to socialize in the morning while they're getting ready so they start talking about what they did
over the weekend and you know things get missed if they're in conversation and I know that that's what some of that is and you don't ever want to be the guy
just like stop talking about your life get your get everything together then you'll have time you know you don't want
to be that guy but um guys pay attention yeah I just um you know I know a lot of
our guys will go out and I'll go out in the warehouse and guys are loading up if they're loading up for a job for me and
they're out there cheater chatting I get it but I'll still say hey you got all the equipment you need you get
everything that you need for this job on the truck you know I have a nice little note in
the bottom of all the work order it says do you have everything you need question mark but I have like items items you
might need you know and then additional notes on top of that I I never had any of that
so I try to incorporate that and make it easier does it happen on every project no it don't but like for the ones that I
have all the information for yes it does yeah we just got you know continue to get better I mean if you were perfect at
everything um you know we wouldn't need to have this podcast right yeah we wouldn't have much to talk
about on this podcast you just be like well I'm great at this I don't know about it
perfect mine too until next week adios so
um the bottom line guys is and I think we can
you know the overall um discussion topic being efficiency and
productivity overall go into the job thinking about it that's what I would tell you go in thinking about how can I
be the most efficient um I I tell people all the time I'm not the you know I considered myself pretty
fast installer good quality fast installer it's not because I cut in
faster than the other guy it's not because I can run a row faster or cut
down a straight edge faster it's because of the way you set the job up to yeah as
soon as I'm done with one thing I know exactly what I'm going to to do like
there's no missed beats you go from this to this and you just Contin if you work
and don't stop moving for eight hours you're going to get a lot of done and it's it's more about the system
systematic planning and setup of the job more so than the you know ripping down a
wall cutting all fast I mean it's not why uh some crews are faster than others most the time it's just approaching it
from a systematic standpoint and they know what they need to get done you know yeah to keep everything moving so that
you're not wait I I hate waiting on something to dry if I'm waiting on something to dry I planned incorrectly
something should be drying while I'm doing something else or or while you're on lunch
something like at the end of the day you ought to
have patch on the floor somewhere before you leave or something especially you know on bigger job sites so you come in
the next day and you're not waiting for patch to dry it saves four hours tomorrow man like
people don't understand that and it's hard it's hard to
is that for everyone to share that mindset right because everyone's like oh man it's you know we're seven hours
seven and a half hours right now we're a half hour from eight hours let me just dink around for the last half hour and do something instead of saying you know
what I just work an extra half hour work eight and a half hours or nine hours today that means I can say you know four
guys times an hour tomorrow morning you know we can probably bang this job out in a half day on Friday and then
I'll be out early on a Friday instead of working and well it's so much more enjoyable I I gotta you know it's so
much more enjoyable to to work it when things are like moving in the right
um sequence I mean we sometimes you can't help it and you have to go out of sequence and it it's no fun I mean
plenty plenty of times but it's it's not it's not as enjoyable as getting in and the
things running the way they they should run and I I'd say to bring up mindset maybe
that's the key is like installers you need to understand that
you're healthy you're part of the team your trade partner we we say that term a lot Daniel you know has has really uh
used that term on this podcast a lot I've adopted it and stole it and trade
parts because you're a partner it means you're you're helping to get to the end result and not you're not a child you're
not an employee especially you know obviously I'm talking about Subs you're if you're a sub you're a trade partner
be a partner adopt the mindset of efficiency and productivity
your team member you're a member of the team is still the same same concept it's just you just have a different label
you're that's really it um yeah it's just the only reason I don't always lump them together is
um often you know our equipment manager is checking out all the equipment to them and they get it for free out of the
you know they they have all their equipment and stuff supplied for them so uh you know what we have found is
sometimes with Subs if they don't have one they they think they can oh I'll I'll figure it out well
figuring things out on a job site like figuring out how to get carpet that's a
hard rip up yeah you can cut it in three inch strips and rip it up by hand and take twice as long
or if you don't have the equipment and you have a work order and you've had
that work order for more than a day you ought to stop by Home Depot and pick up a little Eddie at least or come in and
rent one from us or go buy one like there's there's multiple ways to
plan and it I think the key is like adopting that mindset of go into it thinking how can I be as
productive and efficient on this job as possible I I think just thinking that way by
itself could help um you know a lot of subcontractors out really well I mean the reason I was able
to build a company off of being a sub and change from being a sub and then start selling materials because I did
make a lot of money subbing I made a lot of money subbing and I was very responsible with the money and put all
the money back and we've had previous podcasts on financial responsibility as
an installer but if you want to have a prosperous life you you first off make sure you're
getting paid what you should get paid for you know what you should but then after that like efficiency making sure
you have profitable that you're profitable and then being responsible with that profit you'll go buy a
Mercedes-Benz go buy a new ride on demo machine you know
um but you're forever gonna be rolling money right back into it right because because you're going to find new ways of
them um like if you're me you think that if you just bought something 10 years ago you just bought it but if you're dealing
you understand that wear and tear is like hey like we're gonna have to re-up on right like I can't believe we got to
change these vacuum filters that we bought the Vacuums in 2017.
yeah I'm really I'm really bad with that but you know because it it's still fresh on the mind like you know like we just
bought these we bought it like it's still brand new I I grew up using hand-me-down tools
um that lasted forever and now we got equipment that doesn't last a year without it breaking down or or needing
some kind of major maintenance so it's just like when that happens it's like what really already like well that
brings up that brings up a good another good point make sure your equipment's in good working order yeah even we have had
a problem with that like we'll tag it and we have the system and then it gets tagged but then gets put back in the
equipment room and then checked out to someone they don't notice the red tag and it doesn't work and you're out on
the job site they the sub rented a sander from us but grab the one that's
you know got the the pins sheared off uh the the safety
pin thing is shared off we got to put a new one in
there I don't I mean like all that costs time and money that nobody needs to be spending so check your equipment make
sure it's in good working order and keeping it in good working orders best best way to be able to just go grab a
piece and and uh Rock just so you know for future reference that little uh that
little connector the sherpen he's talking about they do make them in strictly alloy they're not covered in
plastic or hardened they only make those for their extreme machine the LA ones well I'm pretty sure you know somebody with a CNC machine get a strong one just
be careful with your wrists yeah be careful what you hit it's fine with your sander not so great
with the the scrape away ahead and a good screw in the in the or a good nail
in the concrete all right well I think we've uh you know again it's a it's a I think a
reiteration of some big common practices which is communication
and planning uh but hopefully you guys picked up some gyms here uh
if nothing else just start thinking about it think about efficiency productivity how can I be as efficient
productive today as possible wake up in the morning think that way get to the you know review your work orders if your
company gives you you know paperwork orders that's fine just review them ahead of time see if you can get them in
time to where you can properly plan um and you know if the company won't
give them to you then you know you got that's that's a little outside maybe you can have a conversation but knowing what
you're getting into before the day you start is probably best practice and then actually look at them consider what
because the company giving you a work order is just a labor work order uh like I said I've started to put
stop plan it out in your head on how you're
going to be the most productive in the day and and watch how it changes your business I promise you you'll make more
money uh if you approach it this way and you'll be more efficient and everybody
will be happier that's my opinion foreign yeah actually pay attention to it
because we we do the same thing he's rolled down there you know we got one of the older National 5700 which is blue
and then the new ones are gray he's like take the machine and then you walk out to the warehouse they already left
and the blue machine is gone now it's like they're they're different the battery has different capacity you know
so yeah uh rougher rip you gotta take the one that's gonna last longer it's
got a little more weight too and then and then I call and it's like hey why'd you guys take this machine oh whoa by
the time we looked at the work order we already had this one on the forklift so that's just the one that we took anyways
again look at your work order as early as you can so you can plan around
and ask questions like that's the other thing sometimes the company isn't as
thorough as they probably should be I know we failed there sometimes ask questions
um if you're on go career throw it in the chat if you work for me and you're listening to this uh or work with me I
should say throw down the work order chat hey man is this carpet gonna be a bear hey have
you tested this or is the job site ready like just communicate back and forth
and I think that there's there is definitely a little uh a larger window for commercial
um to have all those ducks in a row versus some of the residential where it's they shop they want it done they
find something they love and you're there you know within within a week or sometimes a couple days or sometimes the
next day um you know so you they're do you have a little more time to get
the right information in place especially for a large commercial job a large a lot of moving Parts yeah
Haley yep there's the skill to it so all right well gentlemen thanks again
appreciate everything every single week you guys being here um
looks like we got some guests coming on next week I believe uh gonna be discussing unit unifying the
flooring industry from uh you know a few different guests a few
different parts of the industry and continue the conversation from a big perspective of what we really uh care
about here on the Huddle these guys as much as anybody is improving our industry and seeing how
we can continue to kind of mend some of the Terrors that have happened over the last you know a couple of decades and
and uh hopefully push forward to a brighter future for everybody involved because
you look at the industry as a whole right we're all on the same team but everyone is so segregated into their
own markets that it's it's hard to pull together and
we I think we first realized that the first time we went to services and it's like man like this is an issue
but no one really talks about it and everyone is fine with hating everyone else because
you know if you're a flooring installer you're automatically the best person in the world yeah you're the best at what
you do hey I can learn a lot from everybody out there man I'd love to hear from everybody um yeah well I think we've all said
every week like reach out if you have any problems uh if you just want to talk
about your business there's been several guys have reached out on to me on Facebook messenger and I've helped them
out on you know uh a lot of times it's systems and
processes um that I help with but you know we're all in this together we're all here to
try to uh you know improve the industry overall here's our mascot this is the
good old farting dog oh gassy Bruce hi buddy
all right gentlemen well thank you so much for joining me this week um and we will see you guys next week
in between have a successful uh go at it and uh we look forward to chatting with you
next next Tuesday sounds good thank you see ya all right see you guys see everyone thank you bye